HomeMy WebLinkAbout1932-04-251.32 MINUTES City Hall, Monday April 25th, 1932 Pursuant to adjournment of April l8th the Council met and was called to order at'9:00 AM by Mayor Conrad. Councilmen present: Conrad, Marion, Huston, Stevens, King. Councilmen absent : None. Lamp contract The Clerk presented and read proposed lamp contracts from the Bales Electric Company and R.E.McIntosh. On motion by King seconded by Huston the contract for the ensuing year was awarded to the Bales Electric Company. Gasoline contract The Clerk.presented and read proposed contracts from the Standard Gasoline Company and Richfield Oil Company for furnishing the city with gasoline during the ensuing year. Rates submitted by each company were based on a maximum of 120 per gallon. On motion by Marion: seconded by King the contract was awarded the Standard Gasoline Company. Application for The application of Jack Ducommun to operate a popcorn popcorn stand and peanut stand near the left entrance of the municipal pier was referred to the Beach and Park committee. Resolution No.665 The Clerk presented and read Resolution No. 665 accepting quitclaim deed by W.E.McCaslin covering certain leases on 17th Street park. On motion by King seconded by Stevens the deed was accepted and ordered recorded. Application for position The application of Joe Szarfinski for position as as golf pro golf pro was ordered filed. Lct per from ChairmanThe Clerk read a letter from Frank Morris, Chairman uuclf are Com. of the Welfare Committee, requesting that -the Council have applications of the unemployed referred to their committee was referred to Superintendent of Streets Wirth and City Engineer Overmyer. Caretaker for Horse The application of Paul Severson for position of Shoe Club Hdrse Shoe Club house caretaker was ordered filed. Palm trees Superintendent of Streets Henry Wirth filed a report in which he advised the Council that more than one thousand palm trees and other shrubs had been planted along the public streets during the past three months. Memorial mall A proposal by Higgins and Wells to repaint certain portions of the inside of Memorial Hall was referred to the Building and Improvement committee for investigation and report at next meeting. ,j,• k I I 1 Pcrmancnt coiii-mittes Mayor Conrad announced the following committeemen Morse Shoe Club house rules appointed to serve during the ensuing term: Police and Fire Finance:: Music & Promotion: Streets & Parks: Gas & Sewers: Building & Improvement: Oil & Industry: Conrad, King, Huston. King, Huston, King, Marion, Conrad. King, Huston, Marion, Stevens, Marion, Conrad. Huston, Marion, Stevens, Marion, King, Huston. Beach .& Pier: Huston, King, Stevens. After some discussion relative to the management and control of the Horse Shoe Club house the following rules were adopted on motion by Huston seconded by Marion: "Open daily 8::00 AM to 6:00 pM. Open evenings not later than 10:30 PM by application to Police Department. Keys to be distributed as follows: Police Department one. President and Secretary of Horse Shoe Club one each, President and Secretary of Pinochle Club one each. "Officers of clubs to be responsible for any misuse of the building or its contents by their club members. Janitor service to be performed once daily by Triangle Park gardener." De,n,,,a lds On motion by Marion seconded by Stevens demands approved by the Finance committee were ordered paid. Surety Bonds On motion by Huston seconded by King the Surety Bonds of Harvey S. Young, City Treasurer and Ray H.- Overacker, City Attorney were accepted and ordered filed. Contract for water The proposed contract of the American States Water Service Company for furnishing water for fire fighting was referred back to the Police and Fire committee for further investigation. Golf course After some discussion the matter of building improvement on the Municipal Golf Course was referred to the Streets and Park committee to investigate and report at next meeting. Signal stand at On motion by King seconded by Marion the Superintendent Main & Ocean of Streets was directed to wreck and remove signal stand at the intersection of Main Street and Ocean Avenue and the City Clerk and City Engineer were directed to secure prices for the in- stallation of three or four corner signals with flash lights and bells only. Estitiiate of chain Street Superintendent Wirth was asked to make an estimate & metal stand of cost of a chain and metal stands to be erected on Main Street, south side of Ocean Avenue,and report at next meeting. Suit - Interoc;caii Oil City Attorney Overacker informed the Council that the Co. continued suit InterOcean Oil Company vs. City of Huntington Beach had �' been continued until Friday May 6th. 134 On motion by King seconded by Huston Council adjourned. City Clerk—aiid-Ex—officio Clerk of the City Council. U President of the Ci 6 t& To i t i2� y Clerk.