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City Hall, Friday June 29th, 1934
Pursuant to adjournment of June 26th, 1934, the City Council
met and was called to order at 6:30 P.M. by Mayor Talbert.
Councilmen present: Talbert,Marion,Chamness,Tovatt,Warner.
Councilmen absent None.
Road Roller This being the date set for awarding or rejecting bids for
furnishing the City Street Department with an 8 ton road roller,
on motion by Marion seconded by Tovatt, the bid of George W. French
in the total sum of $1,152.50 was accepted and all other bids rejected.
Curio Shop On motion by Chamness seconded by Marion, the City Clerk was
directed to write Mrs. Mary Reed and state that the City would be
glad to furnish her a license for operating her curio shop on an
admission basis but that the City Council did not wish to take
any part in the business.
On motion by Marion seconded by Tovatt, the application of
Popcorn Wagon
R.L.Menasco to operate popcorn wagon at 125 Main Street was approv-
ed and the Clerk directed to issue the necessary license.
On motion by Tovatt seconded by Chamness, the application
of H. D. Anderson to operate cafe at 302 - 16th Street was ap-
proved and the Clerk directed to issue the necessary license.
The application of C . H. Steffins to operate ferris wheel
on Lots.4 and 5, Block 104 was talbed for further investigation.
Orange Co. Peace On motion by Chamness seconded by Marion, the request of
Officers' Ass'
CRiief of Police Gelzer for free use of the City Auditorium on the
day of July llth, 1934 for the meeting of the Orange County
Peace Officers'.Association was granted.
Ord.#374 The Clerk gave 8xdinance No. 374 its second and final
reading at this time and, on motion by Marion seconded by Tovatt,
Ordinance No.374 was,passed_and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Talbert,Marion,Chamness,Tovatt, Warner.
NOES: None.
ABSENT': None..
Reso. 712. The Clerk presented and read Resolution No. 712, authoriz-
ing the deeding of certain oil interests in Lots 17 and 19, Block
211, and on motion by Marion seconded by Chamness, Resolution No.
1 712 was passed and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Talbert,Marion,Chamness,Tovatt, Warner.
NOES: None.
Attorney pveracker informed the Council that he had not
yet•prepared an agreement cancelling the City's lease on the.golf
course but it would be ready at the next meeting.
Taxes City Attorney Overacker informed the Assessor and City
Council that he believed the Beloil Corporation and all other
companies claiming tax exemption on account of alleged slant
:drilling were liable to the City for 100% assessment and tax
,payments and he further recommended that in the event these
companies refused to pay the taxes as assessed by the Assessor
that a test case be made to determine the City's rights.
Junk yard On motion by Marion seconded by Chamness, the application
of R, Goldman to operate junk yard -at 440 Main Street was denied.
Councilman Warner informed the Council that according to
reports made at the Orange County League of Municipalities' meeting,
the SERA was in position to furnish relief work for office clerks
as well as common labor and mechanics. Engineer Overmyer stated
that he would look into the matter and inform the Council in the
event such work could.be furnished in Huntington Beach.
At this time, 8:80 P.M., Councilman Tovatt moved that the
Council go into executive session to go into bids of automobiles
The motion was seconded by Councilman Marion, put and carried by
the following vote:
AYES: Marion, Chamness,Tovatt,Talbert.
NOES: Warner.
The Council was again called to order at 9:45 P.M., all
councilmen present. -
Delinquent Chief of Police Gelzer informed the Council that he had
posted notices on all derricks and business which were delinquent
on license paymenip and had stated July 15th as the last date upon
which payment might be made to avoid arrest.
Mayor Talbert stated that the Council had agreed to with-
hold for the present the purchase of a truck for the Street
On motion by Marion seconded by.Chamness, the Council
agreed to defer action on the.purchase of a car for the Police
Department until next meeting.. In the meantime all local
dealers were asked to submit informal bids on both two and four
door sedans.
On motion by Marion seconded by Tovatt, the Council ap-
propriated the sum.of $150.00 to cover salary and expenses of
..advertising manager for the month of June, 1934. Motion put
and carried by the following vote:
AYES: Talbert,Marion, Chamness,Tovatt.
NOES: Warner.
Demand On motion by Chamness seconded by Tovatt, demand approved
by.the Finance Committee for the purchase of one 8 ton road
roller was approved and ordered paid.
' e..Councit adjourn ,
a s
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City Clerk,
s,p'conded by
o 9,1erk of the City Council.