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City Hall, Monday Feb. 4th, 1935.
The regular meeting of the City Council was.called:to order
at 8:00 P.M by Mayor -Talbert. '
Councilmen present: Talbert, Warner, Tovatt.
Councilmen absent.: Marion, Chamness.
Mayor Talbert appointed Councilman Tovatt to act on the 'v(
Finance Committee.
On motion by.Tovatt seconded by Warner, minutes for the
- ----month of January were approved as read.
Contract ,f)'6r 1nst,allinG The Clerk read bids of Ed Manning and L. E . Worthy for the
heating; apparatus
awarded to L E installation of heating apparatus.in the City Hall.and, on
motion by Warner seconded by Tovatt, the contract was awarded
to L. E. Worthy for the sum of $129.50, same being low bid to
install one 30 gallon water heater in the city hall and one
20 gallon water heater in the Fire Department, also covering
-_ the present heater in the City Hall.
Bids received for The bids of Walter Washburn, G. W Jacobs and Lyndon Wells
painting Horseshoe
Club bldg. for painting the Horseshoe Club house building were read and
- referred to the building committee for its recommendation.
eompU$int of soot The Clerk read a letter from C. B. Baldwin, Superintendent
& smoke at elementary
school of the elementary schools, complaining of soot and smoke coming r
from a boiler on 16th Street near the school building. On motion
by Varner seconded by Tovatt, the City Attorney was instructed to
take the necessary steps to abate the nuisance and report to the
- - :,City Council.
New contract for gasoline The Clerk presented a new contract from the Richfield Oil
by Richfield Oil Co.
Company proposing to cancel its present contract and enter into l
an agreement to furnish the city with gasoline at the top price
of 122¢ per gallon commencing January loth, 1935 and running to
January 9th, 1936.- On motion by Warner seconded by Tovatt, the ..,
Mayor and City Clerk were authorized to execute the new contract
_.._. on behalf of the City.
Letters urging bldg. The Clerk read letters from Mrs. Kirkpatrick, Mrs. C. B. .�
for girl scouts
Baldwin, C. B. Baldwin and Sara M. Whitfield urging the Council to
erect a new building in�Lake Park for use of the girl scouts, and
on motion by Warner seconded by Tovatt, the matter was taken under
advisement until next meeting of the Council.If
Monthly reports The Clerk read monthly reports of the Building Inspector,
Superintendent of Streets, City Judge, Chief of Police, City
Clerk and City Treasurer for the month of January and, on motion
-- by Warner seconded by Tovatt, same were accepted and ordered filed.
Ciaims The Clerk presented and read claims of Sara M. Whitfield,
John E. Whitfield and Mrs. Hannah Weitz for refund of taxes on the
properties occupied by the Southern California Edison Company and
Southern Counties Gas Company, respectively, claims being based on
the fact that the buildings were and are operative properties. On
motion by Warner seconded by Tovatt, the matter was referred to City
Attorney Overacker for his recommendation at next meeting of the Council.
Request for Ad C. W. Patrick addressed the Council and asked that an appropm
in S.A Register
denied riation 6f $80.00 be made to cover a one page advertisement in the,
Santa Ana Register's February 15th annual edition. After some
discussion, on motion by-Tovatt seconded by Warner, the request was
denied by the following vote:
AYES: Councilmen Tovatt, Talbert.
NOES: Councilman Warner.
ABSENT: Councilmen Marion, Chamness.
Ord. #381 The Clerk gave Ordinance #381, regulating the erection of signs,
First reading
.._its first reading at this time.
Strip on ocean The Clerk presented and read a proposal by the Pacific Electric
leased for Railway to lease to the city a strip of land approximately 20 x 310 feet
purposes on the ocean side of the Pacific Electric railway, easterly from First
street, for parking purposes and, on motion by Tovatt seconded by Warner,
the Mayor and City Clerk were authorized to execute the agreement on
—behalf of the City.
SERA sewing room On motion -by Warner seconded by Tovatt, the room formerly used
in City Hall
.� by the Engineering Department was donated for the use of the SERA as
a sewing room commencing Friday, February 8th and to continue at the
will or pleasure of the City Council.
.� Extermination The request of the Orange County Health Department for posters
of rats
and poison to be placed on palm trees in the city for the extermination
_ 1
of rats was denied and the Clerk instructed to inform the applicants
that the City Council was not interested in extermination of rats in
palm trees.
Delinquent The Clerk called the Council's attention to a number of delinquent
license derrick licenses and informed the Council that immediate action would
be taken by the license and paulice departments to collect these del—
inquent licenses.
Mining rights The Clerk suggested that the City Council secure the written opinion
-•t of the City Attorney covering the assessing and taxing of that portion
of mining rights now being collected by the State of California. This,
for the purpose of determining wherein assessments should be made for
the year 1935. No action was taken by the Council.
Federal' -Emergency The City Engineer presented a blank questionnaire from the
Admin. question-
naire Federal Emergency Administration asking that the Council report
prospective improvements during the coming year. After some
discussion, the City Engineer was directed to fill in the question-
naire with the follow ng=.suggest one:
Outdoor amphitheater.on the beach.
The acquisition of the city water and gas plants.
The construction of the sewage disposal plant and any other
_-,_... improvements which might be deemed of benefit to the City.
Street lights Councilman Warner stated that he was making a check of the
street light service and might have something of interest to report
- at next meeting.
Fire proof safe for The Clerk called the Council°s attention.to the safe now being
Tax Dep°t.
used by the Tax Department and informed -them that same was not fire
proof equipment and recommended that a -larger and better safe be
installed for the tax records. The matter was referred to the
building committee.
Demands On motion by Tovatt seconded by Warner,�demands approved by
the finance_ committee were ordered paid.
Neir equip. requested The request of Fire Chief Sargent for permission to purchase
for Fire Dep°t.
ten new bunker suits at -the price of $12.95.each and hip boots for
the fire department was referred to the Police and Fire Committee
and to the Fire Chief for definite figures to be presented to the
Council at its next meeting.
dity- Attorney The City Attorney returned the claim of John E. Whitfield and
recommends claim:
be allowed Sara M. Whitfield for refund of taxes for 1931-32 covering property
now occupied by the Southern California Edison Company and recommended
that the claim be allowed, less interest.
On motion by Warner seconded by Tovatt, Council adjourned until
7:30 P.M. Monday, February 18th, 1935.
City, Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of
the City Council.
l24ZCity Clerk.