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City Hall, Monday March 25th, 1935•
Pursuant to adjournment of March 12th, the City Council met and
was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor Talbert.
Councilmen present: Chamness,Marion,Tovatt,Warner,Talbert.
Councilmen absent : None
Bids - This being the date set for opening and examining bids for the
Municipal pier
repair of the municipal pier, the Clerk opened and read the following
John C. Bauer of Long Beach - 01450.00
A. K. Candee of Hollywood - 1850.00
Following motion by Warner seconded by Chamness, that all bids be re-
jected except that of John C: Bauer and that his bid of $1450.00 be
accepted, motion put and carried unanimously.
Surety Bond On motion by Warner seconded by Tovatt, the surety bond of
McIntosh and Baldwin, garbage disposal contractors, was received and
ordered filed.
Petition The Clerk presented and read petition signed by approximately
127 citizens requesting the City Council to extend either California
or Huntington avenue easterly to Ocean Avenue and to open the most
direct crossing from the east side to the business section of the city.
City Engineer Overmyer was directed to prepare a rough estimate of the
cost of extending Huntington Avenue and the crossing of Detroit Street
and Frankfort Street and present at next meeting.
Application The application of V.R.Williamson for lease of bait concession
on the pier was referred to the beach and pier committee.
Asks for On motion by Warner seconded by Marion, the request of Chief of
Assistant during
Vacation Police Gelzer for an assistant from three to four and one-half months
to relieve policemen<t/on vacation was taken under advisement until the
next meeting of the City Council.
MotorcyclesThe Clerk read a letter from Chief Gelzer in whi6h he recommended
the purchase of two new motorcycles at a net cost of $320.00. On motion
by Warner seconded by Tovatt, the recommendation was taken under advise-
ment until next Monday April lst.
Del. Assessr:rents The written request of Chas. Burleycamp asking that the city pay
delinquent assessments on account of improvements of Crest Avenue and others
under the 1911 Act on Lots 12, 14, 16 and 18, Block 812 was referred to
the City Attorney.
Utica St. The request of Rosa Griffith for improvements along Utica street
was referred to Superintendent of Streets Henry Wirth.
WRC On motion by Warner seconded by Chamness, the request of the WRC
for free use of Memorial Hall march 28th was granted.
Acreage Mayor Talbert informed the Council that an offer had been
made to sell to the City 44.36 acres of land located near the easterly
city limits of the city at a cost of $3750.00. Mayor Talbert said
that he believed this would be a good buy and suggested that if it
were possible the city might acquire Additional acreage in the same
vicinity. On motion by Warner seconded by Marion, the matter was
taken under advisement until the meeting of Monday April 1st.
Delinquent Councilman Chamness stated that he would have a report con -
cerning the delinquent rentals owed by,Harvey Walker and Dwight
Clapp at next meeting.
Status of Councilman Warner.asked the Chair fo`r a report on the status
oil lease
of the lease between the city and the Southwest Exploration Company
covering tidewater lands. Mayor Talbert stated that he Was informed
that the lessee and other large land holders and oil operators.were
combining their interests with a view of drilling along-the,mesa and
tapping the oil underneath the tide lands, also that he was informed
that the State and others concerned were contemplating giving the
city a 4-1/6% royalty.
SERA Recreation Councilman Warner reported that he had had a meeting with
C .B Baldwin and others relative to the proposed SERA recreation ac4, -.°r `_` .s'>''i
activities in Huntington Beach and that they were working out
a tentative program which he might be able to report on by
Monday April 1st.
On motion by Marion seconded by Chamness, the Council adjourned.
T T• /
City Clerk.
City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of
the City Council.