HomeMy WebLinkAbout1931-03-09a Bowen absent Conrad Chairman Fire Ins painting City Auditorium M I N U T E S City Hall Monday March 9th, 1931 Pursuant to adjournment of March 2nd, 1931, the Council met and was called to order at 7:30 PM. Councilmen present: Butcher, Conrad, Stevens, King, Councilmen absent: Bowen, Mayor Bowen being absent on account of illness, the Council appointed Councilman Conrad Chairman pro tem. The City Clerk informed the Council that a plan of group fire insurance for the city buildings was being worked up and would be ready to present for the Council's consideration at the April meeting. Upon recommendation of Schilling and Schilling architects and Engineer Rosson the contract for painting the Memorial Hall was awarded to C M Deakins and W R Higgins at their joint bid of $1,937.00 and all other bids rejected. This on motion by Stevens seconded by King. On motion by King seconded by,Butcher the Council voted to Horseshoe Club Building erect the Horsesho-e Club building on the site originally selected. Henry Wirth Assistant Street Supt. reported the demolition Derrick by the Street Dept. of derrick located on lots 16,18 Block 813.'- demolished 16,18 B1 813 Following motion by King seconded by Butcher: 'That the City Council finding that derrick located on lots 13,14,15 Block 813 Derrick k W p Tract, constitutes.a public nuisance, it therefore -orders, 13,14,15 B1 813 that same be summarily abated' Motion put and carried unanimously, by the following vote: Ayes Councilmen Butcher, Stevens, King, Conrad Noes Councilmen None Absent Councilman Bowen. The Clerk presented and read resolution No 640 weed cleaning, Reso. 640 and on motion by Stevens, seconded by King, Resolution No 640 was Peed Cleaning passed and adopted by the following vote: Ayes Councilmen Butcher, Stevens, King, Conrad, Noes Councilmen None Absent Councilman Bowen. ° The date set for hearing protests against Resolution 640 was set Protest date Apl 6th by the Council. for April 6th, 1931, at the hour of 7:30 PM. Frankfort cut-off No action on matter of Frankfort Street cut-off. On motion by King seconded by Stevens the License Department was License authorized to issue Junk Collectors license to the .Five points Junk and Sales Company. >- 1 1 �Plx__a 2 - lY)1 Nis Ma eeH 9, 19.�l The "Clerk read a letter from Everet_G Ford protesting against Joliet St opening the opening of Joliet Street, but offering to withdraw his objection provided the City would purchase from him a strip 30 feet wide by 100 feet long, the necessary ground for widening, at his -price of $500.00 cash. Matter referred to the Streets and Parks Committee. In the absence of Mayor Bowen, Chairman Conrad appointed Finance Committee Councilman King on the Finance Committee. Attorney Blodget informed the Council that Senator Nels Edwards was favorable to Senate Bills 52 and 53, also that Assemblyman Ted Senate Bills 52 & 53 Craig signified his willingness to give the matter his consideration. The Clerk read a letter from the League of Municipalities Senate Bills relative to Senate -Bills 526, 527 and 573, in which it is proposed 526,527;573,386 to require all cities to turn over all court fines to the County for its benefit and revenue. Senate Bill 386 provides that all major highways forming a part of the State highways running through cities become a part of the State highway expense of repair and upkeep. It was the opinion of -the Councilmen that the first named 526, 527 and 573 should be opposed and that No 386 be supported. Referred to The matter was referred to Attorney Blodget for investigation Atty Blodget with the request that he communicate directly with the League of r Municipalities and with State representatives and report back to the Council at next meeting. This on motion by Butcher seconded by Stevens. The request of the Night Base Ball Committee for new and Ball Park better lighting on the ball park was ref erred,to the Music and lighting Promotion Committee. The request of the Boy, -Scouts for additional lighting on llth Scout Cabin and Lake lights Street/park was referred to Henry Wirth for report. On motion by King seconded by Butcher the Surety Bonds of Bonds Robertson Electric Company and the Superior Oil Company for engaging in the Electrical Contracting business was approved. The application.of Jack R Lucas and Maurice Eckert for Cafe Bldg. permits permission to construct restaurant buildings in the oil field a were ref erred to the Building Inspector Rosson and Chief of Police Steward for their recommendations at next meeting. The application of W F Baldwin Oil Company to erect one Tents large and five small tents on Blocks 1807 and 1907 was referred back to the Building Inspector for him to ascertain -1:f adequate accomodations had been made for public toilets and sanitation. The Clerk was also directed to write the applicants directing their attention to the above matters. 32 VaGP S - M//V UTP_ S MaR�et 9, /179/ Wheeler Cafe Pier pump House License Pier Watchmm Reports .Golf Park Adv L B Sun. 0 Demands Memorial Hall extras On motion by King seconded by Butcher the application of Ross Wheeler to operate.lunch room on Olive between 15th and 16th _was approved. The Clerk read a letter relative to repairs and. changes in the Huntington Beach Companyls_pump house located on the Municipal Pier. The letter was signed by Manager Lawshe and gives the City permission to make certain changes under super- vision of the owner and at the expense of the City. Matter referred to the Beach and Pier Committee. Application of Nellie E Marshall for renewal of lunch stand license located on the Sea Breeze camp grounds was approved on motion by Butcher seconded by King. The application of F H Lyons for position of pier care taker was referred to the Beach and Pier Committee.. The Clerk read monthly reports for month of February of the Chief of Police, City Judge, City Engineer, City Clerk and City Treasurer,.and on motion by Butcher seconded by King same were accepted and ordered filed. The matter of expense of improvement df the Community Golf Course was discussed. Mr Walter Thompson appeared before the Council and asked that the City assist in the continuance and upkeep of the course for the reason that it was a great advertising asset for the.City. Matter referred to the Finance Committee. On motion by King seconded by Butcher the matter of advertising in the L B Sun was referred to the Music & Promotion Committee with power to act. Cost not to exceed $126.00 for one-half page in the annual edition. On motion by Stevens seconded by Butcher demands approved by the Finance Committee were ordered paid. The Clerk read a letter from W J Esser recommending that trusses on Auditorium be repaired and that a new roof be laid' at a cost not to exceed $525.00. 'Elvis recommendation was approved by Arb.hitect Schilling and Engineer Rosson. On motion by King seconded by Stevens the Engineer was directed to order the work done under the general contract extras. On motion by King seconded by Butcher the firm of Pier structures Schilling and Schilling were authorized to proceed with plans and specifications for improving structures on the pier at subst� ttec tees One and Three as per their sketbhes previously/ o t e Council. On motion by King secon d. TTE City �itv U_LdZKMayor he Council adjourned.. LI o Clerk of Council e.uouncii Pro—tem. I-- 1 �;n