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City Hall, Thursday April 19th, 1934.
Pursuant to adjournment on April 16th, 1934', the
City Council met and was called to order at 9:00 A.M. by Mayor
Talbert. `-
Councilmen present; Talbert,Marion, Chamness, Warner, Tovatt.
Councilmen absent, : None.
Mayor Talbert. announced the following committees for
the ensuing two years, the first name of which indicates the chair-
man of each committee;
Police & Fire; . . . . . . . . . . Talbert, Tovatt, Marion.
Finance; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Warner, Marion.
Music & Promotion; . . . . . . . .Talbert,Chamness, Marion.
Streets & Parks; . . . . . . . . . .Tovatt, Chamness, Talbert.
Public Utilities, Sewers; ... Warner, Chamness,. Tovatt.
Building & Improvement; . . . . .. Warner, Chamness-.
Oil & Industry; . . . . ... . . . . Marion, Talbert, Warner.
Beach & Pier; . . . . . . . . . . . Chamness, Tovatt, Marion.
On motion by Warner, seconded by Chamness, the matter
of making appointments of the various heads of departments was
deferred until the next regular meeting. Motion put and carried
by the following vote
APES; Marion, Chamness, Warner, Tovatt, Talbert.
NOES; None.
The following motion by Marion seconded by Warner; "That
the City Treasurer be authorized and instructed to rent a safety
deposit box from the First National Bank of Santa. Ana and that
keys and contents of the box be instrusted with the City Treasurer
and his assistant Grace M. Brose only-" Motion put and carried
The City Attorney was asked to submit an opinion
relative to city taxes due on property where there are producing
wells in operation. This for the purpose of determining whether ;Y
or not the city may be able to collect oil royalties where properties
are owned and deeded to the city on account of delinquent taxes.
The matter of executing the Loftus oil lease was
deferred until next meeting.
On motion by Marion -seconded by Chamness, the City
Clerk was directed to write the Orange County Health Department
relative to the mosquito nuisance and inform=:themcthb.t•: the City
Council of Huntington Beach stands ready to assist in any way
possible in abating the nuisance.
�- On motion by Marion, seconded by Chamness, the City Council
appropriated $ 5.00 to help defray expenses of the night baseball club.
_ The Mayor appointed Ray H. Overacker to represent the City
Council during the ensuing year at meetings of the Orange County
League of Municinalities.
The Council adjourned, on motion.by Marion seconded by
Loity Clerk
(? I � �), �- � �
City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk
of the City Council.
City Hall, Friday April 20th, 1934•
Pursuant to special call, the original of which is attached
hereto and made a p art of these Minutes, the City Council met and was
called to order at 8:00 o'clock P.M. April 20th, 1934', by Mayor Talbert.
Councilmen present: Talbert, Marion, Chamness, Tovatt, Warner.
Councilmen absent : None.
The Clerk read the special call which was ordered placed on file.
The purpose of the meeting being to make appointments of the
various department heads, the following appointments were made:
On motion by Marion -seconded by garner, Harry A. Overmyer
was appointed engineer and building inspector for the ensuing two years.
On motion by Marion seconded by Tovatt, Henry Wirth was
appointed Superintendent of Streets, electrical inspector, plumbing
inspector and weigh -master for the ensuing two years.
On motion by Chamness, seconded by Warner, C.R.Furr was
appointed controller for the ensuing two years.
On motion by Marion seconded by Warner, C. P. Patton was
appointed city judge for the ensuing two . yearrs.
On motion by Chamness, seconded by Marion, J. K. Sargent was
appointed fire chief for the ensuing two years. i
On motion by earner,, seconded by Tovatt, Ray H. Overacker was
i -
appointed city attorney for the ensuing two years.
�. Upon motion by Marion seconded by Tovatt, ttie office of the
chief of police was declared vacant by the following vote:
AYES: Marion, Tovatt, Talbert.
NOES: Chamness, Warner.