HomeMy WebLinkAbout1931-08-0371 -R 1 ..r 00 1 A M I N U T ES City Hall Monday August 3rd, 1931 The Council met in regular session this date at 7:30 PY, and in the absence of mayor Conrad the meeting was called to order by the Clerk. Councilmen present: Butcher, Huston, Stevens, King Councilmen absent: Conrad. On motion by King seconded by Huston, Councilman Butcher Butcher Mayor pro-tem was unanimously elected Chairman and Mayor pro-tem in the absence of Mayor Conrad. Minutes On motion by King seconded by.atevens, minutes for the month of July were approved as read. This being the date set for opening and examining bids for Crest Ave. Lighting the improvement of Crest Avenue with an ornamental lighting system, the Clerk opened and read the following bids: H C Reid & Company, Los Angeles -------------_.----$ 5,374.00 Accompanied by bidders bond in the amount of $600.00. Harry M. Rouse, Los Angeles ---------------------- $ 5'357.00 Accompanied by bidders bond amount $750.00 1iracle Construction Company, 4751 Monroe St., San Diego., Calif .----- -----$ 5,120.00 Accompanied by bidders bond in the amount of $1,200.00. H. H. 'Walker, Inc. Los Angeles, Calif.-----------5,180.00 Accompanied by bidders bond amount $550.00 M K Beaty, Monrovia, Calif.---------------------5,235.00 Accompanied by bidders bond amount $600.00 Robertson Electric Co. Santa Ana ------------------ 5,780.00 Accompanied by bidders bond amount $600.00 City Improvement Company, Berkeley, Calif .-------� 59345.00 Accompanied by bidders bond in amount of $1000..00. All bids were referred by the Chair to the City Engineer for analysis and recommendations at the next meeting.., The Clerk presented and read Resolution No. 653 relative Reso. 653 to easement of the Southern Pacific Railway across Ocean Ave, and on motion by King seconded by Stevens, Resolution No 653 was passed azd adopted by the following vote: r Ayes Councilmen Huston, Stevens, King, Butcher, Noes Councilmen None Absent Councilmen Conrad. The Clerk read a letter from Asst. Engineer Overmyer Frankfort St. relative to sidewalk on Frankfort Street, in which it ras re=_ Sidewalk commended that the ordinance.governing width of sidewalk and parkway in that vicinity be amended to read five feet. On Motion by Stevens seconded by Huston the matter was referred to the Streets and Parks Committee with instructions to consider 72 Fr,e > - P? /N a re_ s 119 ve;, .�, /�� 0 y the matter and. confer with the City Attorney in drafting an amendment to Ordinance #33 if in their opinion such r- action is advisable. Assistant Engineer Overmyer submitted a written report covering in detail the cost and completion of the pier Pier Bldg. buildings. He was commended by the Council for the economical completion manner in which the work was done, and on inotion by Stevens seconded. by King the report was received and placed on file. On motion by Stevene seconded by Huston the application Sign of Cecylle Oliver to erect Neon sign on Cafe, 434- Ocean Ave. was approved. 1 The application of A S Owens to operate used car market Used Car on property adjoining the intersection of Olive and fain Sts. license was on motion by Stevens seconded by Huston approved. On motion by Stevens seconded by Huston the application Cafe . of I;irs Lillie Evans to operate cafe at 4-37 Main St was approved. The Clerk read monthly reports of the -City Engineer, Supt. Reports of Streets, Treasurer, City Clerk, City Judge, and Chief of Police and on motion by King seconded by Huston same were approved and ordered filed. Ka,-Hgvty A letter and bill of Kathryn Campbell relative to �P obligations claimed against the Chamber of Commerce were ordered referred back to the Chamber of Commerce on motion by Stevens seconded by King. On motion by Stevens seconded by Huston, all demands Demands approved by the Finance Committee were approved.,and ordered paid. Y 67aA Matter of advertising for garbage collection deferred to 004tea-rI aAf next meeting August loth. On motion by King seconded by Stevens the Council adjourned until 11:00 o'clock Ali Monday Augus , 1 1 City Clerk and Ex--officio Clerk of the City Council. President of the C' tir TES _ City Clerk.