HomeMy WebLinkAbout1932-04-04,1.27 M; I '1 U TI S I City Hall, Monday April 4th, 1932. The regular meeting of the City Council was called to order" at 7:30 PM by Mayor Conrad. Councilmen present: Butcher, Huston, Stevens, King, Conrad Councilmen absent None. Minutes On motion by Butcher seconded by King minutes for tiie month of March were approved as read. Attorney -fees The Clerk presented and read alternative Writ of Mandate No, 29536 in the matter of L.W.Blodget against the City Council and others of the City of Huntington Beach relative to attorney fees in the Beach Suit case. On motion by Butcher seconded by King City Attorney Overacker was authorized to employ Attorney D.G. Wettlin to appear on behalf of the City Council and other city officials on Friday, April Sth in the Superior Court at Santa Ana in connection with the above named action. ,y Interocean Oil Co. On motion by Stevens seconded by Butcher City Attorney Ray H. suit Overacker was instructed to appear in behalf of the City Council and others in the matter of the Interocean Oil Company vs. City of Huntington Beach. Contrac�U between. The City Clerk presented and read a proposed contract between Water Co. & City the American States Water Service Company and the City and on motion by King seconded by Huston same was submitted to the City Attorney for an as to form. Application for The application of Tom H. Anderson for permission to operate Shoeshine place a shoeshine place at 314 Ocean Avenue was referred to the Chief of Police for his recommendation. Monthly reports The Clerk presented and read monthly reports of the City Clerk and Treasurer combined, the City Judge, the Chief ,of Police, the Saperintendent of Streets and City Engineer and on motion by Stevens seconded by King same were accepted and ordered filed. Card games in pool The petition of pool room proprietors for permission to conduct Xooms card games in the pool rooms was referred to the Council as a whole for its investigation and advice at next meeting. Application to The application of Gladys V. Alden to operate a fishing boat operate fishing boat off the municipal pier was referred to the Beach and Park committee for its report. Biennial audit The Clerk presented and read the biennial audit of the city records by R. D. Crenshaw and Company. Same was accepted and ordered filed. r 28 Petition from Mr. Chas. Andrews appeared before the Council and pre - card club- sented a petition signed by a number of citizens asking Peanut stand Fishing barge Insurance policy permission to use the Horseshoe Club house for card players. The matter was referred to the Council as a whole to meet with the Card Club at 2 o1clock'in the afternoon for further investigation. The application of Sam Youngblood for permission to operate a peanut vending stand at the corner of Ocean Avenue and Main Street was referred to the Streets and Parks committee. The Clerk read a commiinication from C. K Morrison asking that the rate for operating passenger boat to and from the fishing barge be reduced to 5%, also that the contract be changed to read C. K. Morrison instead of Morrison & Dulaney. On motion by Stevens seconded by Butcher the City Attorney was directed to rewrite and submit the contract in accordance with Mr. Morrison's request. The City.Clerk was directed to have insurance policy changed to agree with the new ownership. On motion by Stevens seconded by Huston demands approved Demands by the Finance committee were ordered paid. Ball park grand- On motion by King seconded by Huston the Superintendent stand of Streets was authorized and directed to make changes in the ball park .,grandstand for the protection of the players and audience against the ocean breeze. On motion by Huston seconded by Butcher the Council Adjourned 0 adjourned until 10:00 AM Friday, April 8th. rn . —City Clerk City Clerk and. Ex -of icio clerk of the City Council. President o. the C't,r il. 1 .u.