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City Hall, Monday November 2, 1936
The regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at
7:30 P.M. by Mayor Warner.
Councilmen present: Morehouse, Chamness, Henrickson, Warner.
Councilmen absent Talbert.
Minutes On motion by Henrickson seconded by Chamness, Minutes for the
month of October were approved as read.
Permission to The written application of H. E. Weidman for permission to
remove tree
remove dead cypress in the parking in front of his residence at 406
Tenth Street was approved. The Superintendent of Streets was authorized
to have the tree nulled down with the understanding that the owner of the
property would dispose of the same. This on motion by-Chamness seconded
-� by Henrickson.
Monthly On motion by Chamness seconded by Henrickson, written reports for
the month of October of the City Clerk, City Treasurer, Superintendent of
Streets, -City Judge, Chief of Police, and Orange County Health Department
were accented and ordered filed.
Boy Scouts Upon written request of Scout Master B. M. Honold the $5.00 charge
for the use of Memorial Hall Thursday October 29th was cancelled. This on
motion by Morehouse seconded by Henrickson.
Float for The Clerk read a - letter from the Chamber of Commerce asking the City
Day Council to appropriate the sum of $60.00 to cover partial expense of the
City of Huntington Beach float to be entered in the Armistice Day parade at
Santa Ana. On motion by Henrickson seconded by Chamness, the request was
Imp. recommended The Clerk read a list of improvements recommended by the Zurich
by Zurich Ins.
Co. Insurance Company to assist in safeguarding the city -against accidents.
The list was referred to the building inspector for his investigation
and report of estimate cost at next meeting of the City Council.
H. B. Company The Clerk read a letter from the Huntington Beach Company stating
that they were agreeable to leasing for a nominal suer to the City Block
1012 Wesley Park tract for recreational purposes and that a contract was
being drawn up by their attorney to be submitted to the City Council in
the near future. The communication was ordered held for further action.
Mayor Warner - On motion by Chamness seconded by Henrickson, Mayor Warner was
• appointed to represent the City on the county -wide committee representing
water interests of the County.
Damage to The Clerk presented and read a letter from J. P. McHale and Company,
city truck
• insurance adjustors, in which the City was offered the sum of $20.00 to
cover damage of the city truck caused by G.C. Weldin and, on motion by
Henrickson seconded by Chamness, the Mayor and City Clerk were authorized
Page 2, Nov. 2, 1936.
to execute an agreement in consideration of receipt of the sum
of $20.00.
J. C. Clark - On motion by Chamness seconded by Henrickson, the re -
salary increase
Surety Bond
Renew lease on
strip;on Ocean
Pound Paster
Garbage Cans
Beach Protective
Palm tree
Imp. of Lake
commendation of City Engineer Overmyer that the salary of J. C.
Clark, sewage disposal plant operator, be increased to $1-35.00
per month was approved beginning November 1, 1936, and continu-
ing at the pleasure of the City Council.
On motion by Henrickson seconded by Chamness, the applica-
tion of John S. Desmond to construct and operate oil cleaning
plant on the southeast corner of 17th and Acacia was denied.
On motion by Chamness seconded by Morehouse, the surety
bond of Signal Hill Electric Company was received and ordered
On motion by Chamness seconded by Henrickson, the Mayor and
City Clerk were authorized to execute renewal of lease between the
Pacific Electric Railway Company and the City covering a 22 foot
strip on Ocean Avenue between Mai -nand First Streets.
The Clerk read a contract which had been prepared by the City
Attorney in which the City proposes to employ a member of the Orange
County Health Department as pound master.: The matter was referred
to the City Council as a committee as a whole to investigate and
report at next meeting of the Council.
Counclma' Chamness : informed. the Council that Health.
Officer Westmoreland had reported he had distributed approximately
two hundred cards requesting that new garbage cans replace old ones
now unfit for use in the alleys of the City.
On motion by Chamness seconded by Henrickson, demands approved
by the Finance Committee were ordered paid.
On motion by Chamness seconded by Henrickson, the Council voted
to appropriate the sum of $10.00 toward the expenses incurred recently
by the American Beach Protective Association for' inspecting beaches
along the coast.
The request of Mrs. Woods to have a palm tree removed from her
property on Huntington Avenue was referred to the City Engineer.
Mayor Warner informed the Council that.the WPA had discontinued
its services in the interest of recreation effective this date, in
Huntington Beach.
Engineer Overmyer presented to the Council the plans for the
improvement of Lake Park for their inspection. Engineer Overmyer
Beach Pavilion_ informed the Council that plans and specifications for the construct-
ion of beach pavilion would be received on Wednesday November 4th.
On motion by Chamness seconded by He 'ck-on, 'the Council
adjourned until 7:30 P.M.,Tuesday r Ue th 36.
BLS City Clerk nd ex -of icio Clerk of the
City Coci
' City Clerk.
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