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9 1 N U T 9 8
City Hall, Friday August 12th, 1932
Pursuant to adjournment of August 9th, the City
Council met and was called to order at 3:00 o'clock PM
by Mayor .Conrad.
Councilmen Present:. Marion, Huston, Stevens,King,Conrad.
Councilmen atosent : None
House iciolers Mr. Sam Talbert addressed the Council relative to rate
charged for license and house movers permits. That he had
in contemplation the moving a number of pmall buildings from
the city to the rural territory, but that the charges for
license and permits made the work prohibitive. The matter
of zX amending ordinances was referred to the Finance Com-
mittee for it recommendations.
Recess At this time 3:30 PM the Council recessed until 5:50
PM this date.
The Council was again called to order at 5:50 PM by
Mayor Conrad.
Councilmen present: Marion, Huston, Stevens, King, Conrad.
Councilmen absent : None
Oil Lease The Clerk presented and read an oil lease covering a 30
Ocean Ave
30 ft strip foot strip along the southerly side of Ocean Avenue from 23rd
Street to the Westerly city limits. The lessor named was the
City of Huntington Beach and the lesses named were West American
Oil Company and Chas. W. Fourl, d.b.a. Monarch Refineries.
Resolution #675 Whereupon the Clerk presented and read Resolution No.675,
a proposed Resolution of the City Council of the City of Hunt-
ington Beach in which the above named lease was named as
exhibit "A" and made a part of said Resolution No. 675.
Councilman Marion moved the adoption of Resolution No.
675, which was lost for want of a second, and so declared by
the Chairman.
Councilman Stevens then informed the Chairman that it was
his intention to second the motion to adopt Resolution No.675,
but that he had not heard the motion put. The Chair informed
Councilman Stevens that the proper motion would be to reconsider
if it was so desired, whereupon Councilman Stevens moved for
reconsideration which was seconded by Councilman Marion, put
and unanimously carried.
Moved by Councilman Marion that Resolution No. 675 be
1 Resolution N%-J. G76
adopted, motion seconded by Councilman Stevens. Resolution
No. 675 failed of adoption by the following vote:
AYES: Councilmen Marion, Stevens
NOES: Councilmen Huston, King, Conrad.
The. Clerk presented and read an oil lease covering a 30
foot strip along the southerly side of Ocean Avenue from 23rd
street to the Westerly city limits. The lessor named being
the City'of Huntington Beach and the lessee being Carr Oil
The Clerk then presented and read Resolution No. 676,
a proposed Resolution of the City Council of the City of
Huntington Beach, adopting said last named lease, a copy
of which was annexed to and made a part of said Resolution
No. 676.
On motion by Councilman Huston, seconded by Councilman
King, Resolution No. 676 Was passed and adopted by the
following votes;
AYES: Councilmen Huston, King, Conrad
NOES: Councilmen Marion, Stevens.
There being no further business to come before the
Council,.on motion by Stevens seconded by King the Council
City Cle nd ex -of icio C erk
of the City Council.
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City Clerk.