HomeMy WebLinkAbout1934-09-0433 ..r MINUTES CITY Hall, Tuesday September 4th,1934. f The.regular meeting.of the City Council was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor Talbert. Councilmen present: Chamness,Marion, Tovatt, Warner, Talbert. Councilmen absent : None. Minutes On motion by Warner seconded by Chamness, Minutes for the _ month of August were approved as read. Mtnthly Reports The Clerk read reports of the City Treasurer, City Clerk, City Judge, Building Inspector, Superintendent of Streets and Chief of Police, and on motion by Warner, seconded by Marion, same were accepted and ordered filed. Surety Bond On motion by Warner seconded by Tovatt, the surety bond -..--- --of _..the Two Macks Electric Company was accepted and ordered filed. Special Officers- The request of -Chief of Police Gelzer for permission to picnic appoint two special officers on September 8th during the time of the Standard Oil picnic was granted, on motion by Chamness seconded - ".. by Marion. Vault The Clerk called the attention of the Council to conditions in the new vault and recommended that vents be installed for the protection of the records. The matter was referred to the City -, Engineer and Building Committee for their recommendations. Reso.#716 On motion by Warner seconded by Chamness, Resolution No. 1J 716-,. fixing. the tax ..rate for the fiscal year 1934-35, was passed Jad�..�opted_':b g the followinvote: AYES: Marion, Chamness,Warner, Tovatt, Talbert. NOES,::: None. rr -, ABSENT: None. Bids- -. On mot�,io by Tovatt seconded by Marion, the City Clerk Garbage Collection was authorized and directed to advertise for bids for the collection of, garbage, bids to be opened and examined .at 700 P.M. October ist, 1934- Red Signal The matter of installing additional red signal lights for Lights the Police Department was continued until the next meeting of the Council. City Attorney pveracker asked that he be allowed until next meeting to prepare a new sign ordinance, also the anti -firecracker ordinance. Outfall sewer Councilman Warner informed the Council that he was getting plant together some additional information in regard to the proposed outfall sewer plant and asked for more time in submitting his recom- mendations to the Council. ra Councilman Marion said that he had contacted some of the oil men outside the city limits and that he fei:t certain they would be agreeable to creating a fund for fire protection. The City Clerk R was directed to write the insurance companies and aske:-them whether or not the fire trucks would be protected by insurance when serving outside the city limits. Fire hydrants- The matter of additional fire hydrants for the protection of Golf Club the golf club house was referred to Chief Sargent for investigation and report. Councilman Chamness reported Zarge and increasing crowds in the beach camp ground. Engineer Overmyer stated that he had been informed that the SERA does not have a sufficient number of skilled mechanics to start work immediately on the beach buildings. s Camp Ground Councilman Chamness recommended that streets be widened and better parking space be made in the city owned camp ground. The matter was referred to Superintendent of Streets Wirth and the Beach it 1 Committee to work out plans and present to the Council. League-of, eague of Mun- On motion by Warner seconded by Tovatt, City Attorney icipalities Convo Overacker and City Clerk Furr were appointed delegate and alternate, respectively, to attend the League of Municipalities Convention in Pasadena, September 24th to 28th. Demands On motion by Chamness seconded by Tovatt, bills approved by the Finance Committee were ordered paid. The Council adjourned until 7:30.P.M Monday, September 17th, 1934, on motion by Warner seconded by Tovatt. City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council. AT fzl'tCity Clerk. I 4,_