HomeMy WebLinkAbout1930-11-03 M I N U T E S
City Hall, Monday Nov 3rd, 1930
' The regular meeting of the Council was called to order by
Mayor Bowen;
Councilmen present; Bowen, Butcher, Conrad, Stevens ,. King.
Councilmen absent ; None
Minutes On motion by Conrad seconded by Butcher, Minutes of meeting
held on October 6th and 27th were approved.
City Treasurer, Joseph .Vavra appeared before the Council and
recommended that the Council provide insurance covering the return
Insurance on
Bonds and safe keeping of city owned bonds and bonds put. up by the banks
as collateral for deposits. On motion by Conrad seconded by Butcher
the City Clerk was directed to secure premium costs of such insurance
and submit to the Council at next meeting.
Wm Curnutt of the American Legion post and Engineer Rosson in-
formed the Council that plans and specifications for remodeling the
addition City Auditorium were being prepared in a satisfactory manner by
Schillina, and Schilling, and that minor changes were being made to the
satisfaction of the Legion members.
On motion by Stevens seconded by Butcher the Council voted un-
animously to engage the services of Schilling & Schilling of Long
Proposed reconstruction of the ,
Beach as architects- in the/City Auditorium into a memorial hall. Their
compensation to be six (6%) percent of the aggregate of the contracts
exclusive of furnishings , and that the agreement be %n accordance with
the standard form provided by the American Institute of Architects .
Motion also provided that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to
' execute the contract on behalf of the City of Huntington Beach.
On motion by King seconded by Butcher, Schilling & Schilling of
Long Beach were employed as architects and the City Clerk directed to
notify them to proceed with plans and specifications under the
direction of the City Engineer.
The request of the Long Beach Chapter of Disabled Veterans to
Long Beach
disabled sell For-get-me-nots on the streets of Huntington Beach on Armistice
Day was referred to the Chief of police.
Engineer Rosson informed the Council that pier reconstruction
Pier would be completed by Wednesday Nov 5th, and that the work of extension
would probably be completed by the first of February 1931.
The matter of permit to operate tram on the new pier by Mr
Pier Tram
Cusolito was referred to Attorney Blodget to prepare contract.
Attorney Blodget informed the Council that he had received a
Pig-wag letter from the Railroad Commission to the effect ,.that they did not
believe a wig-wag was necessary at the SP and PE crossing over
Ocean Ave east of 1st street.
City Water Councilman Butcher reported that tests were being made of the
Cityls drinking water , and that same showed the water to be free
from germs.
Attorney Blodget reporting on the progress of the beach front .�
Beach Front suit, informed the Council that he appeared before the San Diego
s ui t
County Court on Monday Oct 27th, and that the Court ruled that
the City Attorney set up in exact words the exact use to which the
beach had beetr-,used. Mr Blodget stated that he was amending the
complaint and that same in amended form would be filed with the
Court in a few days.
On motion by Butcher seconded by King monthly reports of the
Reports City Treasurer, City Clerk, Chief of Police, City Judge and City
Engineer were accepted and ordered filed.
Tax Delinquents The Clerk was directed to compile and submit to the Council a
list of properties upon which taxes were filve years and more delinquent.
Street Lights Engineer Rosson submitted tentative plan for'Nlighting portions of
East side '
9th street and the east side. Same were referrel'�o the Streets
Committee for report at next meeting.
The Hunt-n ton Beach Horse Show Club filed request for im- J
Horse Shoe g q
Club provements in Block 505. The request was referred to the Streets and
Parks Committee for report..
Bond The Bond of Thomas Haverty Co . , plumbers was accepted on motion
by Butcher seconded by King.
On motion by King seconded by Stevens the building permit fee of
$9. 50 charged the High School plunge contractors was ordered refunded.
Mayor Bowen reported that the llth street extension to the beach
y lth St
has been closed by the Standard Oil Co. In discussing the matter
obstructed '
Engineer Rosson stated that no "Private Way" signs have been posted the
past four years. Councilman Stevens said none had been posted the past
11 years , Councilman Conrad said none posted the past 14 years. H P y
Lotz said none posted during the past 7 years.
.On motion by King seconded by Butcher the City Attorney was
• l
directed to notify the Standard Oil Company to remove the obstruction
immediately, and that 5 days be given them to- do e.o before taking
further action.
press-Telegram On motion by Conrad seconded by Butcher the Council voted to
Advertising �
contract for one-half page advertising in the Press-Telegram annual
edition at the rate of not to exceed $225.00.
• T
On motion by Butcher seconded by King,' �the City Clerk was
House authorized to employ R C Patton and R A Chaffee to copy from
County records description of all buildings in the City limits
for assessment records at a cost not to exceed $300.00
Demands approved by the Finance Committee were approved and
1 Demands
ordered paid on motion by Stevens seconded by King.
On motion by King seconded by Conrad, the Chief of Police was
Slow Signs directed to have slow signs installed on both sides of ,Orange
Avenue under directions of the Street Committee of the Council.
The Council adjourned until Monday Oct 17th, 7:30 PM, on
motion by Butcher seconded by Stevens.
City Clerk and Ex-Officio Clerk
of the C' Council .
1_ President of the Council.
AT S ,
City Clerk.