HomeMy WebLinkAbout1931-04-27--1 1 M I N U T E S City Hall, Monday April 27th2 1931. Pursuant to.adjournment of April 14th the Council was called to order at 7:30 PM - Councilmen presefit; Butcher, Conrad, Stevens, King, Councilmen absent; None (Councilman Bowen resigned) Butcher On motion by King seconded by Stevens, Councilman Butcher was Chairman pro -tern appointed Chairman pro-tem.' Chairman Butcher informed the Council that nominations for a J. Ed Huston Councilman to fill the vacancy made by the resignation of Councilman appointed Councilman Bowen, were in order, whereupon, on motion by Conrad seconded by Stevens, J Edward Huston was nominated. There being no other names offered the nominations were closed and Mr Huston was unanimously elected City Councilman by the following vote; Ayes Councilmen; Conrad, Stevens, King, Butcher, Noes Councilmen; None The Clerk then administered the oath of office and Councilman Huston took his seat at the Council table. On motion'by King seconded by Huston, Councilman E1son G Conrad Permanent Chairman was unanimously elected Mayor and President of the Council to fill the vacancy made by the resignation of Mayor Bowen, whereupon - Chairman pro-tem Butcher delivered the oavel'to the newly elected president. ' This being the time set for opening and examining bids for Bids on ' nstruction of five recreational buildings on the Municipal pier structures the co Pier, the Clerk opened and read the following bids; Harry Friedman, Q10; Test Vernon Ave., Los Angeles, Complete structures------------------------------ $ 19,630.00 Alternate No 1 deduct --------------------- $2000.00 Alternate No 2 add---------------- 3500.00 Alternate No 3'add----------------------- 3500.00 Alternate No 4 No bid Alternate No 5 deduct-------------------- 1300.00 Alternate No 6 deduct-------------------- 2800.00 Alternate No,7 deduct-------------------- 1000.00 Alternate No'8 add----------------------- 100.00 Alternate No 9 deduct-------------------- 300.00 Certified check in the amount of ,,$2000.00 accompanied the bid. 4V J Esser, 3711 Ceritos Ave., Long Beach, Calif. 1- Complete structures------------------------------- 21,880.00�1�50.00 Alternate No 1 deduct-------------------- Alternate No 2 no bid Alternate No 3 no bid Alternate No 4 add----------------------- 3150.00 Alternate No 5 deduct-------------------- 1355.00 Alternate No 6 deduct-------------------- 2500.00 Alternate No 7 deduct-------------------- 1000.00 Alternate No 8 add----------------------- 125.00 Alternate No 9 deduct-------------------- 480.00 Bidders bond in the sum of t�2500.00 accompanied the bid. 44 J L PELKEY, Complete structures ------------------------------- Alternate No 1 deduct ------------------ $3,340.00 Alternate No 2 add--------------------- 2,420.00 Alternate No 3 add--------------------- 2,816.00 Alternate No 4 add ---------------------- 32083.00 Alternate No 5 deduct------------------ 2,570.00 Alternate No 6 deduct ------------------- 3,229.00 Alternate No 7 deduct------------------ 3,457.00 Alternate No 8 add--------------------- 125.00 Bidder's bond in the amount of $2,500.00 accompanied the bid. CATCHING'BROS. Huntington Beelch, Calif. $22,220.00 Complete structures------------------------------- $22,550.00 No alternate bids Certified check in the amount of $2,300.00 accompanied bid. 0 T MOORE, 949 Highland St., Santa Ana, Calif. Complete structures ---------------- ----------- ---- $24,360.00 Alternate No 1 deduct ------------------ $2,500.00 Alternate No 2 add--------------------- 22620.00 Alternate No 3 add--------------------- 32016.00 Alternate No 4 add--------------------- 4,370.00 Alternate No 5 deduct ----- =------------ 1,429.00 Alternate No 6 deduct-----------=------ 2,900.00 Alterna-ce No 7 deduct------------------ 2,000.00 Alternate No 8 a.dd--------------------- 100.00 Cashierls check in the amount of $2,500 accompanied the bid. J D SHERER & SON Complete structures------------------------- ---- $20,943.00 Alternate No 1 deduct -------- ---------- $22957.00 Alternate No 2 add--------------------- 32135.00 Alternate No 3 add--------------------- 2,616.00 Alternate No 4 add--------------------- 32675.00 Alternate No 5 deduct------------------ 2,201.00 Alternate No 6 deduct ----------------- 155.00 Alternate No 7 deduct------------------- 1,294.00 Alternate No 8 add--------------------- 67.00 Alternate No 9 deduct ------------- =---- 534.00 Bidder's bond in the amount.of $2,500 accompanied the bid. NEAD CONSTRUCTION CO., Rm 1, 809 Avalon Blvd. Wilmington, Calif. Complete structures------=-------------------------$212940.00 Alternate No._1 deduct ------------------ 03,000.00 Alternate^No :2;3- 4 and-8---ne--bid Alternate No 5 deduct------------------ 2,400.00 Alternate No 6 deduct------------- 000.00 Alternate'No 7 deduct------------------ 2:184.00 Bidder's bond in the amount of $2,200.00 accompanied the bid. The President of the Council referred the bids to the Architects and to the Engineering Department for analysis and report at next meeting of -the Council. This being the date set for opening and examining Chairs bids for furnishing the City Auditorium with 400 metal folding chairs and 50 metal, folding card tables, the Clerk opened and read the following bids-1 BARKR BR05, Los Angeles, Calif. 400 No 500 Viking chairs 400 No 1000 " " 50 No 22 Tables 50 No 3737 " EACH $ 3.75 2.95 2.34 4.00 1 1- 1 ­r I w REmINGTON RAND BUSINESSS SERVICE INC. 1200 S Grand Ave. L. A. Each 400 No 30 chairs Green 1.46 -� 400 No 30 color optional 2.10 400 No 50 chairs 2.95 50 No 410 card tables - 4.72 RALPH E PIERCE CO., 5652 Wilshire, Los Angeles, 400 NO 22640 chairs 3.00 50 No 22575 tables 5.85 50 No 22700 tables 4.85 THE E P WOOD CO., 823 Nest 5th St. Los Angeles, Calif. 400 Royal No 10 chairs 3.30 400 Royal No 11 chairs 3.60 BROADWAY DEPT STORE INC. 4th & Broadway, Los Angeles, 400 No 1 Simmons chairs .17.75 Doz. 400 No 2 �� : �� 37.95 50 No 1 tables 5.20 each 50 N:o 2 6.35 each LYON METAL PRODUCTS INC. 3650 Union Pacific Ave. L. A. 400 Lyon non -upholstered chairs 2.08 400 Lyon full -upholstered chairs 3.11 400 Lyon non -upholstered arm chairs 3.17 400 Lyon semi -upholstered arm chairs 3.78 400 Lyon full -upholstered chairs 4.10 50 Type B Steel card tables 8.70 50 Typ e'C Steel card tables 6.20 ^� SPINNER-DEIST•CORP. 631 S Spring St. Los Angeles, '400 Peabody No 40 chairs 2.45 50 "Bridgebilt° tables 4.45 TIERNAN TYPEWRITER CO, Santa Ana, Calif. 400 metal chairs 3.00 50 folding card tables 4.50 AMERICAN SEATING COMPANY, 1630 W Washington Blvd. L. A. 400 No 535 chairs 2.95 400 same upholstered 3•4-0 Rubber feet replacements 5 cents each CLARIN MFG. CO. 346 I W Hellman Bldg. Los Angeles, 400 No 318 Clarin chairs 3.59 400 No 418 u n 4.23 The Chaim referred all bids on chairs and tables to the City Clerk for analysis and report at next meeting.. The Clerk read a proposal from L A Wells to paint Horseshoe Bldg -Horseshoe Club buildings for the sum of $ 26.20. Matter painting referred to St Supt. Wirth. A Petition signed by a nuimber of business houses 2 hour parking petition was referred to Streets and Parks Committee. The application of H•S Fisher to conduct boarding License house at 309 - 5th St was on motion by Stevens seconded by Butcher approved. A petition signed by a number of residen-ts requesting the C F Cooley Council to find employment for C F Cooley disabled carpenter, J disabled injured while in the city employ was referred Go Streets and Parks Committee on motion by King seconded. by Butcher. 46 } ttvTes. APrtA- The Clerk gave Ordinance No 343 its second and final Ord 343 reading, and on motion by King seconded by Butcher. same was .passed and adopted by the following vote: Ayes Councilmen: Butcher, King, Stevens, Huston, Conrad Noes Councilmen: None The Clerk read a letter from the Art Concrete Works Pier benches giving detailed specifications and prices for benches for the Pier. Referred to the Beach and Pier Committee. St. Supt. Henry Wirth reported that Joliet Street Joliet St was being cut through and improved by grading. Councilman'Stevens said nothing to report from Pier pump house Huntington Beach Co relative to reconstruction of pier pump house. Natt Neff On motion by Butcher seconded by King, Natt H Neff City Engr. of Santa Ana was appointed City Engineer without compensation to act at the pleasure of the Council. Crest Ave Curb St. Supt. Wirth reported that damaged curbing on Crest and 1st St repairing Ave.was being repaired by Contractor and St Dept. Also that work on repair of 1st Street was being done. Frankfort St Nothing to report on opening of Frankfort St.cut-off. opening Attorney.Blodget informed the Council that he was still .of the opinion that the City had the right to regulate Barge Permit the.number of barges and boats using the municipal pier landing,. and that he was waiting information. -'from Attorney jNetlin to the contrary. On motion by King seconded by Butcher, representatives Crest Ave of the La Lux Lighting Standard Company were requested flights to interview property owners on loth street between Crest and Palm with a view of determining if they desired to be included in the lighting assessment district along Crest Ave. Councilman Butcher called the attention of the Council Drinking water to the condition of the city drinking water, stating that it was continually getting worse and offered the following motion: "That the City Clerk communicate with the American States Water Service Company requesting that the new well be connected in the near future, thata definite date be set for completion of the work and assurance be given the City that the water would be made more fit for domestic consumption, otherwise the Council be instructed to take the matter.up with the State Rail Road Commission through the City Attorney". Motion put and carried unanimously. 1 -y 47 Attorney Blodget informed the Council that he was in receipt of a letter from Attorneys of the Huntington Beach Company in which they suggest a date in the near future for a meeting be Beach Front tween the City Officials a.nd.the Huntington Beach Company, Standard Oil Company and P E Railway to discuss beach front acquisition. The .Council set May 5th at 2:00 o'clock PAr, as the date. .�, On motion by Stevens seconded by Huston demands approved by the Finance Committee were ordered. paid. .The Council adjourned on motion by Butcher seconded by*. King. City Clerk & Ex-Officio Clerk of the City Council. 1 r n Presi T. Oity Clerk. �� of the Counc r