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City Hall, Friday June 12th, 1936.
Pursuant to adjournment of June 1st, the City Council met and was
called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor Warner.
Councilmen -present: Morehouse,Chamness,Talbert,Henrickson, Warner.
..Councilmen absent: None.
Remove trees On motion by Talbert seconded by'Henrickson, the request of Fred
Grable to remove two trees in the 600 block on 8th Street and replace them
with a different kind was granted.
Waste water The Clerk read an agreement with the Talbert Drainage District covering
from sewage
plant disposition of waste water from the new sewage plant and on motion by Talbert
seconded by Henrickson, the Mayor and City Clerk were authorized to execute
.the same on behalf of the city.
Frankfort St. Engineer Overmyer presented plans and specifications for the improve-
ment of Frankfort Street between the easterly side of Alabama and Hampshire
Avenue and on motion by Henrickson seconded by Chamness, same were approved
-,; and accepted as the plans and specifications for doing,said work.
Adv. for Bids On motion by Henrickson seconded by Chamness, the City Clerk was
directed to advertise for bids for the improvement,of Frankfort Street from
the easterly line of Alabama to Hampshire Avenue, advertisement to be in the
Huntington Beach News June 18th and 25th and bids to be opened and examined
at 7:30 P.M. July 6th, 1936.
-*� PE Crossing Mr. Osborn, agent of the Pacific Electric Railway, informed the Council
slow order
that a slow order of ten miles per hour had been placed on the P.E. in the
vicinity of the beach camp ground.
Deed Attorney Overacker informed the Council that deed for property along
Frankfort Street had been signed by Mrs. Stewart and others concerned and
that sane would be presented to the Council at its July meeting.
Reso.#746 The -Clerk read Resolution No. 746 directing the Clerk to record
quit -claim deed executed by D D Dunlap Oil Company on the city dump
ground oil lease and on motion by Talbert seconded by Chamness, same was
` J
passed and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Councilmen Morehouse,Chamness, Talbert, Henrickson, Warner.
dontract- The Clerk read a contract between the City and C. K. Morrison
covering use of the municipal pier landing and on motion by kenrickson
seconded by Talbert, the mayor and City Clerk were authorized to execute
same on behalf of the City.
f Adv. for bids On motion by Chamness seconded by Henrickson, the City Clerk was
on tractor
directed -to advertise for one R. D Four 35 h.p. caterpillar Diesel tractor
or equal and one #8 Killifer 5 point road ripper, weight 2200 pounds or
equal. That the successful bidder accept in exchange one used 30 h.p.
Holt tractor. Advertisement to appear in the Huntington Beach News
June 18th and 25th and bids to be opened 7:30 P.M. July 6th,1936.
Chamber'of The Clerk read a letter from the Chamber of Commerce asking
permission to engage the services of a company operating a merry-
go-round, ferric wheel and pony rides to be operated on privately _
owned property on 5th Street between Ocean Avenue and Walnut on
July 3rd, 4th and 5th and on motion by Talbert seconded by Chamness,
... the request was granted. No expense or liability to City.
Extra policemen- The request of Chief of Police Grant for permission to employ
for 4th
extra policemen during the July -4th celebration at a rate of $6.00
per -day was granted, on motion by Chamness seconded by Henrickson,
with the provisions not to exceed four volunteer firemen -,to be
employed at the same rate of pay.
Application The applicatioWi of John Seltzer for position On the Fire Depart -
vent was referred to the Fire Chief.
Transfer of Funds The following motion by Councilman Chamness seconded by Council-
man Talbert: "That the City Treasurer be authorized and directed to
transfer the sum of $4,911.00 from the General Fund to the special
fund known as Construction PWA 1113R to be used solely for the purpose
of constructing the City's outfall sewer and sewage'treatment plant".
Motion put and carried unanimously.
Petitions The Clerk presented petitions containing the names of approximately
presented -
Tango 445 citizens requesting the Council to pass an ordinance permitting tango
and other games in the city and on motion by Talbert seconded by Henrick-
son, the matter was taken under consideration and further investigation
and the Clerk was directed.to file the petitions.
Applications - The following applications to operate tango and other games in
the City were read by'the Clerk and ordered filed:
H. B. CArr & True M. Crider, jointly.
Sam M. Lewis and P E Sheehan, jointly.
AieVerend Cole of the Tlethodist church addressed the Council in
opposition to the proposed ordinance.
Camp Ground Upon recommendation of Chamness, Councilman Henrickson moved that
the caretaker of the municipal camp ground be permitted to sell bread,
milk and confections on the City's camp ground providing same be
purchased from Huntington Beach dealers. The motion was seconded by
Councilman Talbert, put and carried.
Supervisor for On recommendation and motion by Councilman Chamness, the Council
voted to accept the services of the WPA to furnish beach,playground
supervisor during the summer season, also that the city employ Josephine
#3 479
Derigo at a salary of $75.00 per month beginning Monday June 16th and
to continue until further orders of the City Council. Motion seconded
by Talbert, put and carried. 1
Equipment The request of Councilman Chamness for permission to purchase
for playground
playground equipment in the amount not to exceed $30.00 was granted on
motion by Chamness seconded by Henrickson, put and carried.
Vacation - On motion by Chamness. seconded by Henrickson, Fire Chief Sargent
Fire Chief
was given a two weeks vacation beginning June 16th.
On motion•by Talbert seconded by Henrickson, the Council adjourned
until 4:00 P' M::, Monday June 15th, 1936.
City Clerk
City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk
of the City Council.
901 EWEN,