HomeMy WebLinkAbout1937-08-27MINUTES City Hall, Friday, August 27th, 1937 Pursuant to adjournment of August 23rd, the City Council met and was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor Warner. Councilmen present: Warner, Morehouse, Talbert, Henrickson. Councilmen absent ; Chamness (Councilman Chamness arrived at 7:45 P.M:) 13th Street. The.Clerk read a letter from City Engineer Overmyer to the effect storm drain that he had analyzed all of the bids submitted for the construction of the 13th Street storm drain and found that the bid of A. L. Gabrielson, 3657 C i Van Buren St., Arlington,,C.alifornia, to be the lowest responsible bid. Following motion by Henrickson: "That all bids except that of A. L. Gabrielson in the amount of $14,946.70 for the construction of the 13th Street storm drain be rejected and that the bid of A: L. Gabrielson be I accepted." Motion seconded by Talbert, put and carried unanimously. Return On motion by Henrickson seconded by Talbert; -the City Clerk was bidders' checks authorized to return all bidders1:-checks to the owners except that of A. L. Gabrielson in connection with bids of the 13th Street storm drain. Recreation The Clerk read a letter from City Engineer Overmyer to, effect Bldg. that he had analyzed all of the bids submitted for the construction of a recreation building in Lake Park and found that_the, bid of J. Ogden Markel,to be the lowest responsible bid. After some discussion among the i City Councilmen, it was agreed that the cost of the recreation building in Lake Park should be reduced and that all bids be rejected. Following motion by Councilman Talbert; "That all bids for the construction of a recreation building inLake'Park be rejected'and'the Clerk be authorized to return all bidders' checks." Motion seconded by Henrickson, put and carried unanimously. Black Gold The Clerk read a letter from the Chamber of Commerce requesting an Days cele- bration appropriation of $150.00 to help defray expenses of Black Gold Days cele- bration to be held September 4th, 5th and 6th and, on motion by Henrickson seconded by Morehouse, the Council appropriated the sum of $150.00. I Denio, Hart, On motion by Councilman Henrickson seconded by Councilman Talbert, i Taubman & r Simpson the law firm,of Denio,.Hart, Taubman and Simpson were authorized to make answer on quo,warranto proceedings to Attorney General Webb, and that the Mayor be authorized.to sign the letter of transmittal. Motion put and o carried unanimously., Traveling IE� A demand in the amount'of $1,499.58 to cover traveling expenses of expenses - Baseball baseball players was presented to the Council for payment. Following Club . motion by.Councilman Morehouse: "That the City Council allocate the sum I of $1,000.00 to the baseball team for traveling expenses". There being no second, the Mayor declared the motion lost for want of second, and, �^ on motion by Henrickson seconded by Chamness, the Council appropriated 104 Page 2 - Minutes Aug'.27, 1937- Demands Att'y Kuchel Beach Pavilion the sum of $1,499.58 to be paid to the Baseball Association to cover traveling expenses of the players; Councilman Morehouse voting "NO". On motion by Chamness seconded by Talbert, demands approved by the Finance Committee were ordered paid. The City Clerk was instructed to telephone Attorney Kuchel to be.on hand at the Council meeting Monday, August 30,.1937• Councilman Chamness informed the Council that he had received a telephone message from Eisen & Walker, architects, to the effect that the government had appropriated money for their agreed portion of the construction of the beach pavilion. Mayor Warner informed the Council that he had received a ,te-legram from Senator McAdoo to the ,same effect. On motion by Chamness seconded by Talbert, the Council ad- iourned until Monday, August 30th, 1937. t T City Clerk City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council. Mayor 0 0