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u I N U T E S
City Hall, Monday July 6th, 1.931
The regular meeting of the City Council was called to
order at 7:30 PM by Mayor Conrad.
Councilmen present; Butcher, Huston, Stevens, King, Conrad.
Councilmen absent 2 None
Minutes On motion by King seconded by Stevens, minutes of June
1931 meetings were approved as read.
The Clerk read a petition signed by a number of
Petition to citizens asking the City Council to order Memphis Street,
pave Memphis et al paved from Delaware to Lake Ave, and llth street from
Lake Ave to Main Street. Work and improvement to be paid
for out of General Fund. Petition referred to Streets and
Parks Committee to check and advise.
On motion by King seconded by Butcher the invitation
Banquet of Chief of Police Steward for the Co:zncil to attend the
Orange County Peace Officers banquet at the City Auditorium
July 8th was accepted.
The Clerk read 'a letter from the Huntington Beach
Company and signed by officers of the Standard Oil Company,
Drilling Pacific Electric Company and Huntington Beach Company to
the effect that they agreed not to drill on the beach
front provided no drilling is allowed below the high
tide line. Letter -filed.
The bill of the Southern California Auto Club account
Damage to auto claim Marie damages to car driven by Marie J Wiener was referred to
Attorney Blodget for his recommendation.
On motion by King seconded by Butcher the City
Laundry Ord. Attorney was directed to draft and submit new license
ordinance covering laundries. This on recommendation of
Attorney Blodget for the reason that the present ordinance
seems to be discriminatory.
On motion by King seconded by Stevens the apnlica.tions
License of Howard C Hendricks to conduct photo shop at 214 Main St;
Frank Siva.rtz to peddle peanuts and pop corn, and Jim
Ballard to operate pool hall at 117 Main St were approved.
The application of Geo Lowery to peddle peanuts etc
at S side Ocean Ave on P E property at Stolco station was
denied on motion by King seconded by Stevens.
The Clerk read annual report of Fire Chief, monthly reports of
Health Dept, Chief of Police, City Judge, Street Supt, Engineer,,,
Treasurer and City Clerk. On moation by King seconded by Butcher
same were accepted and ordered filed.
The recommendation of Henry Wirth, Street Supt. that the
following employees be put on monthly instead of hourly basis,
namelyP L HUDDLE, Electrician $175.00, R R ST CLAIR Painter $165.00
and Jack Hensley, sweeper $160.00 was approved on motion by Butcher'
seconded by Huston.
On motion by King seconded by Stevens the application of Max
Junk Yard
Schenfield for renewal of Jui*1'.Collector1s license was approved.
On motion by Stevens seconded by Butcher the application of
A Vanderpool to reconstruct wooden derrick at lots 7,9,11,13 Block
514 was approved.
On motion by Stevens seconded by Huston the Street Supt. was
Superior Oil
Co renewal
authorized to renew permit of Superior.Oil Co to excavate for and
lay pipe line as per original permit No 1054.
The surety bonds of Floyd F Hume and Harvey S Young having
Surety Bonds been approved as to form by the City Attorney, on motion by Butcher
seconded by Huston the bonds were accepted and ordered filed.
The Clerk read resolution No 650, Crest Ave lights and on
R eso 650 motion by Butcher seconded by Huston same was passed and adopted
by the following vote.:
Ayes Councilmen Butcher, Huston, Stevens, King, Conrad
Noes Councilmen None.
The Clerk presented and read Resolution No 651, to
Reso 651 advertise for bids for installation of ornamental lights on
Crest Ave and on motion by Butcher seconded by Huston same was
passed and adopted by the following vote;
Ayes Councilmen Butcher, Huston, Stevens, King, Conrad.
Noes Councilmen None
Ordinance No 344 regulating the municipal pier was given
Ord 344 first reading b;r the Clerk at this time.
Pier Permits
The Clerk read agreements between the City and Harvey Walker, and
between the City and Chester Manges covering certain business
on the municipal pier,
and on motion by
King seconded
by Butcher
the Mayor and City Clerk
were authorized
to execute
same in the
name of the City of Huntington Beach.
Blodget informed the.
Council that the
date set for
Beach suit
trial, City
of Huntington Beach vs
Huntington Beach
Company et al
is ?Monday July 20th at San Diego.
On motion by Huston seconded by Stevens, demands
Demands approved by the Finance Committee were approved and ordered
On motion by Butcher s>econded'by King the City Clerk
was directed to express in writing a resolution commending
July 4th
the Chamber of Commerce, Business Men's Association and
American Legion Post for the splendid manner in which the
4th of July celebration was conducted.
On motion by Butcher seconded by King the Council
directed the City Clerk to forward a resolution to the
Assembly various City Councils and Chambers of Commerce thanking
them for their efforts on behalf of Assembly Bill No 4.
No reports -
Relative to SP PE Ocean Ave. crossing
County Engineer relative to "bottle neck" Main St
and Garfield Ave. crossing.
Black Cat oil well, no improvement in conditions. Henry
B/O derricks
Wirth was directed to submit written report covering unsafe
Garbage Matter of garbage contract to be taken up at next meeting
July 17th.
On motion by Butcher seconded by King the Council
adjourned until 7:30 P�V- Friday July 17th, 1931.
City lerk and Ex—Officio Clerk -of
the Council.
President of the Council.
City Clerk