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Field Secretary for
C. of C.
City Hall, Monday Sept. 17th, 1934.
Pursuant to adjournment of September 4th, the City Council
met and was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor Talbert.
Councilmen present: Chamness, Tovatt, Warner, Talbert.
Councilmen absent Marion.
W J Bristol, president of the Chamber of Commerce, addressed
the City Council and asked that an -appropriation be made for the
purpose of employing a field secretary for the Chamber of Com-
merce for a period of three months or more at a salary of $150.00
per month. Mr. Bristol stated that the duties of the field
secretary would be to make a careful check of rentable property
by giving special attention whether or not the property needed
repair and remodeling, he would also make a special effort to`
increase the membership of the Chamber of.Commerce. On motion
by Warner seconded by Tovatt, the matter was taken under ad-
visement until next meeting of the City Council.
Joseph Rodman On motion by Chamness seconded by Tovatt '-'.the request of the
Joseph Rodman Post for exclusive control of all entries in the
parade on November.12th and for exclusive rights for concessions
during the week end, November 9th to 12th inclusive, was granted.
Standard Oil Co. The Clerk read a letter from representatives of the Standard
Oil Company-thanking/the City for courtesies shown the Company
and its employees during their picnic September 8th.
Application The application of C H Killian for position of caretaker of
the tent city camp was ordered filed.
Lease for Parking Thy Clerk presented and read a lease from the Pacific Electric
Railway,, company to the City of Huntington Beach covering a 22
foot parking strip extending from Main Street to girst Street on
the westerly side of Ocean Avenue and covering the period of
November 1st, 1934 to October 31st, 1935• On motion by Warner
seconded by Tovatt, the Mayor ane'City Clerk were authorized and
directed to execute the lease:
On motion by Warner seconded by Chamness, the surety bond of
Surety Bonds
the Cave Electrical Company was accepted and ordered filed.
On motion by Tovatt seconded by Warner, the surety bond of
Ebert Davies Johnson, electrical contractor, was accepted and
ordered filed.
On motion by Tovatt seconded by Warner, the surety bond of
Hickman Bros. Inc., plumbing contractors, was accepted and
ordered filed.
Firemen's Con. The request of the Volunteer Firemen's Association for an
at Santa Cruz
appropriation of $15.00 to defray part of the expenses of a
delegate to the Firemen's Convention at Santa Cruz was granted, on
motion by Tovatt seconded by Chamness.
Outfall sewer City Engineer Overmyer informed the Council that he had
received a request from the U. S of America Federal Emergency
Administrator of Public Works demanding that the City Council
take immediate action concerning the loan for the construction
of an outfall sewer. After some discussion, it was decided
that a bond election at.this time would be expensive and that
there were strong probabilities that it would not carry.
Following motion by Warner seconded by Chamness: "That City
Engineer avermyer be instructed,to notify the U S Government
Federal Emergency Administrator of Public Works that the City
finds now that it is unable to finance its portion of the
proposed work, namely the installation of a sewage disposal
plant costing approximately 100 000.00." Motion
g p y � , put and
carried unanimously.
On motion by Warner seconded by Chamness., the firecracker
ordinance was taken under advisement and the City Attorney was
directed to investigate firecracker ordinances of other cities
and make recommendations at next meeting of the Council.
Superintendent of Streets Wirth was authorized, at his request,
to turn off one-half of the lights on the municipal pier
October lst.
j* On motion by Warner seconded by Chamness, the Council adjourned.
City Clerk and Ex-officio Clerk
of the City Council.
r Mayor
AT •
City C erk