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City Hall, Monday February 5th, 1934.
The regular monthly meeting of the City Council was called
to order at 7:30 P.M. by Pflayor Conrad.
Councilmen present: Talbert, King, Conrad.
Councilmen absent : Marion, Stevens.
Minutes On motion by King seconded by Talbert, I:Finutes for the
month of January were approved as read.
Monthly repvrtc The Clerk read monthly reports of the City Treasurer, City
Clerk, Chief of Police, City Judge, Superintendent of Streets,
Building Inspector, and Health Department, and. on motion by Talbert
seconded. by King, same were accepted and ordered filed.
Pool poor: licence The application of Huston and Mood to operate pool room at
a --
117 Main Street was approved on motion by King seconded by Talbert.
Cafe The application of William Ford to operate cafe at 120 -
l8th Street and the application of J. Allen Hartman to operate
lunch room at 302 - 16th Street were approved, on motion by
Talbert seconded by King.
Application The application of True Cryder to install and operate card
referred t'o
Police Coo. tables in the pool room located at 203 Main Street was referred
to the Police Committee for investigation and report at next meeting.
P��e:�csi of leace The Clerk presented and read renewal of lease with the Pacific
Electric Railway covering a 22 foot strip of the right-of-way located
on the southerly side of Ocean Avenue and extending from Main Street
to First Street. The terms of said lease being from November 1; 1933
to October 3.1. ,1934 at a rental charge of $5.00 per a.nnum. On motion
by King seconded by Talbert, the Mayor and City Clerk were authorized
and directed to execute the above named renewal of lease on behalf
of the City of Huntington Beach.
Baseball Park The Clerk informed the Council that the new lease agreement
with the Huntington Beach Company and Standard Oil Company covering
the baseball park located on Mansion Avenue had been returned fully
Sevier di.sooea" The Clerk read a letter from the Chamber of Commerce relative
to the -proposed sewer disposal plant. The letter recommended that
the City Council place the proposition on the April ballot pro-
viding for a bond election to defray the necessary expenses of the
On motion by King seconded by Talbert, the City Attorney and,
City Engineer were directed to make the necessary changes in the
application to the P.W.A. to provide for general obligation bonds
and to report to the Council at next meeting.
The Clerk read an
agreement prepared by
the State Division of
Highways providing for
the expenditure of the
City's portion of the
State gasoline tax fund and designating -the highways upon which said
funds are to be expended. Upon motion by Talbert eeconded*by King,
the Mayor and City Clerk were authorized and directed to execute
the agreement, as read, on behalf of the City of Huntington Beach.
Natural Gas The Clerk called the Council's attention to the fact that the
Southern Counties Gas Company had discontinued making payments of
ll� per one thousand cubic feet for natural gas transported in
accordance with a contract entered into between the City of Huntington
Beach and the Southern Counties Gas Company as of the 20th day of
December 1926. ''This matter was referred to the City Attorney for his
investigation and report at the next meeting of the Council.
Ori. #371 The Clerk gave'Ordinance #371, amending license ordinance, its
second and last reading at this time, and on motion by King seconded
by Talbert, Ordinance #3(1 was passed and adopted by the following
AYES: Councilmen Talbert, King, Conrad.
NOES: CouncLImen - none
ABSENT: Councilmen Marion, Stevens.
Ord. #372 The Clerk presented and read Ordinance #372, amending the present
First Reading
city license ordinance so as to provide for the revocation of business
license when it is found necessary to do so.
On motion'by Talbert -seconded by King, the revocation of cafe
license at 406 Ocean Avenue was deferred pending further report -and
Resolution Ttte Clerk read Resolution #703 authorizing the mayor and City
Clerk to file an application with the Department of public Health,
State of California, for constructing a sewer disposal plant and,
on motion by Talbert seconded by King, Resolution #703 was passed
and adopted by the following vote
AYES: Coiricilmen Talbert, King, _ Conrad.
A NOES Councilmen - none
ABSENT: Councilmen Marion, Stevens.
Horseshoe Club Lyndon Wells addressed the Council and asked that the City
furnish the necessary paint for painting a portion of the Horseshoe
Club house, also that slight changes be made in'tne electric light
fixtures and that the City furnish brooms and other necessary equip-
ment for keeping the place clean.. On motion by King seconded. by
Talbert, the request was granted and the City Clerk directed to
provide same.
At the request of Wra. Ebert, proprietor of the Sea Breeze
i"ii e protection
Ccuiip camp ground, the City Council directed the City Engineer and Fire
`� Chief to investigate and. report back at the next meeting an estimate
of expenses for furnishing the camp ground with adequate fire
protection., This, on motion by King seconded by Talbert.
Ad in Oil edition On motion by King seconded by Talbert, the Council voted
B . IN .1 &
S.A.Register to run a ;- page Ad in the Huntington_ Beach News special oil
edition for the purpose 'of informing the people of the oil
situation in Huntington Beach. The motion also provided for
a one page advertisement at. the cost of $80.00 to be run in the
Santa, Ana Register special harbor edition February 20th. Mr.
C.W.p atrick was asked to prepare. the advertisement for the Santa
Ana Register and submit to the City Council for its approval.
GG.Q Rates Councilman King addressed the Council relative to rates
charged by the Southern Counties Gas Company and suggested that an
investigation should be made with a view of appealing to the State
Railroad Commission for lower rates. Vir. King stated. that he
understood that while dry gas was going to waste in the local field
at the same time it was being piped in from Kettleman Hills, whereupon,
on motion by King seconded by Talbert, the City Clerk was directed to
contact .the Chamber of Commerce, Business Men's Association, Woman's
Club and other civic organisations and invite them to send repre-
sentatives to meet.with the City Council and discuss gas rates at its
meeting, Mpnday March 5th.
Bond On motion by King seconded by Talbert, the surety bond of
Harry Overmyer was accepted and ordered filed.
Cost of meals, for On motion by Talbert seconded by King, City Attorney Overacker
prisone rc
was requested to bring up the matter of cost of meals for prisoners
in the county jail at the next meeting of the Orange County League
of Municipalities.
a-,, On motion by. King seconded by Talbert, demands approved by the
Finance Committee were ordered. paid.
The Council adjourned until 7;30 p.M., Tuesday February 13th,
1934, on motion by King seconded by Talbert.
City Cleik and ex-officio Clerk of
the City Council.
Mayor _
City Clerk