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City Hall, Monday May 21st, 1934.
Pursuant to adjournment of May 7th, the City Council met and
was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor Talbert.
Councilmen present; Talbert, Chamness,Tovatt, Warner.
Councilmen absent t Marion.
Mayor Talbert appointed Councilman Tovatt on the Finance
Committee pro-tem.
Gasoline tax The Clerk read a letter from the Southern California League
of Municipalities, Fred A. Baughan, executive secretary, 2614
Randolph St., Huntington park, requesting the Council to
support by resolution,provisions for inaugurating an initiative
petition. This petition for the purpose of increasing the
gasoline revenue to the various municipalities of the State.
The request called for a subscription ,of $48.00 from the City
of Huntington Beach.
Mr. Baughan addressed the Council and explained why the
League was taking this action. The matter was referred to the
Streets & Parks Committee to investigate and make its report
at the next meeting of the Council.
Appropriation Harry Welch, secretary of the Orange County Coast Association;,
for advertising addressed the Council stating that Orange County had appropriated
$1250.00 for the purpose of advertising the coast section in the
Los Angeles Times, Los Angeles Examiner and press -Telegram during
the month of June and asked that the City of Huntington Beach,
in cooperation with other cities along the coast line, make an
appropriation for the purpose of advertising Huntington Beach
in the same papers and at the same time the County runs its
advertisement. On motion by Chamness seconded by Tovatt, the
Council appropriated $250.00 of the Music and Promotion fund
to be paid B.D.Johnson, County advertising agent, on June 4th,
The application of Clarence Ewing for position of extra
life -guard
life -guard was referred to the Beach and pier committee.
Pol ce'Depi.
The request of police Chief Gelzer for a new automobile was
requests new
referred to the police and Fire Committee.
The application of Catherine Meeks to operate a pony, riding
pony riding
stand at 204 Ocean Avenue was referred to the Street and parks
committee for its recommendation at next meeting of the Council.
Chk. from Ins.
The Clerk presented check of the Traveling Fire Insurance
Co. for Fire
Chiefos car
Company in the amount of $191.65 coveringdamages to the Fire
Chiefos car and, on motion by Warner seconded by Chamness, the
check was accepted in full payment of all collision claims, it
being understood that the salvage is to be turned over to the
insurance company for their disposition.
Bids The bid of W. Frank Helme for furnishing electric light bulbs
Light bulbs
for the City for the year beginning June 1st, 1934 was laid over
until next meeting at which time other dealers will be invited to
submit bids.
American Legion The Clerk read a letter from the Joseph Rodman post of the
American Legion, signed by Dr. P.E.Sheehan, chairman, in which the
Council was asked to appropriate $250.00 to be used in defraying
expenses of entertaining Legion visitors during their Third annual
21st District Pilgrimage to Huntington Beach, July 21st and 22d.
Matter referred to the Music and Promotion committee -for its
recommendation at next meeting of the Council.
Golf Course The request of James S. Lawshe, manager of the Huntington Beach
Company, that the City submit an assignment to Stricklin and Stricklin
of its interests in the golf course was referred to the City Attorney
and City Clerk for recommendations at next meeting.
The request of Dwight Clapp for additional space and a water heater
to be installed in the life —guard station was referred to the Beach
and Pier committee with power to acts,
Derricks The Clerk read a report from City Engineer Overmyer to the effect
that oil derricks located on. Lots 5 and 7. Block 516, Lots 5,7 and 9,
Block 413, Lots 14 and 16, Block 316 had been inspected and found to
be in an unsafe condition. That owners of the above named derricks
had been notified and the property had been posted in compliance with
City Ordinance #280. The report was accepted and ordered filed.
Ott Bldg. City Engineer Overmyer submitted a report to the effect that the
removed building known as the Ott building on Main Street was unsafe and
that he had ordered same to be demolished and removed but that the
building on the S.E.corner of Main and Orange was structurally safe
and that he had no authority to order its removal. The report was
accepted and ordered filed.
Junk dealer's The application of M.E.Skeen to maintain and operate a junk dealers
denied establishment at 220 m 6th Street was denied on motion by Chamness
' - - seconded by Warner.
Signs A letter from Chief of Police Gelzer recommending the purchase and
installation of certain signs along Ocean Avenue was referred to the
police and Fire committee with power to act.
Resolution The Clerk presented and read Resolution No. 709, known as the
Weeds annual weed cleaning resolution and, on motion by Warner seconded by
Tovatt, same was passed and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Talbert, Chamness, Tovatt, Warner.
NOES: None.
ABSENT: Marion.
The date of hearing protests for objections against the above named
resolution was set for June 12th, 1934 at the hour of 7:30 P.M.
30 2
Orci`o373= The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 373, relating to and
first reading
regulating traffic on the public streets, -its first reading.
at this time.
Contract- The Clerk presented and read a contract between the City and
C. K. Morrison for use of the pier landing by the latter over a
period of five years and, on motion by Chamness seconded by Warner,
the Mayor and City Clerk were authorized to execute same on behalf
of the, Ci ty of Huntington Beach.
Resolution The Clerk presented and read Resolution No. 710 cancelling certain
#710 lease agreements with the Huntington Beach Company covering sights
for baseball grounds and, on motion by Warner seconded by Chamness',
same was passed and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Councilmen Talbert, Warner, Chamness, Tovatt.
NOES: None.
ABSENT: Councilman Marion.
Boy Scouts - The Clerk announced that a verbal request from the manager of the
night baseball club had been received to the effect that the Boy
Scouts be given exclusive rights to sell peanuts, popcorn and candy
and soft drinks'on the ball ground. No action was taken by the.
Council but the consensus of opinion was that the permit should be
Demands On motion by Chamness seconded by Tovatt, demands approved by
the Finance Committee were' ordered paid.
Card games in Councilman Warner, chairman of the committee appointed to inves-
pool halls
tigate the advisability of permitting card games and the issuance
of trade checks in pool rooms, made his report by referring to
Sections 330 and 337 of the penal code of California. City Attorney
Overacker read the above sections and expressed the opinion that to
permit card games upon the result of which money or merchandise was
slaked would be tantamount to gambling and in violation of state
statutes. No further action was taken by the Council.
Life -guard Sta. Fire Chief Sargent informed the Council that the Huntington
Beach Company had volunteered to construct an additional life -guard
station, equipped with telephone,' between the municipal pier and the
bath house and that same would be turned over to the life -guards for
their use. The Council accepted the offer and directed the Clerk to
thank the Huntington Beach Company for their cooperation.
SERA Work City Engineer Overmyer informed the Council that there was nothing
new relative to SERA work but that the prevailing opinion at the
Santa Ana headquarters was that work would-be authorized on or about
June 1st.
Telephone Fire Chief Sargent recommended that a telephone be placed in the
Life -guard tower
main life -guard tower, also in the camp ground office and.said that
the telephone company had agreed to'furnish the wire and run the
arkin lace
or am u ances
Rules -
Life boats-
Extra drill
practice -
Fence - tent
Milroy case
lines free of charge providing that the City furnish the conduit.
Matter was referred to the Beach and pier committee with power to act.
Councilman Chamness recommended that a space on Ocean Avenue
opposite the main life -guard station be reserved at all times for the
parking of ambulances. This recommendation was referred to the
Superintendent of Streets and.the Chief of police with instructions
to mark off the necessary space.
The Clerk was directed to search the records and determine if
the rules now posted on the pier had been properly authorized
and approved by the City Council. Then followed the discussion
as to whether or not the City Council should permit diving from
the pier. This matter was continued until.next meeting of the
Councilman Tovatt recommended that equipment be placed on
the pier for the raising and lowering of life boats. The
recommendation was referred to the Beach and Pier committee.
The request of Fire Chief Sargent for permission to call
firemen for drill practice four extra nights during the months
of June, July and August was referred to the Police and Fire
The recommendation of the Beach and pier committee that a
fence be built between the tent city grounds and the P.E.
railroad was referred back to the Beach and Pier committee for
further report.
Mayor Talbert referred to the City's suit against the State
in connection with the City's interest in the .Milroy well and
stated that on account of Councilman'Marion's illness, no action
could be taken by the Council pending Marion's report.'
Mayor Talbert expressed the opinion that the Council would. be
able to call, a special meeting within the next day or two and
decide whether to dismiss or continue the suit.
On motion by Warner seconded by Chamness, the Council adjourned.
City Cler a.nd ex-officio Clerk of
the City Council.
City Clerk