HomeMy WebLinkAbout1935-07-15394 MINUTES City Hall, Monday July 152 1935. Pursuant to adjournment of July lst, the City Council met and was called to order at 7:30 P.M by Mayor Talbert. Councilmen present: Talbert,Warner, Marion, Chamness, Tovatt. Councilmen absent : None. Surety Bond On motion by Marion seconded by Tovatt, the surety bond of the Star House Movers, Inc. was approved. Special officer Upon recommendation of Chief Gelzer the application of the for beach Huntington Beach Company for a special officers commission was approved. The officer to be named to serve on the beach and without pay from the City of Huntington Beach. Damage claim The Clerk read an informal claim of James D. Gilmore, 814 Palm Avenue, Huntington Beach, asking damages in the amount of $6.96 per day for 22 days on account of injuries which he claimed were caused by a defect in the street somewhere on Atlantic Avenue in this city and, on motion by Warner seconded by Tovatt, the communication was ordered filed. Request for The request of the Chamber of Commerce for the City to provide pistol range a pistol range for the Police Department was referred to the City Engineer and the building committee to furnish estimate of cost at next meeting of the Council. Application On motion by Marion seconded by Chamness, the application of approved Mrs. H. T. Rork to conduct lunch counter at Huntington Beach Company's beach concession No. 40 was approved. The application of C. C. Johnson to renew restaurant license Application approved at 302 - 16th Street was approved, on motion by Marion seconded by Warner. Bid for car The Clerk read bid from W. D. Young offering to furnish the city street department with a Ford coupe for the price of $699.00 was ordered filed, on motion by Warner seconded by Chamness. Jonathan Club The Clerk read a letter calling the Council's attention to a meeting to.be held at the Jonathan Club in Los Angeles Tuesday evening July 16th. The purpose of the meeting was to'discuss government loans to municipalities. It was decided that Councilman Warner, Engineer Overmyer, City Attorney Overacker and City Clerk Furr should attend. Insurance on On motion by Warner seconded by Chamness, the City Clerk was camp ground directed to pay additional premium and require the policy covering the camp ground to include the entire beach front. 1 i 1 4- s ve Demands On motion by Tovatt seconded by Chamness, demands approved by the 1 Finance Committee were ordered paid. Unsafe Derrick City Engineer.Overmyer referred to the unsafe derrick on Lots 14 14-16, 316 and 16, Block 316, he stated that he had reported this derrick as unsafe approximately one year ago and recommended that action be taken to have same demolished. Councilman Marion stated that the derrick was in an unsafe condition. City Attorney Overacker stated that he had notified the owners at various times and was unable to get any reply and, on notion by Warner seconded by Marion, the City Engineer was instructed to proceed under the provisions of city ordinances and have 'derrick posted and written notices given so that proper action may be taken to have the nuisance abated. Dump Ground City Engineer Overmyer was directed to take up with Bruce Brothers the matter of renting a dump ground north of the city limits and report back at.next meeting. Sewer line City Attorney Overacker informed the Council that Mr. Moore of the Mills Land and Water Company desired to meet with the City Engineer this week and discuss matters of right of way for the new sewer line and disposal plant. The matter of condemnation proceedings was dis- cussed and the Council was informed that the cost would depend on the type of title.and amount of ground condemned. Liability Ins. City Attorney dveracker informed the Council that liability insurance on boats satisfactory to the Council had not Vet been furnished by the owners of boats using the municipal pier. The Council referred the matter back to the City Attorney for further investigation and report at next meeting of the Council. Application The application of Horace Hancock for permission to erect stucco building in Zone 2, Lot 7, Block 102, was referred to the City Engineer and City Attorney to investigate and make recommendations at the next meeting. State Board of City Attorney Overacker advised the Council that any application for Equal. permission to exceed the 5% limit expenditure should be before the State Tango Insurance on boats Board of Equalization by August 3rd to be acted upon September 3rd. The Clerk read a letter from the Chief of Police of Santa Monica relative to tango games. Mayor Talbert asked that further consideration and time be given before deciding on whether or not a license can be issued to operate tango games in Huntington Beach. After further discussion relative to insurance covering boats using the municipal pier, on motion by Chamness seconded by Tovatt, the City Attorney was instructed to serve regular three day notice to A.E Brunner and C. K. Morrison to furnish proper insurance or have their contracts cancelled. •a, On'motion by Chamness seconded by Marion, Council adjourned until 7:30 P.M. Monday July 22d, 1935. City Clerk and Ex-officio Clerk of the City Council. t Mayor ATT City Clerk.