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Minute s
Fire Zones
Windsor Club
to -remove
_ City Hall, Monday Dec.3rd, 1934
The regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at
7:30 P.M by Mayor Talbert.
Councilmen present: Marion, Chamness,Warner, Tovatt, Talbert.
Councilmen absent: _ None.
On motion by Warner seconded by Marion, Minutes for the month -of
November were approved as read.
The Clerk read letters from Dr. K.H Sutherland, County and City
Health Officer, and from Chief of Police. Gelzer calling the attention of
the Council to the unsanitary conditions and bad management of the Bobb-Im
located at 406 Ocean Avenue, and recommending that the Council take
immediate steps to close the place.. On motion by Chamness seconded by
Warner, the City Attorney was directed to prepare a notice in accordance
with city ordinances and the Mayor and City Clerk were authorized to
execute same on behalf of the City.
Said notice to provide for a hearing
to. be held before the Council at 7:30 P.14 , December 17th, 1934, at which
time the-p`roprietors of the Bobb-Inn would be asked to show cause why the
place should not be closed.
The application of Chas. Derigo for license to operate an Off -sale
liquor store at 421 Main Street was approved,on motion -by Marion seconded
by Chaffne s s .
The request of the American Legion Auxiliary for an appropriation
of $150.00 to help defray expense of furnishing baskets to the needy on
Christmas Day was referred to the Music and Promotion Committee.
The Clerk read a letter from City Engineer Overmyer and submitted
a map outlining proposed fire zones. One, Two and Three in accordance
with the provisions of the uniform building ordinance heretofore adopted
by the City, and on motion by_Warner seconded by Tovatt, the Council
approved the above named map and ordered same filed with and made a part
of the City's uniform building ordinance.
The request of the Windsor Club for.free use of the Memorial Hall
on the night of Yonda.y November 19th was granted, on motion by Chamness
seconded by Marion.
The written request of Rosa F. Griffith for permission to remove
trees in the parking at 2019 Hampshire Avenue was granted and the Sup-
erintendent of Streets was directed to so notify Mrs. Griffith.
Bldg, Building Inspector Overmyer submitted a report to the effect that the
building located on Lot 21, Block 305, near the corner of 5th and Orange,
was in bad condition and that same should be either repaired or demolished,
and upon motion by Tovatt seconded by Warner, the building inspector was
authorized to proceed in accordance with city ordinances.
34 �
Monthly reports
On motion by Warner seconded by Chamness, monthly reports
Adv. in
Press -Telegram
Gas rates
Adv. in H B.News.
League of
P-iIun .
Re s o . #720
Sunset �acific
Oil Co.
of the City Clerk, City Treasurer, Building Inspector, Superin-
tendent of Streets, City Judge and Chief of Police were accepted
and ordered f iled.
The Clerk presented and read garbage contract between the
City and J W.McIntosh and F. M. Baldwin and, on motion by Warner
seconded by Marion, the Mayor and City Clerk were authorized to
execute same on behalf of the City.
K. P. Fredericks of the Press -Telegram addressed the Council
and asked the City to appropriate the sum of
500.00 for a one
page advertisement in the annual edition of the Press -Telegram January
2d, 1935• Mr. Fredericks stated that there would be approximately
80,000 copies circulated on that day. On motion by Warner seconded
by Chamness, the Council agreed to take one-half page at a cost
not to exceed $225.00.
Mr. Hamilton addressed the Council and recommended that the
City take steps to either acquire a city owned gas system or compel
the present distributors to reduce the rate. Mr. Hamilton mentioned
other cities situated similar to Huntington Beach near oil fields
in which the gas rate -had been reduced to as low as 270 per 1000
cubic feet. The.matter was -referred to Councilmen Warner, Chamness
and Tovatt, public utilities committee.
A letter from James S. Farquhar asking that the city appropriate
$80.00 for a one page advertisement in the.Hunt'i.ngton Beach News
annual edition of December 27th was read. Motion by Tovatt seconded
by Chamness to grant the request was amended on motion by Warner
seconded by Marion to accept a one-half page advertisement in the
Huntington Beach News. Amendment put and carried; Marion, Chamness,
Warner; Tovatt voting "Yes". Talbert voting "No!R;.
The Clerk read a letter from the League of Municipalities
requesting the sum of $45.00 for the purpose of maintaining an
office in Sacramento during the session of the legislature in 1935•
In commenting.on•the matter City Attorney Overacker recommended
that the City Council appropriate the sum for the reason that the
work of the legislature would be greatly beneficial to all cities.
Whereupon the Clerk presented and read Resolution #720 appropriating
the sum of $45.00 and authorizing the League to represent Huntington
Beach along with other cities and, on motion by Warner seconded by
Chamness, Resolution #720 was passed and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Marion, Chamness, Warner, Tovatt, 'T-.albert.
NOES: None.
'+ ABSENT: None.
On motion by Chamness seconded by Marion, the City Attorney and
City Arse.s:sarmere authorized to make a settlement with the Sunset
Pacific Oil Company covering the year 1927-28, mining right taxes
3 ' 47
SERA work
Christmas tree
on the following conditions - that the receiver of the Sunset Pacific
pay to the City the sum of $861.52 cash and waive all rights to refunds
now standing to the credit of the Julian Petroleum Company $944.18,
and California Eastern Oil Company $415°56.
On motion by Tovatt seconded by Chamness, demands approved by
the Finance Committee were accepted and ordered paid.
The Clerk asked the Council's permission to employ Mrs. Barnes
to look after the ladiest lounge and rest rooms at the Memorial Hall and
City Hall. The Clerk was directed to communicate with Mrs. Barnes and
report to the Council the cost of this extra. service.
Engineer Overmyer submitted a letter to the Council and recommended
that application be made to the SERA for labor for a number of different
projects. The letter urged that immediate action be taken for the
reason that men were now available for work. After some discussion
the City Engineer and Superintendent of Streets were directed to make
the necessary applications and proceed with the following work:
1. Clean lots deeded to the City.
2. Grade and oil alleys.
3. Paint metal lamp posts.
4. Paint street numbers on lamp globes.
5. Paint house numbers on curbs in front of property
in the residential district.
6. Paint fire hydrants.
7. City Engineer to prepare and present an estimate for
the construction of the new building on Lake Park for
the boy scouts. Building to be somewhat larger than
the present one.
On motion by Chamness seconded by Marion, the request from Fire
Chief Sargent for $50.00 to cover expense of setting up Christmas tree
and furnishing presents for the childred was granted.
On motion by Chamness seconded by Marion, the Council adjourned
until 7:30 P.M December 17th, 1934.
A °oo/
City Clerk.
City Clerk and `,ex-officio Clerk of
the City Council.