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City Hall, Monday May 7th, 1934.
The regular meeting of the City Council was called to order
a.t 7;30 P.M. by Mayor Talbert.
Councilmen present;. Talbert,Marion,Cha,mness,Vlarner, Tovatt.
Councilmen absent ; None.
minutes On motion by Chamness, seconded by Tovatt, the Minutes for the
month of April .were approved as read.
B'Id.g,. Com. Mayor Talbert announced Councilman A. Tovatt as chairman of the
Building Committee instead. of Councilman Marion.
Demands On motion by Tovatt seconded by Chamness, demands approved by
the Finance Committee were ordered paid.
Chamber of The Clerk read a letter from the Chamber of Commerce recommending
that the Neon signs over the archway be taken down, reconstructed and
placed one at the westerly limits of the City and the other at the
easterly limits of the City. This matter was referred to the Streets
and parks Committee for investigation and report at the next meeting.
B>>dget of The Clerk read a budget presented by the Chamber of Commerce
C.of C.
covering expenses and activities for the fiscal year.beginning July 1st,
1934. Same was referred to the Music and promotion Committee for its
Special'Officers On motion by Chamness seconded by .Marion, : the appointment by Chief
a.Y;i,oi nted
Card tables in
p nnl room..-
of police of J . Ducommon and tip. C .Hopkins as special policemen without
salary, was approved by the Council.
The Clerk read Monthly Reports of the Chief of police, City Judge,
Superintendent of Streets, Building Inspector, City Clerk and City
Treasurer, and on motion by 10fa.rner, seconded by Tovatt, same were
accepted and ordered filed.
The Clerk read a letter signed by a. number of business men along
Main Street requesting that the City Council take necessary action
to have the two small buildings on the easterly side of Main Street
between Olive and Orange removed for the reason that they are un-
sightly and unsafe structures. This matter was referred to the City
Attorney and City Engineer to investigate and report at the next
The application of J.C.Teter for position with the City was
ordered filed.
The application of E.G.Huston to operate card -tables in his
pool room on Main Street and to issue trade checks to the winners of
card games was taken under advisement until next meeting of the Council
and referred to Councilmen Warner, Chamness and Tovatt as a special
committee of investigation.
Tlrotor.cycle for The wri.tten request of J.K.Sargent for permission to equip
crew an&, use one of the police department motorcycles by the life-
saving crew on the beach was approved and the sum of $50.00
appropriated for the purpose of building a side -car to be used with
the motorcycle.
Parking Chief of Police Gelzer recommended that an ordinance be
passed creating a time limit for parking on the easterly side of
Ocean Avenue between 3rd and 5th Streets, time limit to be two
hours daily, and, on motion by Warner seconded by Marion, the
City Attorney was directed to amend the parking ordinance in
accordance with Chief Gelzerls recommendation.
ora.nge Co.Co st The Clerk read a letter from the Orange County Coast Associa-
As s ^-
tion asking that the City appropriate $500.00 for the purpose of
assisting in an Orange County coast advertising campaign. The
Carr Oil Co
matter.was referred to the Music and Promotion Committee for its
The Clerk read Resolution No. 708 designating Ocean Avenue and
a portion of Hampshire Avenue as state highways and, on motion by
Marion seconded by Tovatt, Resolution No. 708 was passed and adopted
by the following vote:
AYES: Councilmen Talbert, Chamness,Marion,.Tovatt,!Varnera
NOES: None.
On motion by Marion seconded by Tovatt, the City Attorney and
City Assessor were authorized and directed to take the necessary
action and collect rentals and royalties from revenue produced from
properties which have heretofore been deeded to the City. This
action refers more particularly to those lots upon which there are
producing oil wells.
City Attorney Overacker reported that the Superior Court had
held against the Carr Oil Company in the matter covering a lease
of a 30 foot strip on the westerly side of Ocean Avenue between 23ra
Street and the Westerly city limits.
Attorney Overacker stated that he understood attorneys for the
Carr Oil Company were preparing an a-uoea.l and., on motion by Marion
seconded by Chamness, Attorneys Head, Wellington and Jacobs and City
Attorney .Ray H. Overacker were authorized to represent the City of
Huntington Beacn in the above named. case at no cost to the City of
Huntington Beach as per resolution and lease now on file in the City Hall.
First State Attorney Overacker informed the Council that b 'ds held as
collateral by the First State Bank in liquidation had been sold
and all money due the City by the First State Bank had been paid in
full together with accrued interest, and on motion by Marion seconded
by Warner, the action of the City. Attorney and City Treasurer in the
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above named matter was approved.
League of
City Attorney Overacker informed the Council that the League of
Orange Co.
Orange County Municipalities will meet at the Golden Bear Cafe at
6 : 30 P . M . jApy. 24th1 1934.
Weed Reno, The City Attorney was directed to confer with Superintendent of
Streets Wirth and prepare a weed resolution to be presented to the
Council May 21st, 1934.
Li fe-sa:rin-
towers 5 On motion by Chamness seconded by Tovatt, the City Engineer was
directed to erect two additional life-saving towers on the beach in.
accordance with recommendations of Councilman.Chamness and Fire Chief
SERA City Engineer Overmyer was directed to confer with the SERA and.
endeavor to secure State labor for the construction of the new care-
taker's quarters and erch sign at the entrance of the city tent grounds.,
Fire Chief Sargent was asked.to get an estimate on the cost of
installing telephone service lines to the life -guard stations and. auto
camp and report at next meeting.
On motion by Chamness seconded by Marion, City Engineer Overmyer
Fi re--nla c.es
on beach was directed to erect two extra, fire -places and install necessary
tables and windbreaks on the beach front. The labor to be performed
by the SERA.
Loftus Oil Mayor Talbert informed the Council that the Loftus Oil Company
declined to accept a lease on the city dump grounds unless they were
allowed 60 days without rent, and on motion by Marion seconded by
Tova.tt, the offer of the City Council to lease the above named property
was withdrawn immediately.
A request of Chief of Police Gelzer to purchase and install two
.;� Slow Signs
reflector -type slow signs on Ocean Avenue, one at the Southern.pacific
crossing and. one at llth Street at a cost of $70.00 per sign, was
referred to the Police and Fire committee for its recommendation at
next meeting.
On motion by Warner seconded by Chamness, the Council adjourned
until 7:30 P.M. more ay Play 21st, 1934.
City Cler and ex-offiicio Clerk
of the City Council. 4
A T` T.
City Clerk.