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City Hall, Monday, August 2d, 1937
The regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at
7:30 P.M. by Mayor Warner.
Councilmen present: Morehouse, Talbert, Henrickson, Warner.
Councilmen absent: Chamness (Councilman Chamness arrived at 7=50 P.M.)
On motion by Henrickson-seconded by Morehouse, minutes for the
month of July were approved as read.,
The Clerk read Resolution No. 776 establishing the tax rate for i
the fiscal year 1937-1938_and, on motion by Morehouse seconded by Talbert,
Resolution No. 776 was passed and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Councilmen Talbert, Henrickson, Morehouse, Warner.
NOES: Councilmen - None.
ABSENT: Councilman Chamness.
r ChamnessarrivesAt
this time, 7:50 P.M., Councilman Chamness arrived. i
Examine bids
for This being the date'set by the City Council for opening and ex -
fire engine.
amining bids for furnishing the City Fire Department with a new fire truck,
the Clerk opened and read the following bids:
Bid -
Pac. Fire Ex. Co;
Amer.I,a France &
Foamite Ind.
Bid v
Gen. Fire Tr.
Alternate bid
Alternate bid
Buffalo Fire Ap.
c Bid
Seagrave Corp.
Pacific Fire Extinguisher Company, 318 East 12th St., Los Angeles -
One Ahrens Fox Fire Engine, Model HC with a 210 h.p. six cylinder
mo.tor and two.stage 1000 gallon all bronze centrifugal pump,
'312,100.00 plus Pacific Coast freight $500.00, extra equipment
607-00, total $13,207.00; discount 5% in 30 days. The above
bid was accompanied by certified check in the amount $1,320.70.
American La France & Foamite Industries, Inc., 733 East 8th
Street, Los Angeles
One Standard American La France "Metrololitan" 12 cylinder,
1250 gallon, two stage centrifugal pump and hose car with 100
gallon water tank, $14,383.50 plus 3% state sales tax, less 5%
cash discount if paid within 30 days from date of invoice. The
above bid was accompanied by certified check in the amount
$1, 440.00 .
The General Fire Truck Corporation,,420 East Washington Blvd.,
Los Angeles -
One General Hercules.1000 gallon triple combination pumping
engine complete with standard equipment, $12,750.00 f.o.b.
Huntington Beach including all taxes. The above bid was
accompanied by certified check in the amount of $1,100.00.
The General Fire Truck Corporation alternate bid
One General V-12 1000 gallon triple combination pumping
engine complete $11,250.00 f.o.b-..Huntington Beach including
all taxes.
The General Fire Truck Corporation alternate bid -
One General Hall -Scott 1000 gallon triple combination pumping
engine complete with standard equipment, $13,600.00 f.o.b.
Huntington Beach including all taxes.
Buffalo Fire Appliance Corporation, Buffalo, N.Y.
One Buffalo Type 10C 1000 gallon triple combination pumping
engine, y$11,200.00 f.o.b. Huntington Beach, less 5% cash dis-
count plus sales tax making a net price of 316,310.80. The
above bid was accompanied by certified check in the amount of
$1, 065.00.
The Seagrave Corporation, Los Angeles, Calif. -
One Seagrave-"Cavalier" 12 cylinder, 185 h-.p. triple combination
pumping engine; hose car"and water tank 1000 gallon per minute
capacity, 11,500.00, extra equipment As per list specifications
$184.50, total $11,684.50 plus 3/ sales tax less 5% cash discount.
Page 2 - Minutes Aug.2, 1937.
The above bid was accompanied by certified check in
the amount of $1, 250. 00.
Bids referred to On motion by Chamness seconded by Talbert, all of the
Fire Chief & Fire
Come above named bids were referred to the Fire Chief and Fire
Tuck. Int.Corp.
Committee of the City Council for analysis and recommendations
at next meeting of the City Council.
The Clerk read a letter from the Mack International
Corporation recommending that th6 Council reject all bids and
re -advertise permitting bidders to submit bids with 165 h.p.
minimum instead of 175 h.p. minimum and, on motion by Talbert
seconded by Chamness, the letter was referred to the Fire Chief
and the Fire Committee of the City Council for their consideration.
Motorcycle Conv. Mr. P.A.Bixbe addressed the Council on behalf of the
American Motorcycle Association and asked permission to stage a
convention September 4th, 5th and 6th and, on motion by Henrickson
seconded by Talbert, Mr. Bixbe was referred to the Chamber of
Commerce for further information.
Recess At this time, 8:10 P.M., the Mayor declared a recess to go
into executive session. Council again called to order at 8:25 P.M.,
all members of the Council present.
C. of C. The Clerk read a letter from the Huntington Beach Chamber of
Commerce requesting a donation of $250.00 to assist in defraying ex-
pense of R. G. Miller to.the National Fly Casting Convention to be
held in Buffalo, N.Y. and, on motion by Talbert seconded by Henrickson,
the request was granted.
C. of C.
The Clerk read a contract with the Chamber of Commerce for the
Adv. Conntract
fiscal year July 1, 193T to June 30, 1938 covering proposed advertising
expenses. The total amount of which was $2,100.00 and, on motion by
Henrickson seconded by Chamness, the Mayor. and City Clerk were authori-
zed to execute same on behalf of the City.
Alpha Beta - - . The application of the Alpha Beta Market for
Market p� p permission to cut
curb and install drive -way on Main Street, Lot 16, Block 203, was re-
ferred to the City Engineer and City Attorney for their recommendation
and report at next meeting of the Council. This on motion by Henrick-
son seconded by Talbert.
Neon sign On motion by Talbert seconded by Chamness, the application of
Alpha Beta market
the Alpha Beta°store to erect Neon sign at 218 Main Street was approved.
Neon sign - - On motion by Chamness seconded by Henrickson, the application
C . H .Manley .
of C. H. Manley for permission to erect Neon sign at 804 Ocean Avenue
was approved.
Application On motion by Chamness seconded by Henrickson, the application
of Phillip A. Racine for license to operate a garage at 117 - 3rd Street
was approved.
Page 3 - Minutes Aug.2, 1937
Protests The Clerk read letters from W: R. Fox, 1115 N. 9th St.,
s Colton, California and H. A. Hulse, 222 Pacific Avenue, Long Beach,
protesting to the Council against the installation of a gasoline
loading station at Magnolia Avenue crossing of the Pacific Electric
�I Petition tracks. The Clerk also presented and read a petition signed by 64
citizens protesting against the proposed installation above referred
to and, on motion by Talbert seconded by Henrickson, the letters and
petition were accepted and ordered filed for further reference. j
W C Dawsey At the request of Harry A. Overmyer, Superintendent of Streets,
W. C. Dawsey was ordered placed on the regular monthly pay roll at a
` salary of $130.00 per month beginning July 1st, on motion by Chamness
Cseconded by Henrickson.
C•P.Pann On motion by Talbert seconded by Chamness, the request of City
Judge C. P. Pann for permission to be absent from the City until August
� I
7th for.the purpose of relieving Justice Morrison of Santa Ana was
H B.Band to The Clerk read a letter from the Native Sons of the Golden West,
Santa Monica
Santa Ana, inviting city officials to attend the anniversary of the
admission of California into the Union on September 9th in Santa Monica
and asking that the City donate its band for the above occasion. Mr.
McCallen, president of the Chamber of Commerce, informed the Council
that the Chamber of Commerce had already taken action in favor of sending
the Huntington Beach band to Santa Monica and, on motion by Henrickson
seconded by Talbert, Mayor Warner was appointed a committee of one to
contact the manager of the band and report back to the City Council.
Mayor Warner also referred the matter•to the Music & Promotion committee
for its recommendations.
Application The Clerk read application of Nancye Clapp.for position as beach
play ground supervisor. The application was ordered filed.
Injuries to The Clerk called the attention of the Council to a bill of Dr.
persons on
beach Whittaker covering treatments of burns and other injuries to persons on
or about the beach front and informed the Council that the Clerk had no
!I authority to pass these bills for payment. The matter was referred to
the Finance Committee with instructions'to discuss the matter with the
� c
local physicians and try and arrive at some plan whereby the City may j
j legally pay similar claims in the future.
Delinquent taxes The Clerk read a letter from C. W. Hyde, Jr. from the State
c on lots
Controller's office calling attention to the number of lots on the City's
FJ delinquent tax roll and suggesting that the Council take some action to
acquire these properties with a view of re -sale and placing them again on
the tax roll. Mr. Hyde offered his services to the City and agreed to
Page 4 - Minutes Aug.2, 1937•
contact property owners and assist in the preparation of.necessary
papers to the Board of Supervisors and state authorities. After some
discussion, the matter was referred to the City Attorney with in-
structions to start the necessary proceedings for acquiring all
property now delinquent for more than five years.
On motion by Henrickson seconded by Talbert, the application
of Terry's garage for permission to build an addition on the rear
of his 5th Street garage building was referred to the building
committee and building inspector for their recommendation at the next
meeting of the Council.
City scales sold
On motion by Morehouse seconded by Henrickson, the Street
Department was authorized to sell the city scales located on Lake
Avenue for the sum of $100.00 cash.
The matter of bicycles being,piled on the street in front of
the moving picture building was referred to the Chief of Police.
Loud speaker for
On motion by Talbert seconded by Henrickson; the request of
the Huntington Beach band to employ J. T. Africa and his loud speaker
for band concerts during the rest of the season at $5.00 per concert
granted and $5.00 per performance was allocated by the City Council.
Seats in front of Councilman Talbert suggested that the moss be removed from
band stand
the embankment in front of the present band stand and seats be in-
stalled in its place. The suggestion was taken under advisement and
consideration in developing plans for next year.
At this time, 10:00 P•M., the Council recessed for executive
session. Council again called to order at 10:45 P.M. A11 members
of the Council present.
Ord. #400 -
First reading
The Clerk gave Ordinance No.-400, amending the city license
ordinance, its first reading at this time.
Ord. #401-
The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 401, prohibiting the sale and
First reading
shooting of fire crackers, its first reading at this time.
Palms m
The Engineering Department presented plans and specifications
13th St. storm
for construction of the 13th Street storm drain and, on motion by
Henrickson seconded by Talbert, plans and specifications for the
construction of the storm drain along 13th Street were approved and
adopted and, on motion by Talbert seconded by Henrickson, the City
Clerk was directed to advertise for sealed bids for the construction
of a storm drain along•13th Street, bids to be opened at 7:30 P-M-
Monday, August 23rd, 1937•
Reso. #777
The Clerk read Resolution No. 777, establishing the general
prevailing rate of wages for each craft, type of workmen or mechanic
needed in the construction of a storm drain'on 13th Street of the
Page 5 - minutes Aug.2, 1937.
City of Huntington Beach and, on motion by Henrickson seconded by
Chamness, Resolution No. 777 was passed and adopted by the following
r' AYES: Councilmen: Morehouse,Chamness,Talbert,Henrickson, Warner.
NOES: Councilmen: None.
--ABSENT: Councilmen: None.
Plans & Specifi- The Engineering Department presented plans and specifications
cations m
for the construction of a recreation building at Lake Park and, on
motion by Henrickson seconded by Talbert, the Council approved and
adopted the Engineer's plans and specifications above referred to.
Bids On motion by Talbert seconded by Henrickson, the City Clerk
was directed to advertise for bids for the construction of a recreation
building at Lake Park, bids to be opened and examined at 71140 P.M.
Monday, August 23rd, 1937•
Reso, #778 The Clerk read Resolution No. 778, establishing the general
prevailing rate of wages for each craft or type of workman or mechanic
needed in the construction of a recreation building at Lake Park and,
on motion by Henrickson seconded by Chamness, Resolution No. 778 was
passed and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Morehouse,Chamness,Talbert,Henrickson, Warner.
NOES: Councilmen: None.
ABSENT: Councilmen: None.
Monthly reports On motion by Chamness seconded by Henrickson, monthly reports
of the City Treasurer, City Clerk, City Collector, City Engineer and
Building Inspector, City Judge and Chief of Police were accepted and
ordered filed.
Demands On motion by Talbert seconded by Chamness, demands approved
by the Finance Committee were ordered paid.
WPA labor Mayor Warner informed the Council that it might be possible to
secure labor through the WPA for city work during the autumn months of
this year. The matter was referred to the Council as a committee as a
Right of Way Councilman Morehouse informed the Council that he believed a
right of way over property between the intersection of 5th Street and
Main and the intersection of Frankfort and Alabama can be had for
approximately $81000.00. Mr. Morehouse was continued on the committee
for further investigation.
Vacation m Councilman Henrickson informed the Council that he'expected to
Mr. Henrickson
be away on a three weeks vacation beginning,August 13th, 1937.
On motion by Chamness seconded by Henrickson, the Council
adjourned until 7:30 P.M. Monday, August 9th, 1937.
I - 1 /?:7/
.. 1 .y _Clerk.
City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of
the City Council.
�� 4�� ,-Ta,yor .