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City Hall, February 29, 1932.
Pursuant to adjournment of February 23d the Council met
and was called to order at 10:00 AM by the City Clerk.
On motion by King seconded by Huston Councilman Butcher
was appointed chairman pro —tern in the absence of Mayor Conrad.
Councilmen present: Butcher, Huston, Stevens, King.
Councilmen absent: Conrad. .
The Chair appointed Councilman Stevens on the Finance
Applicai;ion for The application of Chas. D. Anglin and Lewis Swartz for
Live, bait boat
license and permit to operate a live bait boat from the municipal
pier was referred to the beach and park committee for their report.
The application of C. H. Tesch of 1246 So. Hope Street,
Los Angeles for a license to construct a temporary building and
operate a soft drink, hamburger and umbrella stand was, on motion
by King seconded by Stevens, ordered filed.
The Clerk read a letter from the Invader Oil Company
requesting the cancellation of a $5,000 surety bond which that
company claims to have filed in connection with a lease on 17th
Street Park, dated about January 1928. On motion by King seconded
by Stevens the City Clerk was directed to write the Invader Oil
Company and inform them that the above named bond would be ordered
cancelled as soon as the city receives a quitclaim covering 17th
Street park lease.
License for cafe On motion by Stevens seconded by King the application of
Jack Wolfe for license to operate a cafe at 123 Main Street was
Taste water disposal On motion by Huston seconded by King the application of
M. Q. Whittaker for the position of waste water disposal inspector
was referred to Sup't. of Streets Wirth.
Coupon book The Clerk read a petition signed by approximately 65 business
men requesting the City Council to cooperate with the business men in
the establishment of a coupon book system in the payment of wages in
the City of Huntington Beach. Mr. C. G. ward and R.C. Turner addressed
the Council relative to the purposes of this petition and after some
discussion the matter was referred to City Attorney Blodget and the
City Clerk to prepare the necessary forms and meet with the merchants'
committee for further discussion of the matter. This on motion by
Stevens seconded by Huston.
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Horse SRO-. Ciub Lyndon Wells addressed the Council and complained
housP about the manner in which the Horse Shoe Club members were
attempting to exclude other citizens from the Horse Shoe Club
house. E. C. Wright, president of the Horse Shoe Club, said
that it was his understanding that the club house was built
primarily for the use of the Horse Shoe Club, also that the
Club was being held responsible for the care of .the building.
Whereupon a motion by Stevens seconded.by Huston the matter
was referred to the Building and 'arks committee for invest-
igation and report at the next meeting.
Resolu-ion No.662 The City Clerk read Resolution No. 662 calling a
general municipal election on April llth. On motion by King
seconded by Huston Resolution No. 662 was passed and adopted
by the following votes;
AYES ; Huston, Stevens, King, Butcher.
NOES : None
ABSENT : Conrad.
On motion by Huston seconded by Stevens the City Clerk
was directed to publish notices of the election on April llth,
1932 for the purpose of electing three councilmen, city treasurer,
and a city clerk for the full term of four years.
Parxing un Chief of Police Keller addressed the Council and recommended
OU an Ave. that parking be extended from 5th to 6th street along the Pacific
Electric Railway; matter referred to Sup't. of Streets Witth.
Demands On motion by Huston seconded by Stevens demands approved
by the Finance Committee were ordered paid.
The Council adjourned on motion by Huston seconded by
City Clerk Ex-officio clerk
of the City Council.
President • •