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City Hall, Tuesday June 26th,1934.
Pursuant to adjournment of June 12th, 1934, the City Council
met at 7:30.P.M. June 26th, 1934.
Councilmen present: Marion, Chamness, garner, Tovatt.
Councilmen absent : Talbert.
On motion by Warner seconded by Tovatt, Councilman Marion was ap-
pointed Mp,'yor pro-tem.
Bids- The Clerk informed the Council that this was the date set for
Road Roller
opening bids for furnishing the City with an eight ton road roller.
Bids opened and read were as follows:
Geo. W. French, 1134 - 5th Avenue, Los Angeles, one 8 ton
gallon, four cylinder tandem roller known as the J.D.Keen Paving
Company roller for the sum of $1100.00 f.o.b. Santa Monica,
State tax to be added $27.50 and an additional charge of $25.00
for delivery f.o.b. Huntington Beach.
The Austin Western Road Machinery Company, 4400 District
Blvd., Los Angeles,,one new Austin 8 ton, four cylinder tandem
roller complete, f.o.b. Huntington Beach $4,465.00 subject to
a 2% discount for cash payment within 30 days of date of invoice.
Peter L. Ferry and Son, Glendale, California, one used
two cylinder, 8 ton tandem Austin Western roller for the sum of
$1050.00 f.o.b. Huntington Beach.
Crook Company, 2900 Santa Fe Avenue, Los Angeles, one
4 cylinder, 7 ton Buffalo -Springfield roller, f.o.b. Hunting-
ton..Beach $4,315.00 less 2% discount within 30 days. One
2 cylinder, 8 ton Buffalo -Springfield roller, rebuilt f.o.b.
Huntington Beach, $1,600.00.
On motion by Tovatt seconded by Warner, bids were re-
ferred to the Street and Engineer Department for their recom-
mendations at next meeting, 6:30 P.M. -Friday, June 29th, 1934.
Tango- The application of Arthur Fabel, 1806 Pacific Avenue,
denied Venice, to operate tango game at 116_Main Street was denied,
on motion by Warner seconded by Chamness.
The application of C. H. Steffins to operate ferric .wheel
on Lots 4 and 5, Block 104 was referred to the City Attorney for
his opinion.
D.M.Blossom- On motion by Chamness seconded by Tovatt, the appointment
Desk sergeant
of D. M. Blossom as desk sergeant for the summer months,at a
salary of $125.00 per month beginning June 16th, was approved.
New. P,O. to be The Clerk presented and read a letter from City Engineer
connected with
Cityos san. Overmyer_ in which he stated that custodians of the site for the
U.S. Postoffice had asked permission to connect the area drains
to the City's sanitary system. On motion by Councilman Tovatt
seconded by Councilman.Warner, put and unanimously carried, the
permission was granted and the City Engineer directed to so
notify the applicant.
P. P. Tax The City Assessor informed the Council that certain oil
companies were mailing in personal property tax checks showing
a deduction on account of royalties paid or to be paid the State
of California and asked their permission.to refer the matter to
the City Attorney. The Assessor's request was granted..
Curio shop Mrs. Mary Reed submitted a written request to the Council
asking permission to open her curio shop to the general public
with the further request that general provisions be made whereby_
she could collect an admission fee. The matter was referred to
the Music & Promotion committee.
Demands On motion by Chamness.secpnded by Tovatt, demands approved
by the Finance Committee were ordered paid.
The Council adjourned until 6;30 P.M. Friday June 29th,
1934, on motion by Warner seconded by Chamness.
City Cle and ex-officio Clerk
of the City Council.
A E •
ity Clerk
Mayor pro-tem.