HomeMy WebLinkAbout1934-01-26-2 . ,���ipsroro RAT�O���� � y �CO�NTY i M I M U T E S City Hall, Friday January 26th,1934. Pursuant to special call of the Mayor, the City Council met in special session at 10:00 o'clock A.M. , Friday January 26th, 1934. Councilmen present: rclarion,Talbert,Stevens,King,Conrad. Councilmen absent : None Citjj of Huntington Beach California . January 25, 1934. CALL FOR SPECTAL 1ii Ti `,(x l C I'j' t:,i)i :jVv 7 T, i I E. G. Conrad, Mayor and Councilman John H. ':�!rion, Councilman C. H. King, Councilman T. B. T,,�.ber.t, Councilman E. B. Stevens, Councilman Gentlemen: COUNCILMEN E. G. CONRAD, Mayor JOHN H. MARION J. ED. HUSTON C. H. KING E. B. STEVENS OFFICIALS CHAS. R. FURR, Clerk -Controller HARVEY S. YOUNG, Treasurer RAY H. OVERACKER, Attorney CHAS. P. PATTON, Police Judge L. F. KELLER, Chief of Police HENRY WIRTH, Supt. of Streets HARRY OVERMYER, Ass't Eng. You are hereby notified that a Special Ideeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, is called for the hour of 10:00 o I clock A. 1-4. , Friday, January 26, 1934, said meeting to be held in the Council Chamber of the City Hall, for the purpose of 1 - Revocation of license of restaurant known as Bob Inn on Ocean Avenue. at Main Street. 2 - Authorizing and instructing; the Mayor and Clerk to execute easement agreement with Pacific Electric Railway for sewer lines to comfort stations being contructed on Beach Front. Mayor and president of t he "-i-y Council of the Cis of Huntincrton ' E`" Beach, Calif. City Clerk. - I hereby certify that I received the above notice prior to the hour of 7:00 o'clock A.M., Friday, January 26, 1934. man Lman Witness. 1 X T Mayor City Clerk. 27 Tor I N U T E S City Hall, Friday January 26th,1934. Pursuant to special call of the Mayor, the City Council met in special session at 10:00 o'clock A.M., Friday January 26th, 1934. Councilmen present; IMarion,Talbert,Stevens,King,Conrad. Councilmen absent : None Liccrire Following motion by Councilman King, "That the 4.36 0-- ,qn Ave. revoried business license of the BOB INN, located at 406 Ocean Avenue and engaged in the business of conducting a cafe, cabaret and the serving of drinks, be revoked as of February 5th, 1934, or earlier if the police Committee of the City Council deem such action necessary and advisable for the best interests of the city of Huntington Beach. That the reasons for so doing are in part as follows; Many verbal complaints have been received by the city council and police department to the effect that the place was disorderly and that there has been much drinking to excess on the premises and that a number of drunken and disorderly persons nave been arresred as a resuit of said place being open". Motion seconded by Talbert, put and carried unanimously. Eali5 :,_n t for Following motion made by Councilman Stevens, "That ��atcr lines to Beach the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized and directed to sign and execute on behalf of the City of Huntington Beach two certain lease agreements in duplicate between the City and the Pacific Electric Railway Company and the Southern pacific Company respectively. Said agreement to cover two pipe lines to be laid under the rights of way of said Companies by the City of Huntington Beach to its beach property. Date of said agreements to be January 26th, 1934.11 motion seconded by Councilman King, nut and carried unanimously. adjourned. On motion by Stevens secoa by ing the Council City' -Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council. 1 4- 4 1 )- 1 T Mayor City Clerk. 1*