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Girl Scouts -
Contract to be
cancelled -
City Hall, Monday, August 29,1938
Pursuant to adjournment of August 22r, 1938, the City Council
met and was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor McCallen.
Councilmen present: Morehouse, Chamness, Henrickson, McCallen.
(Councilman Talbert arrived at 7:45 P.M.)
Councilmen absent: None
Mrs. Kirkpatrick appeared before the Council and asked that
the Girl Scouts be allowed to use the Lake Park building•three
days per week. No action was taken by the Council and no days
were reserved. The Council, however, informed Mrs.' Kirkpatrick
that application would be received and days arranged if possible.
The matter of a new building was discussed and it was the opinion
of the City Council that in the event the City secured a building
on account of the Frankfort Street cut-off it would be possible
to sell same to the Girl Scouts for a reasonable sum, in that .
event Mayor McCallen stated that he would personally donate $500.00
for reconditioning the building.
The Clerk read a letter from Attorney George W. Bush agree -
ing to cancel contract dated January 3, 1934 between the City, Goerge `..,
W. Bush and L.W.Blodget. Attorney Bush qualified his agreement
to cancel same limiting the agreement to himself only and with
a t
the further provision that the City first cancel contract with
Denio, Hart, Taubman and Simpson. Following motion by Council-
man Henrickson: 1°That contract between the City of Huntington
Beach and Attorneys George W. Bush and L. W. Blodget dated Jan-
uary 3, 1934, be cancelled and that said attorneys be discharged.
That City Attorney Overacker be authorized and directed to so !
notify the above named attorneys.1° Motion seconded by Council-
man Talbert, put and carried unanimously.
:settlement of Claim - Attorney Overacker presented the City with a check for
$21.18 in full settlement of the claim of the City against J. R.
Covington on account of automobile accident.
Beach Pavilion The City Clerk informed the Council that the United States
government had completed payment of its full allocation on
account of the construction of the beach pavilion.
Purchase of lots The Clerk read a letter from City Engineer Overmyer relative
to purchase of lots adjoining the city yard at a cost of $500.00
to the City. The matter was referred to the City Attorney to
prepare the necessary resolution of acceptance.
Metal sign On motion by dhamness seconded by Talbert, the application
of Barbara Cuff to erect metal sign at 104 Main Street was
CDance Floor
Page 2 - Minutes Aug.29, 1938. 4_
The Clerk informed the Council that no reply had been received
to his letter requesting ttond guaranteeing the beach pavilion dance floor.
Pac.Coast Bldg. The invitation for the city engineer to attend the Pacific Coast
Officials Conf. .
Building Officials conference at Reno, Nevada, was referred to the City
License No action was taken by the City Council on the request of Yarbrough
Guns Company for refund of license.
Surety bond On'motion by Chamness seconded by Morehouse, the_ surety bond of
Bucey Housemoving Company was approved.•
Weeds The matter of eradication of Night Shade w&e.ds on the city sewer
plant land was referred to Councilman Talbert for his recommendation.
Resolution The Clerk read Resolution No. 814, cancelling certain contracts
and repealing Resolution No. 769, relative to the appointment of Denio,
Hart, Taubman and Simpson and, on motion by Chamness seconded by Henrick-
son, Resolution No. 914 was passed and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Morehouse, Chamness, Talbert, Henrickson, McCallen.
NOES: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen: None.
Demands On motion by Talbert seconded by Chamness, demands approved by the
Finance Committee were ordered paid.
C. P. Patton The matter of application of C. P. Patton for position as deputy
assessor was held over until next meeting of the Council and Councilman
Henrickson appointed chairman of the committee.
Barbecue pit Councilman Morehouse and Henry Wirth were delegated to examine bar-
becue pit in Santa Ana with a view of having once built in Lake Park.
Stop & Slow The matter of stop and slow signs on Delaware was deferred until
next meeting.
Vacation - On motion by Talbert seconded by Henrickson, Jack Killian was
Jack Killian
granted a.two weeks vacation with pay and an additional two weeks leave
of absence without pay beginning September loth. His position to be
filled in the meantime by J. E. Daetweiler, salary $20.00 per week for
the first two weeks and $10.00 per week for the last two weeks.
Fire Hall Councilmen Henrickson and Chamness expressed their opinion that
Triangle Park was the best place on which to place the new fire hall.
City Engineer Overmyer submitted tentative plans for the building.
On motion by Henrickson seconded by Chamness, the Council ad-
,journed until 7:30 P.M., Friday, September 2, 1938.
City Clerk arfcT ex-o ficio Clerk o
the City Council.
City Cle k