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City Hall, Monday Oct.3,1932.
The regular meeting of the City Council was called to order
at 7:30 PM by Mayor Conrad.
Councilmen present: Conrad, Huston,Stevens, King.
Councilmen absent: Marion.
Minutes On motion by Stevens seconded by King minutes, as read by the
Clerk, for the month .of September were approved. -
Application The application of Max Schenfield for license to buy,. store
for license
approved and sell junk at 440 Main Street was approved providing all junk
be kept within the building.
Letter f roue A letter from F.E.Bundy relative to non-ownership.of derrick
F .E.Bundy .
on Lots 10 and 12,.Block 519 was read by the Clerk and ordered filed.
Armistice Day A letter from the Armistice Day Celebration Committee, Fullerton,
inviting the City to enter a float in the Armistice Day parade was
referred to the Music and Oromotion committee.
Industrial On motion by King seconded by Huston the Industrial Exposition
committee was given permission to place a cloth sign at the entrance
of Memorial Hall providing no nails are used.
Radio Adv. Representatives of KREG, Santa Ana, appeared before the Council
proposed and proposed a twelve day radio advertising campaign covering the
Industrial Exposition, cost not to exceed $50.00. They were referred
to the Business Mens' Association and the Chamber of Commerce.*
Councilman Marion arrived at this time, 7:50 PM.
Morithly reports Tile Clerk read monthly reports of the City Treasurer, City Clerk,
City Engineer, Street Superintendent, Chief of Police and City Judge,
and on motion by King seconded by Huston same were accepted and
ordered filed.
Ord. 4355 The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 355 its second and final reading
at this time and on motion by Stevens seconded by Huston same was
passed and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Councilmen Marion, Huston, Stevens, King, Conrad.
Noes: None.
ABsent: None.
City Attorney Overacker stated that he had no report covering
derrick located on Lot. 7, Block.314.
The matter of painting the Judge's office and Engineer's office
was deferred until next meeting.
Fire hydrant Councilman King advised the Council tiiat a fire hydrant
was badly needed in the vicinity ot'. Utica and Yorktown on
account of a number of pepper drying buildings that needed
protection and on motion by King seconded by Huston the Fire
Chiefwas directed to install a riser type fire plug.on
Hampshire between Utica and Yorktown, connection to that
plug to be made by owners_ot' the pepper plants.
Demands On motion by Stevens seconded by Marion demands approved
by the Finance Committee were ordered paid.
Repairing Councilman Marion informed'the Council that there were a
streets on
east side number of streets on the East Side badly in need of repair and
referred especially to a portion of Hampshire in the flats in
the vicinity of Utica and Hampshire, also Geneva Street. After
some discussion the Chair appointed Councilmen Huston and King
to confer with'Supervisor Mitchell•relative to the repair of
Hampshire and the Superintendent of Streets was directed to pro -
teed at once with the repair of Geneva Street.
Ii!terocean Attorney Overacker informed -the Council that the Interocean
Oil Co. case
Oil Company hearing was set for October 7th and that the A.D.
Marshall versus City of Huntington. Beach, Huntington Beach Company
et al case was to come up before file Superior, Court on October 21st.
Carpet in -On•motion by King seconded by'Stevens the City Clerk was
Memo. Hall
directed -to do whatever was necessary to protect the carpet in the
Memorial Hall during the Industrial.Ex.position.
Clear up debris At•�orney dveracker.was directed to investigate and advise
of burned Bldg.
the Council the proper method to pursue in clearing p::the partly
burned building on Third Street.
Report on League Attorney Overacker made a report to the Council covering the
of Mun. convention
League of Municipalities Convention at San Diego September 26th to
30th, inclusive.
Planning' Mr. Osborne, president of the Chamber of Commerce, addressed
recommended the Council and recommended that a planning commission be appointed
by the Council and that the commission use its best efforts to
secure the annexation of territory between Huntington Beach and
Newport Beach.
On motion by Stevens seconded by Huston, the Council
Cit C1 rk and ex-o.t'ficio Clerk of
the`City Council.
•' - Mayor -
City Clerk.