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1,1ontlily reports
Sewage disposal
Gas tax
City Hall, Monday, Iuarch 2d, 1936.
The regular meeting of the City Council was called to
order at 7:30 P.M. by 114ayor Talbert.
Councilmen present: Talbert, Chamness, Warner, Tovatt.
Councilmen absent ; Marion.
In the absence of Councilman Marion, the Chair appoint-
ed Councilman Tovatt on the Finance Committee.
On motion by Warner seconded by Chamness, minutes for the
month of February were approved as read.
The Clerk read monthly reports of the Chief of Police,
City Judge, Superintendent of Streets, Building Inspector, City
Clerk and City Treasurer and, on motion by Warner seconded by
Tovatt, same were accepted and ordered_ filed.
The Clerk read three letters signed bJr A. W. Morehouse,
Secretary of the Taxpayers' league, complaining about the manner
in which the city government was operated. No action was taken
by the Council,
The Clerk read a letter from the Federal Emergency Adminis-
tration of Public Works relative to project 1113, sewage disposal
plant. The letter made inquiry as to when the city expected to
start work on this project. Engineer Overmyer stated that the
contractor would be ready to begin Monday, March 9th. The Clerk
was directed to so notify 11r. Carr of the Federal Emergency Ad-
ministration of Public Works.
The Clerk read an agreement between the City and the State
Highway Department outlining the manner in which 10 gas tax
for the period 1936-1937 should be spent and, on motion by Warner
seconded by Chamness, the Mayor and City Clerk were authorized
to execute the agreement on behalf of the City.
IWleetinC of Talbert Councilman Warner asked permission to represent the .Council
at a meeting with the Board of Directors of the Talbert Drainage
District to consider plans for drainage at the new sewage disposal
plant. The Council signified its approval and asked Mr. Warner to
attend the meeting and report back at next meeting of the City
Ord. #389
Clerk gave Ordinance
#389, amendment to
tax ordinance,
its second
and final
reading and, on motion by
Warner seconded
by Chamness,
same was
passed and adopted by the
following vote:
Chamness, Warner, Tovatt,
Ord • rr`39v - -
First rea.ca_iizg
Clerk_ gave Ordinance
#390, amending derrick
its first
reading; at
this time.
Civil .S�rvice- The Clerk read a letter signed by Chief of Police Gelzer and
Police & Fire
Depts. Fire Chief Sargent asking the Council to either adopt an ordinance
y placing their departments under Civil Service or to place the pro-
position on the April 14th ballot. After some discussion the matter
was referred to the City Attorney to prepare a resolution_ and submit
same to the Council at its meeting Friday evening, March 6th.
H B. News On motion by Warner seconded by Chamness the request of the
Huntington. Beach :dears for an appropriation of $150.00 to cover a
one page advertisement in an annual edition to come out about April
lst was referred to the Chamber of Commerce.
Baskets for The Clerk informed the Council that the Huntington Beach Garden
Club had asked that the city purchase baskets and vases for the
auditorium, estimated cost to be $50.00. On motion by Chamness
seconded by Tovatt, the City Clerk was authorized to purchase same at
a co t not to exceed $50.00. Councilman Warner objected to the ex-
Denditure for the reason that the city is nearing its budget limitations.
Bond - On motion by Tovatt seconded by Warner, the surety bond of J. H.
J H Pryor
Pryor, plumbing contractor, was accepted and ordered filed.
Bond - On motion by Warner seconded by Chamness, the surety bond of A- J.
A D Moodie
Moodie, house mover, was accepted and ordered filed.
Anplication On motion by Warner seconded by Chamness, the application of L.
Goodbar for permission to erect sign on Lot 10, Block 108 was denied.
Demands On motion by Chamness seconded by Tovatt, demands approved by
the finance committee were ordered paid.
Councilman Warner asked that the matter of permit for oil treatment
plents be continued until next meeting of the Council.
New Water Councilman Warner made a verbal report on proposed new water lines
lines & hyC_ra.nts 1
and hydrants and suggested that the new contract be in the form of a
supplement to the present contract with the American States Water Service
Company. Mr. Anderson, representing the company, stated that he believed
the contract as submitted would best serve the purpose of all concerned.
The matter was continued until next meeting of the Council.
Or_=.n1e Co.
City Attorney Overacker made a report on the last meeting of the
Le ue
Orange County League of Municipalities.
On motion by Warner seconded by Tovatt, the Council adjourned
until 7:30 P-M. Friday.March 6th, 1936.
City Clerk and exofficio Clerk
of the City Council.
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