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City Hall, Huntington Beach, Calif.
Tuesday, January 3, 1939•
The regular,. -.meeting of the City Council was called to order at
7:30 o!clock P.M. by Mayor McCallen.
Councilmen present: Morehouse, Chamness, Talbert, Henrickson, McCallen.
Councilmen absent: None.
Minutes On motion by Henrickson seconded by Talbert, minutes for the month
of December 1938 were approved as read.
` Monthly The Clerk read monthly reports of.the Chief of Police, City Treasurer,
City Clerk, City Engineer and building inspector, City Collector, City
Judge and annual report of the Chief of Police and, on motion by Chamness
seconded by Morehouse, same were accepted and ordered filed.
B. Butcher, The Clerk read a letter from City Treasurer Bayard Butcher submitting
City Tren.r.urer
resigns his resignation effective December 31, 1.938 and, on motion by Morehouse
seconded by Henrickson, same was accepted and ordered filed.
Application - The Clerk reed a letter from E. B. Stevens asking that he be ap-
pointed city treasurer to fill the unexpired term of Bayard Butcher. The
• letter was ordered filed.
Luther A.Arthur Following motion by Councilman Chamness: "That Luther A. Arthur be
appointed as treasurer of the City of Huntington Beach to fill the unexpired
term of Bayard Butcher". Motion seconded by Councilman Henrickson; put
and carried by the following vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Morehouse, Chamness, Talbert, Henrickson, McCallen.
NOES: Councilmen: None.
• ABSENT: Councilmen: None.
Mayor McCallen stated that it was his opinion that the Council should
combine the salaries of the city treasurer and assistant city treasurer and
• that an ordinance be drawn requiring that the successful candidate of city
treasurer be qualified to do all the work connected therewith. Other
members of the Council expressed the same opinion.
Pearl Jones Mayor McCallen informed the Council that he had appointed Mrs. pearl
appointed to
Jones on the Library Board to fill the unexpired term of Ruby M. Hasson
resigned. Term of Mrs. Jones to continue until June 30, 1941. On motion
by Talbert seconded by Morehouse, the appointment was approved.
Tax deeded lots-
The City Clerk read an agreement from'C. W. Hyde, Jr. offering to, do
certain work in connection with clearing title of tax deeded lots. On
motion by Talbert seconded by Henrickson, the Mayor and city clerk were
authorized to execute the agreement on behalf of the City.
Letter from
The Clerk read a letter from the secretary of the Garden Club
Garden Club
thanking the City Council and commending Dick Beeson for the improvements
in Lake Park. The letter was ordered filed.
Surety Bond
On motion by H-nrickson seconded by Chamness, the surety bond of
approved -
Helen R. Axto
�elen R. Axton was accepted.and ordered filed.
Page 2 - Minutes Jan. 3, 1939•
Surety Bond - On motion by Talbert seconded by Henrickson, the surety
bond of W. C. Moldenhauer was accepted and ordered filed.
Application approved - On motion by Henrickson seconded by Chamness, the appli-
D.D..Coplin cation of D. D. Coplin to operate well on Block 2401, Tract
77, was approved.
Compton Oil Co. On motion by Talbert seconded by -Morehouse; the applica-
tion of Compton Oil Company to operate well on Lots 2 and 4,
Block 317, was approved.
do On motion by Henrickson seconded by Talbert, the applica-
tion of Compton Oil Company to operate well on Lots 10 and 12,
Block 317 was approved.
Geoo F. Getty Co.
On motion by Henrickson seconded by Morehouse, the applica-
tion of Geo. F. Getty Company to operate well on Lots 17 and 19,
Block 422, was approved.
Owens & Applegate
On motion by Chamness seconded by Henrickson, the applica-
tion of Owens and Applegate to operate well on Lots 12 and 14,
Block 111, was approved.
George Thomas
On motion by-Henrickson seconded by Morehouse, the applica-
tion of George Thomas to operate well on Lots 12 and 14, Block
521 was approved.
S.S.Wold On motion by Henrickson seconded by Morehouse, the applica-
tion of S. S. Wold to operate wells No. 1, 2, 4, 5 & 6, located
on Lots 14 and 16, Block 221, Lot 18, Block 320 and Lots 14 and
26, Block 217 respectively, was approved.
W.E.McCaslin On motion by Talbert seconded by Henrickson, the application
of W. E. McCaslin to operate well in Block 1807, East Side Villa
Tract, was approved.
J'S.W.Exploration Co. On motion by Henrickson seconded by Chamness, application of
State #7
the Southwest Exploration Company for permit to drill well known
as State No. 7 was approved with the provision that,regular contract
be executed.
S.W.Exploration Co.
State #8 On motion by Talbert seconded by Henrickson, the application
of Southwest Exploration Company for permit to drill well known
as State No. S was approved with provision that regular contract
be executed.
Texas Co. On motion by Chamness seconded by Talbert, the application of
the Texas Company for permit to drill well known as Brown No. 10
was approved.
C.W.Allison On motion by Henrickson seconded by Talbert, the application
of C. W. Allison to install oil heater on Lots 6 and 7, Block 108,
was approved.
Page 3 - Minutes Jan.3, 1939• 2
Application for On motion by Chamness seconded by Morehouse, the application of
Derrick License
approved the Southwest Exploration Company for license to operate wells known
as State No. 7 and State No. u was approved.
Amend preffent On motion by Henrickson seconded by Talbert, the City Attorney was
Ord. on drilling
authorized to amend the present ordinance regulating permission to drill
oil wells so that it will not be necessary to submit to the City Council
applications to pay derrick license and operate wells which have hereto-
fore been drilled.
The application of
Oscar Iversen to operate garage and auto agency
approved -
at 303 - 3rd Street was
approved on motion by Talbert seconded by
The application of
Roy F. Patrick to operate fountain and malt
shop at 464 Ocean Avenue
was approved on motion by Talbert seconded by
Estimate of
cost The Clerk read an
estimate by City Engineer Overmyer covering cost
of Grandstand
of proposed grand stand
and seats along the beach front, amounting to
$10,100.00. The matter
was referred to the Beach and Pier Committee to
investigate and report back
at next meeting.
Dangerous inter- The matter of correcting
a dangerous situation at the intersection
of Frankfort Street and
Hampshire Avenue was referred to the Streets and
Parks Committee, City Engineer
and Chief of Police for further study
and report.
Renewal of The Clerk read renewal of lease agreement with the P. E. Railway
lease -
P.E.Ry. Co. Company covering strip of land adjoining the city trailer camp. On motion.
by Henrickson seconded by Chamness, the Mayor and City Clerk were authori-
zed to execute same on behalf of the City.
American Legion
Auxiliary On motion by Henrickson seconded by Talbert, the application of the
American Legion Auxiliary for cancellation of rental of Memorial Hall,
December 22, 1938, was approved.
Easement for The Clerk read a letter from 0. A. Smith, President of the Pacific
Electric Railway Company addressed to Mayon McCallen stating that ease- i
ments for crossing at Hartford Street and the new Frankfort Street cut-
off would be ready in a short while.
Palm Tree The request of D. J. Hill, 1211 Alabama to have a Palm removed was
referred to City Engineer Overmyer..
Application The application of Evalena Lee Muller for position as dance pavilion
ordered filed
cashier was read and ordered filed.
Application to The Clerk called attention too' application of McVicar-Rood dated
drill rejected
October 27th, 1938 for permission to drill on Lot 11, Block 122 and in-
formed the Council that same had been rejected for the reason that it
did not comply With the -ordinances. The Clerk was directed to return
deposited check dated October 27; 1938 to McVicar-Rood and inform them
that the, application had been rejected.
Page 4 - Minutes Jan. 3, 1939.
Ord. 4421 - The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 421, regulating the
first reading
operation and construction of oil derricks, its first
reading at this time.
Dangerous condition Engineer Overmyer called attention of'the Council to the
of derricks
fact that some derricks in the oil field were in danger of
collapsing and that he believed some action should be taken
immediately. No action was taken by the Council.
Demands On motion by Talbert seconded by Chamness, demands ap-
proved by the Finance Committee were ordered paid.
Fire Department The Clerk read a letter from the National Protective
Association dated December 23, 1938, addressed to Fire Chief
Sargent to the effect that the Huntington Beach Fire Depart-
ment had won a prominent place during Fire Prevention Week
1938 and that a certificate of award will be sent the Fire
Department in the near future.
Water System Mayor McCallen informed the Council that he had appoint-
ed a committee of three to look into the matter of securing
the services of a competent engineer to make'a survey with a
view of purchasing a water system for the City of Huntington
Beach. The duties of this committee would be to make an in- t
vestigation and report its findings and recommendations to the
City Council as a whole., Mayor McCallen appointed on that
committee Councilmen Talbert, Chamness and Henrickson and in-
formed the committee that he would not appoint a chairman of
the committee. Also that should the committee need assistance
he and Councilman Morehouse could be called upon.
Lake Park On motion by Henrickson seconded by Chamness, the sum of
$450.00 was allocated for completion of improvements in Lake Park.
Light in alley Councilman Morehouse stated that application had been made W
for alley light in the rear of the Hanson apartments. Matter re-
ferred to the city engineer to investigate and report back.
Car The matter of purchasing a car for the City Engineer was
deferred for one week.
Frankfort St. Engineer Overmyer informed the Council that the sum of
Improvement ,
$5,100.00 was available from Orange County for the improvement of
Frankfort Street.
Tax Bills The Clerk informed the Council that the work of making up
tax bills could be simplified and improved upon by the purchase -�
of two 20 inch typewriters. There was no objection by the City J+
Council to the purchase of new equipment.
On motion by Henri ckson seconded by Chamness, the Council
adjourned until 4:00 P.M. Thu rs y, Ja ar 5, 1939.
City C1 rk and ex-officio Clerk of
City Clerk Mayor