HomeMy WebLinkAbout1934-04-02M I N U T E S y City Hall, Monday April 2d, 1934. The regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 7:-30 P.M. by Mayor Talbert. Councilmen present: Marion,Gores, Stevens,King, Talbert. Councilmen absent : None. iYiinUtes On motion by Stevens seconded by King, Minutes for the month of March were approved as read. IUlB,i i ; n on Mayor Talbert appointed Councilman Marion on the Finance Finance Cc.m • Committee. '"nr+hiThe Clerk read monthly reports of the City Clerk, City Yront_ "I..T , re-�orts Treasurer, City Judge, Chief of Police, City Engineer, Superintendent of Streets and Building Inspector, and on motion by King seconded by Marion, same were approved as read and ordered filed. Res On motion by Stevens, seconded by Marion, applications to Res to urants ce li - nss- e 1 ens.ed conduct restaurants at 520 Ocean Avenue and 406 Ocean Avenue were apprapproved for licenses. nestroo is- The Clerk read the application of Bertha Dart for position of t caretaker of women's rest rooms on ocean front, same was referred to the Beach and Pier Committee. rhCtuiitJer cf The Clerk read a letter from the Chamber of Commerce calling Commerce the City Council's attention to need of white lines the entire length of Ocean Avenue within the city limits, also to the need -of painting white and black strips on the lamp posts along the southerly side of Ocean Avenue. On motion by King seconded by Stevens, the - City Engineer and Superintendent of Streets were directed to paint poles on the southerly side of Ocean Avenue and, if feasible, to 4 paint street numbers on the lamp globes. The matter of painting street to be taken up by the City Engineer with the State Highway Department. Contract- The Clerk read contract with the American States Water Aiiierican States water Co. Service Company for installing water lines and fire protection to the Sea Breeze Camp grounds and, on motion by King seconded by Stevens, the contract was referred to the City Attorney for his examination and report at.next meeting of the Council. Flooring for The Clerk read bids of Robb & Gallienne and Huntington Beach gorsesroe Club Lumber Company for installing flooring in the Horseshoe Club house and on motion by Stevens, seconded by Yldrion, th,elUd of the Huntington - Beach Lumber Company for installing floorinCD g in the main room at a cost not to exceed $193.00 was accepted, work to be done under the supervision Y of city engineer. �C Gasoline Contract y .291 1 1 1 The Clerk read. bids of Union Oil Company and the Home Oil Company to furnish the City with gasoline for the ensuing year. On motion by King seconded by Gores, the Council accepted the bid of W. J. Bristol, agent for the Richfield Oil Company to furnish the City with gasoline for the ensuing year. Dem-ands On motion by Stevens seconded by Gores, demands approved by the Finance Committee were.ordered paid. Councilman iviaric n At this time, 8:45 P.M. ,Councilman Marion was granted per - excused mission to be excused from the Council. Memo. ;:Tall engineer Overmyer was instructed to furnish an estimate for altering windows for better ventilation for the Memorial Hall Auditorium. The City Clerkilias directed to notify Hansen Moore of the Mills Land and Water Company.that the City was not dumping rubbish on the land of Mills Land and. 5T►ater Company- but that they were of the opinion that this was being done by private parties. Reoess At this time, 9:00 o1clock P.M., the Council recessed. Council again called to order 'at 9:10 P.M. Councilmen present; Gores, Stevens, King, Talbert. Councilmen absent : Marion. Leasing dur<<p The matter of leasing the City dump ground was laid over until g r ound next meeting for the reason that Councilman Marion, Chairman of the oil committee, was not present. nog License Chief of Police Keller called the Council's attention to the necessity of enforcing the dog license ordinance. A number of suggestions were made by the various councilmen; whereupon the Mayor, with the consent of the Council, instructed the Chief of police to enforce the provisions of the ordinance. inadequate Councilman Gores called attention to complaints he had received lighting on . pier relative to inadequate lighting on the pier. thereupon the Mayor in - strutted Superintendent of Streets Wirth to turn on lights beginning at the first tee and running to the outer end of the pier. On motion by King seconded by Gores, the Council adjourned until 7:30 P.M. Thursday April 5tn, 1934. ( ity Clerk. City Clerk and Ex-officio Clerk of the City Council.