HomeMy WebLinkAbout1934-10-01336 MINUTES City Hall, Monday October 1, 1934. 0• The regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 7: 30 P . M by Mayor Talbert. Councilmen present: Marion,Chamness,Warner,Tovatt, Talbert. _. _...._.__.._,_...,., Councilmen absent None. Deduction in interest Mr. George A Green of 5956 Franklin Avenue, Hollywood, asked appeared before the Council and presented a request that certain interest deductions be made on property owned by Mrs. Maude T. Sanford on Lots 5-7-11, Block 616. The matter was referred to the City Attorney and City Tax Collector. License Mr. Avent addressed the Council and asked that a reduction be made in the license tax covering the operation of second hand clothing establishments, stating that he found other cities made little or no distinction between license on secondhand clothing stores and other business license. This matter was referred to the City Attorney to compare with other cities and offer his recom- � mendation at next meeting of the Council. 'Minute.s The Clerk presented and read.Minutes for the month of September September and, on motion by Chamness seconded by Warner, same were _. approved as read. Awarding of Garbage This being the date set for opening and examining bids for Contract the collection and disposal of garbage in the City of Huntington Beach, the Clerk read the the following bids: A. C. Loper, 6092 West 1st Street, Long Beach, $145.00 per month. J W McIntosh and F. M Baldwin, jointly, $140.00 per month. There being no further bids the following motion was made by Warner: "That the bid of McIntosh and Baldwin at $140.00 per month for a period of three years be accepted and that all other bids be rejected". Motion seconded by Tovatt•,,put and carried • r, unanimously. The City Attorney was authorized and directed to :,prepare the usual -�U'on.tract for the collection and disposal of garbage providing an additional clause to the effect that contract may be cancekled in the event national, state or city authorities -- _ should legislate to prohibit the feeding of garbage to hogs. Armistice Day The Clerk read a letter from the Orange County Armistice Celebration Day Celebration committee in which the Council was asked to make r its appropriation at this time covering a portion of the expense of the celebration. After some discussion the following motion was offered by Warner: "That the Council allow the Joseph Rod- . man Post of the American Legion an amount not to exceed $1500.00 for staging the Armistice Day celebration". Motion seconded by Chamness, put and carried unanimously. 04 Chamber of The Clerk read a letter from the Chamber of Commerce request - Commerce ing that the Council appropriate the sum of $3300.00 for the ensuing fiscal year, July 1, 1934 to June 30, 1935, for the purpose of paying the salary of a secretary and other proposed activities of the Chamber -- of Commerce. This matter was deferred until Thursday,.October 4th. Monthly Reports The Clerk read Monthly Reports of the City Treasurer, City y Clerk, City Judge, Chief of Police, Superintendent of Streets and City Engineer and, on motion by Warner seconded by Chamness, same were accepted and ordered filed. Councilman Marion At this time 9:15 P.M., Councilman Marion asked to be excused excused from the Council for the remainder of the evening. Ins. - Firemen The Clerk informed the City Council that he had received letters working outside city limits. from -the insurance companies to the effect that fire fighting equipment and firemen would receive the same protection outside as inside the _ city limits. Extermination On motion by Chamness seconded by Warner, the Orange County Health of rats Department was allowed $15.00 to help defray expense in the extermination t of rats, squirrels and other pests. Fire hydrant at On motion by Warner seconded by Tovatt,-the Fire Chief was authorized 17th & Crest to install a fire hydrant on 17th Street at the intersection of Crest Avenue for the protection of the Elementary School, nearby oil derricks and the gaff club house. St. light at R F. Patrick appeared before the Council and asked that a street Delaware & Detroit light be placed near the corner of Delaware and Detroit. On motion by Warner seconded by Chamness, the request was referred to the Superintendent of Streets and the Street Committee for their recommendation at the next -- meeting of the Council. Demands On motion by Chamness seconded by Tovatt, demands approved by the Finance Committee were ordered paid. There being no further business to come before the Council, on motion by Warner seconded by Chamness, it adjourned until 7:30 P.M Thursday, October 4th, 1934. City Clerk and\`Ex-offncio Clerk of the City Coun il. Mayor TT ity Clerk. 114,