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City Hall, Monday September 16th, 1935
Pursuant to adjournment of September 4th, the Council met and was
called to order by Mayor Talbert.
Councilmen present: Marion, Chamness, Tovatt, Warner, Talbert.
Councilmen absent : None.
On motion by Warner seconded by Tovatt, the application of the
Huntington Beach Oil Company for permit to construct and operate retort
plant on Lots 12, 14, 16 and 1.8, Block 115, was approved.
H.B.Vol. Fire
A letter from the Huntington Beach Volunteer Fire Department re-
Dept. Con-
porting on the convention at Riverside September 3rd to 6th was read
and ordered filed, on motion by Warner seconded by Marion.
New Contract-
The Clerk informed the Council that a new contract with the Mills
Mills -Land &
line had been by
Water Co.:,
Land and Water Company for sewer right-of-way prepared
by the City Attorney. On motion by Warner seconded by Chamness, the
contract approved at the August 12th meeting of the City Council was
cancelled. The Clerk then read the new contract and on motion by Marion
seconded by Tovatt, the Mayor and City Clerk were authorized to ,sign the
same on behalf of the City.
The Clerk read a letter from City Engineer Overmyer stating that the
application to the 7gd'e.rdl.'PW9. for grant for the construction of sewage
disposal plant and beach convention hall had been approved and stated that
Mr. Curry, consulting engineer, had recommended the City Council and
rChamber of Commerce wire President Roosevelt stating we are in position
to proceed with the project. No action was taken by the Council.
Mrs. Barnes
The Clerk read a letter from the King Outfitting Company stating
that Mrs. Mae M. Barnes had assigned her salary in the amount of $37.73
to them.. The Clerk recommended that the request be denied and, on
motion.by-Tovatt seconded by Marion, the request was denied and the Clerk
was directed to so notify the King Outfitting Company.
Re-oort - Life The Clerk read the annual report of Chief Life Guard Higgins
covering activities for that department for the past season. Same was
accepted and ordered filed.
Application On motion by Marion seconded by Warner the application of Howard
-�r approved Robidoux for license to operate service station at g01 Main Street was
Moving pictures ram. Ford addressed the Council and read a letter asking why the
present moving picture ordinance had not been repealed and asking that
- the Council take immediate action to repeal same. No action was taken
by the Council. Mr. Ford then asked permission to show moving pictures
in the Horseshoe Club house one night each week.
He stated that
the- organization he represented, namely the California ,Ep.ics,
met on Monday night of each week in the horseshoe club building.
He was directed by the Chair to take the matter up with officers
of the Horseshoe Club and card club and report back to the Council
whether or not it was agreeable with them to use the building to
show moving pictures on one night each week.
Conv. hall on Relative to the proposed beach front convention hall, Mr.
beach front.
John Whitfield and Mrs. Ridenour spoke in favor of the project.
Orange Co. Councilman Warner submitted a request from organizations.
Sewage Re-
clamation cooperating in the Orange County Sewage Reclamation project
asking that the City of Huntington Beach bear its portion of
expense incurred during the time experiments were being made.
11r. Warner recommended that the City appropriate $50.00 for t�iC t
purpose and, on motion by Marion seconded by Tovatt, the City
Clerk was directed to prepare a demand and warrant for that
amount to be approved at next meeting of the Council.
Street light at Councilman Chamness stated that a request had been made to
Ge ne va &
Hartford have a street light installed .on California Avenue between
Geneva and Hartford. The matter was referred to Street Super-
intendent Wirth to investigate and report at next me-eting.
League of Mun. The Clerk read a letter from the California League of
Municipalities inviting city officials to attend the league
convention September 23d to 26th inclusive. The following
--o-f-ficers signified their desire to attend the convention:
Chamness, Talbert, Warner, Furr, dveracker and Overmyer.
It was the unanimous opinion of the Council that these officers,
and others wishing to attend be permitted to do so and for an
allowance covering necessary traveling and hotel expense be
made and, on motion by Tovatt seconded by Chamness, demands
approved by the Finance Committee were paid.
Police Officer Councilman Marion stated that he wished a little further
in oil field
time in which to give his recommendation for a special police
officer in the oil field.
On motion by Warner seconded by Marion, the. Council
City Clerk and ex,�4officio Clerk
of the City Council.
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