HomeMy WebLinkAbout1935-07-01MINUTES
City Hall, Monday July lst, 1935.
The regular meeting.of the City Council was called to order at
7:30 P.M. by Mayor Talbert.
Councilmen present: Talbert, Chamness, Warner, Tovatt.
Councilmen absent : Marion
The Chair appointed Councilman Tovatt on the Finance Committee.
�inu es On motion by Warner seconded by Chamness, Minutes for the month
of June were approved as read.
_nhly The Clerk read reports of the City Clerk., City Treasurer, City
epo'ts Judge, Chief of Police, Building Inspector and Superintendent of Street
and, on motion by Warner seconded by Tovatt, same were accepted and
placed on file.
License On motion by Chamness seconded by Warner, the application of
Issued V. Dispalatro for license to operate fruit and vegetable wagon, was
At this time, 8:35 P.R., Councilman Marion arrived.
Permission to On motion by Chamness seconded by Tovatt, the application of
tent RevereWd Frank B. Collins to erect tent on Lots 19, 212 23, 25 and
27 in Block 205 was accepted and a temporary permit to conduct
church services for the period of thirty days from the hour of
7':00 P.M. to 9:30 P.M: daily was granted.
Pontius as On motion by Tovatt seconded by Chamness, the appointment by
extra patrol—
men Chief Gelzer of J.E.Pontius as extra patrolman relieving Officer
Keller was approved.
Ord.#386 The_Clerk gave Ordinance #386, excluding the tidelands from oil
territory., its third and final reading.and, on motion by Marion secondd
,l by Tovatt, Ordinance #386 was passed and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Councilmen Marion,Tovatt,Chamness,Warner, Talbert.
NOES: None
.r. Bid for The'bid of Lyndon Wells for painting the railing at the entrance
railing of the city hall was referred to the building committee on motion by
Warner seconded by Chamness.
?' Bid accepted The Clerk read bid of W. D. Young to furnish the city with a
for Ford standard Ford sedan for the price of $795.00 and allowing $350.00 on
the Hudson now in use by the city engineer and, on motion by Marion
seconded by Warner., the bid was accepted and the city controller
directed to make the purchase on the above named terms.
11emo Hall On motion by Warner seconded by Marion, the Council voted to
- cancel charges for use of the memorial hall by the Orange County
League of Municipalities on June 29th.
Demands On motion by Warner seconded by Chamness, demands approved by
the Finance Committee were -ordered paid-
Dangerous F. E. Bundy addressed the Council relative to dangerous
Crossing crossings at First Street and near the city's camp ground. The
matter was referred to the Chief of Police with instructions to
use his efforts to prevent accidents at these crossings.
Tango The application of Thomas A. Tonnesen of Redondo Beach to
operate tango parlor at 406 Ocean Avenue was read and taken under
advisement by the Council. Chief Gelzer was directed to communicate
with the Chief of Police in Santa. Monica and ascertain, if possible,
the sentiment in that city regarding the operation of tango games.
Executive At: --this time, 9:50 P.M. the Council went into executive
session session.
10:50 P.M. Council again called to order with all members
Legion The Clerk)reported that the walls in the Legion Hall were
Hall in need of repair. The matter was referred to Councilman Tovatt,
chairman of the building committee and City Engineer Overmyer for
their recommendations at next meeting.
Mills Land & Councilman Warner informed the Council that he and Engineer
Water Co.- Overmyer had met with Mr. Moore of the Mills Land and Water Company.
sewer line
That Mr. Moore agreed to use his efforts to get a right of way for
the city's sewer line, also additional land for other purposes
provided the city would clean up the present dump and cease to use
it for dumping rubbish within the next six months. Engineer Over—
myer stated that -it would probably cost the City approximately
$7,000.00 to run its sewer line to the new plant unless the City
was able to secure a direct route through the Mills Land and Water
Company's property, also that Mr. Moore of the Mills Land and Water
Company had indicated that his company did not care to sell aright
of way at any cost. Attorney Overacker was asked to look into the
matter of securing a direct right of w4y and the procedure to secure
the same under the right of eminent domain if.such action should
become necessary.
Mills Land & Councilman Warner informed the Council that the Mills Land and
Water Co.
Water Company would appreciate it if the City through its Police
Department would use its best.efforts to keep campers off its beach
property. The Chair referred the matter to the Chief of Police and
asked him to cooperate with the Mills Land and Water Company,
The Clerk
and City
Attorney called attention
of the Council
to the insurance
now in effect between the
City and C. K.
Morrison and between the City and A. E. Brunner and pointed out that
same were not in accordance with the provisions of the contracts.
The policy of Morrison providing $1,000.00 against damage and the
policy of Brunner carrying a clause to the effect that $50.00
would be deducted from each accident. The City Council agreed
that neither policy was proper protection for the City and the
following motion was made by Marion: "That City Attorney write
C. K. Morrison and A.E.Brunner requesting them to provide insurance
policies in accordance with their contracts or provide other -protect-
ion agreeable to the City Council within 15 days and unless different
arrangements were made the City would take immediate action to cancel
their contracts." Motion seconded by Chamness, put and carried
On motion by Marion seconded by.Chamness, Council adjourned
'! until 7:30 P.M. Monday July 15th, 1935.
City Clerk.
City Clerk and x-officio Clerk of
the City Council.