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City Hall, Wednesday Sept. 4, 1935.
Pursuant to adjournment of September 3rd, the City Council met
at 7:30 P.-M.
Councilmen present: Marion, Chamness, Warner, Tovatt.
Councilmen absent : Talbert.
On motion by Warner seconded by Tovatt, Councilman Marion was
appointed mayor pro-tem.
Monthly reports The Clerk read monthly reports of City Judge, Chief of Police,
Building Inspector, Superintendent of Streets, City Clerk and City
�! Treasurer, and on motion by Warner- seconded by Chamness, same were
-• accepted and ordered filed.
Special police- The written request of Police Chief Gelzer for permission to
man - oil field
issue special policeman's badge to 0. S. Lieb, oil field watchman was
referred to the City Attorney and the oil committee for their investiga-
+ion and recommendation•at next meeting.
Complaint A letter signed by John P. Marten of Escondido requesting the City
Council to take action on a complaint filed with the City Judge during
the month of July 1935 was referred to the City Judge and the City Attorney
for their report at next meeting.
League of A letter from the City of San Diego requesting the City Council to use
Its influence to have the next meeting of the League of Municipalities held
at San Diego was ordered filed and the City Clerk directed to reply stating
Letters of
Surety Bond
that the Council was,favorable to the San Diego meeting.
Letters from Fred Hurley of Los Angeles and E Warden of Hollywood
commending the City Council on its care of the beach front and courtesy
extended to visitors were read and the City Clerk directed to reply to the
On motion by Warner seconded by Chamness, the surety bonds of Two Macks
Electric Company and Paul W. Biedebach, plumbing contractor were accepted and
ordered filed.
Councilman Warner reported on the request of the Occidental Life Insurane
Company to contact employees for the purpose of securing club insurance and
suggested that the Council take no action until requested to do so by the
employees themselves. No action was taken by the Council.
On motion by Tovatt seconded by Chamness, demands approved by the Finance
Committee were ordered paid.
League of The Clerk read a letter from the California League of Municipalities
urging the Council and heads of departments to be present at the next League
of Municipalities convention. The matter of appointment of delegates was
deferred until next meeting of the City Council.
� Moving picture Mr. Ford addressed the Council and asked what was the intentions of the
Council with regard to repealing the present moving picture ordinance al-_1
and urging that action be taken in the near future. No action was
taken by the Council. Mr. Ford asked permission to use the horse
shoe club building to show regular news reel pictures at least one night
each week. The Council expressed itself as agreeable but referred
the matter to the City Attorney to be reported upon in connection
with his report on the use of the memorial:hall for moving picture
Camp Ground Councilman Chamness informed the Council that patrons of the
camp ground wished to store trailers on the ground during the winter
months. Mr. Chamness recommended that the City make a charge of
$3.00 per month for storage. The matter was referred to the City
Attorney for his opinion and a blank form to be signed by the appli-
cant if in the attorneys opinion it is permissible to allow trailers
to be stored and a charge to be made for same.
On motion by Warner seconded by Tovatt, Council adjourned until
7i30 P.M. Monday September 16th, 1935.
CAV��9� /"M�
City Cleft and ex-officio Clerk of
The C'ty Council.
i �y Clerk.