HomeMy WebLinkAbout1934-06-0408 MINUTES Ar City Hall, Monday June 4th, 1934. The regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 7:30 PM by Mayor Talbert. Councilmen present: Talbert,Marion,Chamness,Warner, Tovatt. Councilmen absent : None. MINUTES The Clerk presented and read the Minutes for the month of May, and on motion by Warner seconded by Chamness, same were approved as read. Injury Claim- Attorney W.E. Cameron of Long Beach appeared before the Tom Price Council and inquired what action had been taken relative to the personal injury claim filed by him on behalf of Tom Price who the attorney said had been injured by falling over a pipe ex- tended across the sidewalk in the oil field section. The Chair referred the matter to the City Attorney and Street Department for report at next meeting of the Council. 4th of July- W. J. Bristol, president of the Chamber of Commerce appeared Appropriation before the Council and made a request of the City to appropriate the sum of $839.00 to help defer expenses of.the Fourth of July celebration. Mr. Bristol stated that he thought the various business men would contribute approximately $150.00 in addition to that asked for from the City and, on motion by Chamness seconded by Warner, the City Council appropriated .800.00 from the Music and Promotion fund for the July 4th celebration with the understanding that the committee would render an account to the City Council after the celebration had closed. Card Games The matter of permitting card games in pool halls was dis- cussed by the Council and the final conclusion was that so long as no gambling was allowed, card games in pool rooms was per- missable under the ordinance. Neon Signs Pony ride stand A representative of the Electric Products Company addressed the Council relative to Neon signs. No action was taken. J-T Meeks addressed the Council and asked for permission to operate.a pony ride stand on the beach south of the pier. No action was taken by the Council. Oil on beach The Clerk read letters from the Business Menus Association and the Chamber of Commerce complaining that oil,.had been escaping from pipe lines on the beach. This matter was referred to the Street and Engineering Department to make a report at next meeting. Resignation- The resignation of police officer Wm. T Hunter was read and Wm.T.Hunter on motion by Tovatt seconded by Marion, same was accepted. 1 1 r 1 CI 1� Gale­S-.Bergey- On motion by Tovatt seconded by Marion, the appointment by appointed Chief Gelzer of Gale S Bergey as police officer at a salary of t $150.00 per month commencing June 1st, was approved. Increase in Councilman Marion recommended that -the salary of police officer salary - Tinsley & Jack Tinsley be increased in the amount of $50.00 per month and Mosier desk sergeant Mosier be increased,in the amount of $25.00 per month effective June 15th and, on motion by Chamness seconded by Marion, the recommendation was.approved and the increased salaries ordered paid. Application The Clerk read application of Mrs. Z.E.Wade for position as janitress for the pier rest rooms. Matter referred to Superintendent of Streets Wirth. Special officers On. motion by Chamness seconded by Marion, the appointment of a K.M.Holsombach and-T._C. Vincent as special police officers, with- out pay, was approved. Application Application of Lula B Clapp to operate restaurant at_520 Ocean Avenue was approved, on. --motion by Marion seconded by Tovatt. The Clerk read a letter signed by Earl Lee Kelley, director of the department of Public Works, State of California, in which re- ference was made to Resolution #708 of the City Council to the effect that the State did not recognize any claim of the Carr Oil .Company to a portion of Ocean Avenue for the purpose of an oil lease. The communication was ordered filed. Rodeo- On motion by Warner seconded by Marion, the Chamber of Commerce July 4th was granted permission -to hold a rodeo in the bail park on July 4th. �c Monthly Reports On motion by Tovatt seconded by Marion, monthly reports filed by the City Treasurer, City Clerk, City Judge, Chief of Police, Super- intendent of Streets and Building Inspector were accepted and ordered filed. City Engineer Overmyer informed the Council that the Supervisors had ordered the widening and improvement of Main Street at the inter- section of Garfield Avenue. The_Clerk presented and read a letter from the 1915 Improvement Bond -Act committee, 333 Roosevelt Building, Los Angeles, in which the request was made that the City -appropriate the sum of one hundred dollars for the purpose of ;further court action in this matter. Same was referred to the Finance Committee for report at next meeting of the Council. On motion by Chamness seconded by Tovatt, Resolution #711, Reso.711 providing for improvement of the beach front by construction of a caretaker's headquarters and other improvements, labor to be furnished by SERA, was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Marion,Chamness,Warner,Tovatt, Talbert. NOES: None ABSENT: None. 1-- 010� Milroy case After some discussion the question of withdrawing from the Milroy Oil suit was referred to the oil committee with recommen- dation that the case be dismissed and the City's interest quit- claimed to the original owners, provided the Milroy.Oil Company would agree to indemnify the city in the event of damage suits by attorneys now acting in the interest -of the City, the Milroy Oil Company and others.- The oil committee was_ requested to make their recommendations at 7:30 P.M. June 12th meeting of the Council. - Ord.#373- The Clerk presented and gave Ordinance 373 its second and Passed final reading and, on motion by Marion seconded by Chamness, Ordinance.#373 was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Chamness, Marion,,Tovatt, Talbert, Warner. NOES: None ABSENT: None. Dump truck Tie: Clerk. reed :bid..of the Do.dge'.and .;Plymouth Sales and Service.Company, 424 lain Street, -Huntington Beach., for fur- nishing the City with a Dodge dump truck: No action was taken by the Council. Lamp globes The matter of awarding contract for furnishing the City with street lamp globes for the ensuing year was deferred until next meeting. Buick sedan The Clerk informed the Council that the demand of Terryts Police Dept. Garage for payment of $746,92 on account of purchase of a Buick sedan for the Police Department.had not been signed by Chairman Warner of the Finance Committee. Councilman Warner informed the Chair that the purchase had been made without his knowledge and that this was the reason why he had not signed the demand. Furthermore, that the purchase did not meet with his approval. On motion by Marion seconded by Tovatt, the purchase of the above named Buick sedan was approved and the demand ordered paid. Councilmen Marion, Cha.mness,.Tovatt and'Talbert voting "Yes". Warner voting "No". Armistice Day Mayor Talbert informedN,the Council that the local American celebration Legion Post':;.estimated the cost of the November 1934 Armistice Daycelebration at about $3000.00.' Mr. Talbert stated that the County would probably donate the sum of $1500.00 providing the City would appropriate an equal amount. No action 4as'taken on the matter but the consensus of opinion was t4qt the City should appropriate from $1250.00 to $1500.00 for the occasion. 31 ip 1 1 Advertise- On motion by Tovatt seconded by Marion, the City Clerk was Road roller directed to advertise.for the -purchase of one 8 ton tandem gasoline road roller, new or used. Bids to be opened and examined at 7:30 P.M. June 26th, 1934. Fire hose On motion by Tovatt seconded by Chamness, Fire Chief Sargent was.authorized to purchase 500 feet of fire hose for the Fire Department. Rack for City Engineer. Overmyer was requested to furnish an estimate on fire hose the cost of installing a rack to dry fire hose in accordance with the recommendations of Fire Chief Sargent. Leaky gas Chief Sargent informed the Council that he was having trouble traps with oil companies operating leaky gas traps. He referred especial- ly to the Beloil Company. Mr. Sargent was asked to take the matter up with the owners of the well and report at next meeting. Following --motion by Warner seconded by Tovatt: "That the State Highway Department be authorized to use not to exceed $800.00 from the City of Huntington Beach's share of the J¢ gasoline allocation in repairing route 171 within the City of Huntington Beach". Motion put and carried unanimously. The matter of appropriating $250.00 to defray expenses of the American Legion Pilgrimage was deferred until a later date.. Demands On motion by Tovatt seconded by Chamness, demands approved by the Finance Committee were ordered paid. High Ins. Councilman Marion called attention to the high insurance rate rate charged on a policy covering the Horseshoe Club building, also to the rate charged covering the new Buick sedan and stated that he believed other reliable companies.could_furnish the insurance at a lower rate. The Clerk was directed to investigate the matter further and report at next meeting. On motion by Warner seconded by Chamness, the Council ad- journed until 7:30 P.M. June 12th, 1934. City Clerk & ex—officio Clerk of the City Council. TEST YMayor Codilerk