HomeMy WebLinkAbout1931-10-13`141, M I N U T E S .. City Hall, Tuesday Oct 17th., 1931. ° Pursuant to adjournment of Oct 5th, the Council met at 1000 o'clock AM and was called to order by Mayor Conrad. Councilmen present;. Conrad, Butcher, Huston, Stevens, King Councilmen absent; None Asst.'Engineer Harry Overmyer submitted an estimate Signal Main & Ocean for changing to a semiphore signal at the intersection of Main and Ocean. After some discussion the matter Was ordered tabled until a later date, possibly to next Spring.. On motion by King seconded'by Stevens the recommendation 17th St. of Asst. Engr. Overmyer to allow the S P Ry Company to pro — Subway eeed with the repair of 17th street subway was approved and adopted and Mr Overmyer was directed to order the work in accordance with recommendations. Street Superintendent Henry Wirth and Asst. Engineer Ocean Ave. Overmyer submitted a joint report to the effect that the completion Ocean Ave. contract had been completed to the satisfaction of the Street and Engineering Departments. On motion by King seconded by Butcher the report was received and the work accepted by the City Council. The Street Supt. was directed to write the Southwest Paving Company, Inc, and express appreciation of the City Council for the efficient work of the Company, and for its co— operation in helping to relieve the unemployment situation in the City. Notice of completion to be recorded by Attorney Blodget Oct. 14th. On motion by Huston seconded by King, the work of Crest Ave. improving Crest Ave. and a portion of Lake Ave by' -the installation of an ornamental lighting system was accepted and approved and the Mayor and City Clerk authorized to sign the notice of completion on behalf of the City of Huntington Beach. The Clerk gave Ordinance No 348, relative to vyha,rf— Ord. 348 finger of Municipal Pier its second and final reading at this time, and on motion by Stevens seconded by Huston same was passed and adopted by the following vote; Ayes Councilmen; Butcher, Huston, Stevens, King, Conrad. Noes Councilmen; None Absent Councilmen; None Upon recommendation of Councilman King the Council Barid, Armistice Day voted to employ the Huntington Beach Band to participate 1 1 y 1 in the Santa Ana Armistice Day parade at a, cost not to _.a 1 -,► Lights Ocean Ave. Pier Elect charges on pier Unemployment Derricks Demands Trees exceed $225-00_with the provision that as many members as possible of the Huntington Beach Band be employed. Motion by Huston seconded by Butcher._ Matter of installation of ornamental lights on Ocean Ave, using discarded gas light poles; deferred. On motion by King seconded by -Stevens permission Was given Harvey Walker to install iron grating, as a precaution against burglary, on pier building. Work to be done under supervision of 8apt. of Streets and at the expense of Mir Walker. On motion by King seconded by Butcher.the Supt:. of Streets was directed to have motors and other privately owned electrical apparatus on the pi.er checked up and the owners billed for amount of electricity used. Supt. of Streets ,birth informed the Council that he had used part time 26 extra men to date to relieve the unemployment situation. Matter of unsafe derricks deferred pending written report of Supt. of. Streets Wirth. On motion by Huston seconded by Stevens demands approved by the Finance Committee were approved and ordered paid. Geo. W. Wardwell addressed the Council relative to planting and replacing trees on the city streets. Mr ?Wardwell offered his services in the supervision of the work. He was asked to communicate With Supt. of Streets Wirth. On motion by Butcher seconded by King the Council adjourned until 10:00 o'clock AM, Tuesday Oct. 20th, 1931. City Clerk and Ex -of icio Clerk of the City Council. AT / City Clerk. I