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City Hall, Huntinggton Beach, Calif.
Monday, January 191, 1939
Pursuant to adjournment of January 5, 1939, the City Council met
and was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor McCallen.
Councilmen present: Chamness, Talbert, Morehouse, Henrickson, McCallen.
Councilmen absent: None.
Asst. City Treasurer The Clerk read.a letter from City Treasurer Luther A. Arthur in -
forming the Council that he had appointed Mrs. Grace M. Br-ose as
assistant treasurer of the City of Huntington Beach as of January 3,
1939 :and, on motion by Chamness seconded by Talbert, the appointment
Neon sign,;at Ford On motion by Henrickson seconded by Chamness, the application of
Santa Ana Neon Corporation to erect .sign at the Ford Agency, 120
Ocean Avenue,. was approved.
Remove trees - On motion by Talbert seconded by Chamness;`•the application of E.E.
E. E. Hyde
Hyde to remove trees obstructing garage entrance-on.Huntington Avenue
was approved and the -Clerk directed to notify Mr. Hyde that he had
permission to remove the trees.
Remove trees On motion by Talbert seconded by Chamness, Tom Wyllie was given
Tom Wyllie
permission to remove Acacia tree in front of his;' residence, 416 - llth
Street for the reason that the tree is in linewith proposed driveway
to his garage.
�` �°r�tf'or refund
`eque" The request of Della E-. Mills for refund of plumbing bill in the
-eferred to City
ng. amount of $3.00 which she claimed was paid on'account of clogged sewer
main, was read and referred to the City Engineer for his recommendation.
Letter from H. B. The Clerk read a letter from the Huntington._Beach Fire Department
Fire Dept.
thanking the Council for its cooperation in the past year. The letter
was ordered filed.
Application - The Clerk read an application for a position signed by Mrs. Elsie
Mrs. Patrick
J. Patrick, same was ordered filed.
'Laura Lockett The application for position at the municipal trailer park by
Laura Lockett was read and referred to the Beach and Pier Committee.
Senator,_Westover A letter from Senator Harry Westover,addressed to the City Council,
relative to sodium vapor lights .was read and .ordered .filed. .
License approved - On motion by Morehouse seconded by Talbert, the license application
pool hall
of C. D. Kemp to operate pool hall at 117 Main Street was approved.
License - On motion by Henrickson seconded by Chamness, the license appli-
cation of Clara Ferguson to operate hotel at 228 Main Street was
Application approved- On motion by Morehouse seconded by Chamness, the application of
oil well
Pacific Oilcloth and Linoleum Company to operate oil well on Lots
9 and 11, Block 418, was approved.
Page 2 _ Minutes Jan. 16, 1939•
Wilshire Oil Co. On motion by Henri ckson seconded by Chamness, the application of
• Wilshire Oil Company to operate oil well No. 15 on Lot .".6, Block 118,
was approved.
Appli.to oper- The Clerk was informed by the Mayor -and City Council that it would
ate oil wells
not necess- be no longer necessary to submit to the Council applications for license
to operate oil wells.
Rhoades Oil- The Clerk presented and read application of the -Rhoades Oil Company
Co. -
application to erect a wooden derrick on Lots 11 and 12, Watson Addition. The plot
to erect
wooden submitted showing the location of the well was to the effect that the
nearest existing derrick is five hundred feet or more from the proposed
location of the new derrick; that no residences were located in the
immediate vicinity.
Mr. Treece Whereupon the Mayor called upon Mr. W. P. Treece who stated that he was
•� an agent for the Rhoades Oil Company. Mr. Treece testified that the pro-
posed derrick is to be located five hundred feet or more from the nearest
oil derrick. He also testified that the reason for building a derrick of
` wood construction was that,`.it would cost approximately one-third less than
a steel. derrick. He further 't;e.stified that the proposed derrick would be
built upon a cement foundat.ion.and that when completed it would not endanger
' the public.
No objections Mayor McCallen asked if anyone in the audience had any objection to the
wooden derrick being built in accordance with the application. There was no
Application The City Council having determined from the evidence.that the building
of the wooden derrick in the above named location will in no way be hazard-
ous to the peace, health and safety of the general public, on motion by
Chamness seconded by Talbert, the Council voted unanimously to grant Rhoades
Oil Company permission to erect wooden derrick, same to be erected in com-
pliance with requirements of the City Building Inspector.
Fire Exting- The Clerk read a letter from the Standard Oil Company calling attention
uishers to the fact that Ordinance No. 280 required a number of fire extinguishers
. Ord. 280 to to be placed on and about oil derricks and complained that this is a burden
be amended
for the reason that many of. the fire extinguishers are stolen and, on motion
by Henrickson seconded by Chamness, the City Attorney.was.authorized to pre-
pare an•amendment to Ordinance No. 280 providing an alternative whereby oil
companies shall either.equip the property with fire extinguishers in accord-
ance with Ordinance No. 280 or provide equipment on automobiles or trucks
to serve the same purpose. In other words fire fighting equipment must
meet with the requirements of the- Fire Chief of Huntington Beach.
Renew lease On motion by Talbert seconded.by Chamness, the City Clerk was directed
on baseball
park to ask'the Huntington Beach Elementary School trustees to renew lease on
baseball -park for a period of five years at the nominal figure of $1.00
per ,year.
Page 3 - Minutes Jane 16, 1939.
D. K. Clapp asks The Clerk read a letter from D. K. Clapp asking permission to
for lease on
ground erect a building approximately five hundred feet.easterly from the
lifeguard station and that he be given a lease on the ground for a
period of five years at an annual rental of $50.00 per year for the
use of the ground. The matter was referred to the Beach and Pier
Ord. #421 passed- The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 421, an ordinance providing certain
Fire prevention ,
in oil field fire prevention measures in the oil field, its second and final
reading at this time and, on motion by Henrickson seconded by Talbert,
Ordinance No. 421 was passed and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Morehouse, Chamness,.Talbert, Henrickson, McCallen.
NOES: Councilmen: None.
ABSENT: Councilmen: None.
Demands On motion by Chamness seconded by Talbert, demands approved .by the
Finance Committee were ordered paid.
Reso. 825- The Clerk read Resolution No. 825, approving and authorizing execu-
Tax deeded lots
tion of agreement for the purchase of certain tax deeded lots from the
County of Orange, also Exhibit "A" of said resolution, same being
agreement of sale and purchase, also Exhibit "B" of said resolution,
same being Plan No. 1 covering the first purchase of tax delinquent
lots by the City of Huntington Beach and, on motion by Chamness seconded
by Henrickson, Resolution No. 825 was passed and adopted by the fol-
lowing vote: y
AYES: Councilmen: Morehouse, Chamness, Talbert, Henrickson, McCallen.
NOES: Councilmen: None.
ABSENT: Councilmen: None.
Oil derricks - Mayor McCallen called attention to a previous report of the City
Engineer to.the effect that there were certain oil derricks in the field
that were in danger of collapsing and, on motion by Talbert seconded
by Chamness, the City Engineer and City Attorney were authorized to pro -
teed to notify owners of such derricks and report results to the City
Council at its next meeting.
Parking Ord. to Councilman Chamness recommended that an amendment to the parking
be amended
ordinance be provided and, on motion by Chamness seconded by Henrick-
son, the City Attorney was authorized.to prepare an amendment to the
parking ordinance allowing delivery trucks to park in the district
covered during the hours from 4:00 A.M. to 9:00 A. M. daily.
Adv. for bids - On motion by Henrickson seconded by Talbert, the City Clerk was
Car for Eng.Dept.
directed to advertise for bids for furnishing the Engineering Depart-
ment with a four door sedan, price not to exceed 41,000.00, bids to
be opened and examined at 7:30 P.'M. Monday, February 6, 1939.
Fertilizer plant Councilman Henrickson called attention to the fertilizer plant
being operated in the linoleum plant just outside the city limits
and recommended that the Council take some action to.have same
removed. Action was deferred until a later meeting of the City
Page 4 - Minutes Jan:- 16, 1939.
Orange Co. Mayor McCallen informed the Council that the Orange 'Count.y League
of Municipalities will meet at Anaheim at 6:30 P.M. January 26th and
asked that all members of the City Council. and- heads of departments be
present if at all possible.
Light in On motion by Chamness seconded by Henrickson, City Engineer Overmyer
was authorized to order an alley light to be installed at the rear of
Main Street Garage for -the reason that this is a part of the business
district and badly in need of light.
Adv. for bids On motion by Talbert seconded by Chamness, the City Clerk was
camp Gr.Impp
directed,to advertise for bids for furnishing material for the construct-
ion of two lavatory buildings, one caretaker's house and for the remodel-
, � `
ing of the present caretaker's house at the municipal camp. Bids to be
opened and examined at 7:30 P.M., Monday February 6, 1939•
Reso.826 The Clerk read resolution No. 826, authorizing the City Engineer to
employ a painter and, on motion by Chamness seconded by Morehouse, Reso-
lution No. 826 was passed and adopted by the following vote:
AYES:. Councilmen: Morehouse,Chamness, Talbert, Henrickson, McCallen.
NOES: Councilmen: None..
ABSENT Councilmen: None.
' A4.C.!.Larson - On motion by Chamness seconded by Henrickson, the City Engineer at his
painter request was authorized to employ M. C..Larson as a painter at the salary of
$135.00 per month beginning January 15, 1939 and to continue at the will
and pleasure of the City Engineer and City Council.
Palm trees Engineer Overmyer informed the Council that Palm trees located in front
of 1207 - 1211 Alabama Avenue are detrimental to the sewer main along
+: Alabama.. The Engineer was directed to confer with park manager Beeson and
see if the palms could.be removed elsewhere and replanted.
Tax.Ord. On motion by Henrickson seconded by-Chamness, the California League of
• Municipalities model tax ordinance was referred to the City Attorney, City
Clerk and City Assessor.
Sat. night Councilman Chamness informed the Council that Saturday night dances were
• dances dis-
continued being discontinued until after the winter season.
On.motion by Chamness s6c Ued by Talbert, the Council adjourned.
City Clerk