HomeMy WebLinkAbout1939-03-20314 • MINUTES • City Hall, Huntington Beach, Calif. ' Monday, March 20, 1939 Pursuant to adjournment of March 8, 1939, the City Council met and was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor McCallen. Councilmen present: Morehouse, Chamness, Henrickson, McCallen. Councilmen absent: Talbert. At this time Mayor McCallen asked if there was anyone in the audience with matters to come before the Council. Group Ins. - At the request of Mr. C. H. King, Mr. Babbit and Mr. Bartle of Occidental Life Ins. Co. the Occidental Life Insurance Company addressed the Council with ' reference to group insurance for city employees. On motion by Henrickson seconded by Chamness, the Mayor was asked to appoint a committee to look into the matter of a cooperative plan of insurance for city employees with the Occidental Life Insurance Company and to instruct the City Clerk with the assistance of department heads to give the desired information to Mr. King; employees to be listed by number, age and occupation. Motion put and carried. Mrs. Wright Mrs. Elizabeth Wright reported that the house purchased from the City had been moved. Snquirx:_about A Mr. Ball asked the Council as to the intended sale of lots Tax deeded lots purchased by the City. Mayor McCallen informed Mr. Ball that no definite plan had been arrived at and no action could be taken at this " time. Neon sign On motion by Chamness seconded by Morehouse, permission was Sea Breeze Mkt. granted the General IJ,eon Company to erect sign for Willis Evans at the ' Sea Breeze Market in accordance with plans submitted. Transfer of license - On motion by Henrickson seconded by Chamness, application for milk depot transfer of license of milk depot at 520 Main Street from R. Pasma to V Cora and Lorna Richardson was approved. C. of C. - The Clerk presented and read letter from the Chamber of.Commerce folders S submitting costs for the printing and distributing of recreation and Home Building folders. At the request of Mayor McCallen, Mr. A. J. McCormick spoke further on the matter. On motion by Henrickson seconded by Chamness, the Council moved to allow not to exceed $341.88 to the Chamber of Commerce for the printing and distributing of the folders through the Peck Judah travel service as outlined in the letter. Orange Co. League meeting 3-23-39 The Clerk presented and read letter from the Orange County League of Municipalities calling attention to the March meeting of the Orange County League to be held at 6:45 P.M. Thursday evening, March 23, 1939 at the Ann Marie Tea Room, 201 West Santa Fe, Placentia, California. The City Clerk was instructed to make seven reservations. 0 Page 2 - Minutes March 20, 1939. 35 r- s Bids - This being the time for receiving and opening bids for furnishing --asoline the City with.gasoline for the year March 20, 1939 to March 19, 1940, the Clerk opened and read the following bids: (All bids - tank truck delivery; f.o.b. Huntington Beach; include State tax and exclude Federal tax.) Union Oil Company: Union Ethyl gasoline . ... . ... . . . 15¢ per gallon "76" gasoline . . . . . . . . . . . . 12¢ White Magic gasoline . . . . . . . . . 11j¢ Shell Oil Company: Shell Ethyl.gasoline . . . . . . . . . 15¢ Super bhell gasoline . . . . . . . . . 12¢ Green Streak gasoline . . . . . . . . 112¢ 11 " Richfield Oil Corporation: Richfield Ethyl gasoline . . . . . . . 15¢ Hi -Octane gasoline . . . . . . . 12¢ " f1 Flash gasoline . . .112¢ " It The Texas Company: Texaco Sky-Chief.gasoline . . . . .15¢ 11 " Texaco Fire -Chief gasoline. . . . . . 12¢ Texaco Indian gasoline 111-¢ Signal Oil Company: Signal Ethyl gasoline . . . . . . . 15¢ 11 '0 Signal gasoline . . . . . . . . . . . 12¢ t1 10 Peerless gasoline . . . . . . . . . Motor Fuels, Ltd: MacMillan Ethyl gasoline . . . . . . . MacMillan Xtra-Octane gasoline . . 12¢ MacMillan "95" (White)gasoline . . . . 11-3/4¢ " Standard Oil Company of California: Standard Ethyl gasoline . . . . . . . 15¢ per 01 Standard gasoline . . . . . . . . . 12¢ " It Flight gasoline . . . . . . lljj " " Bid of Standard On motion by Morehouse seconded by Henrickson, the Mayor and City Oil Co. accepted e- All other Clerk were authorized to execute gasoline contract. with the Standard Oil bids -rejected Company of California for the year beginning March 20, 1939 at the prices set forth - 15¢ for Standard Ethyl, 12¢ for Standard gasoline, 11¢ for Flight gasoline and all other bids were rejected. Bids - This being the time for receiving bids for materials to be used in the Material for fire hall construction of the new fire hall, the Clerk opened and read the following bids: California Builders Supply Inc: Page 505, Items 1 to 40 - Material Page 506, Items l.to 40 - " Page 507, Items 1 to 40 -- Page 508, Items 1 to.40 Page 509,.Items l.to 28 and 34 to 40 Page 510, Items 1 to 40 - " Tax included, 2%.discount $4,112, 1 Page 509, Items 29 to.33 - Tax inc—net cash 1,354,65 Frank Curran Lumber Co. Inc: • -All. items -as listed for $5,186.30 California State•Sales tax to be added and 5% discount 30 days on all items of -lumber, panels, sash & door frames, . millwork, drawers, felt roofing, stucco netting, nails, stucco, Keene cement, plaster lath, & plaster. Asphalt,.steel, rock & sand and paint - all net. Cement (Portland) cash discount of 22¢ per sack 30 days. Gladding•, McBean• &• Co: Unit #2 Interior the $158.88, 2% discount within 15 days, net 30 days. Page 3 -.Minutes March 20, 1939• Bids on material - continued F. S. Case: Unit #2 241 tons Rock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4313.30 213 tons sand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223.65 15 Cu.yds plaster sand . . . . . . . . . . 19.50 Interior plastering materials . . . . . . . . . 28.60 E. R. Ingersoll: Washed sand . . . . . . . . .$ 1.03 per ton No-3 Crushed Rock.... ... ....... 1.18 " it Graham Bros. Inc: 241 tons of #3 gravel & 213 tons concrete sand 4591.60 Subject to 20¢ per ton discount on or before the 25th day of the month Prox. . . . . . . . . . . . . 90. 80 5 0_ 0 Approximate 1325.sacks of Cement, Santa Cruz Portland in cloth ® $2.20 per bbl-., less 10¢ per bbl. discount based on delivery of 300 sacks or more. 40¢ per bbl. to be allowed for all empty sacks returned in servicable condition. If tested cement is required add.3¢ per bbl.. Sales tax to be added if applicable. Bruce Bros Washed sand $1.05 net,plus.sales tax. Rock $1.20 net,plus sales tax. Plaster sand $1.05 net,plus.sales tax. Consolidated Rock Porducts Co: 213 tons sand $130 i 241 tons gravel 1.35, California sales tax not included. 20¢ per ton discount. . . . . . . . Monolith Portland Cement Co: Monolith Portland -cement In -cloth sacks, $2.10 gross per bbl; in paper sacks 1.90 gro S-1-pf§r bbl. Monplith Plastic Wat r o cement, in clot sacks., 2.10 gross per b� ; in paper sack i.�O Per bbl., Monolith Tufa Puzzolanic cement;,,ln cloth sacks, $1.96 gross per bbl; in paper sacks,'$1.76"gross per bbl. The above prices are f.o.b. jobsite, discount 2O¢ per bbl. if invoices are paid on or before the loth proximo. H. B. Sheet Metal Works: loll x 9611 16 oz. strip copper sheet in 500 lb. min. lots, cents per sq. ft. 25.37. 1 11 x 9611 16 oz. strip sheet copper, 500 lb. min. lots, cents per sq. ft. 26.42. 30" x 96" i6 oz. strip sheet copper 1000 lbs. min. lots, cents per sq. ft. 27.37. United Welding & Mfg. Co: Unit #2 Rough hardware: Black $$45.75 Galvanized 58.99 Consolidated Roofing Co: 54 rolls 15 lb. saturated felt - - �+0 squares 90 lb. slate surfaced paper 3700 lbs. roofing Asphalt - 60 lbs. 7/8" galvanized roofing nails - Total $163.00 Tovatt Hdwe. Co: 40 gal. Exterior paint, Acme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.99 per gal. 75 " Interior Flat, Acme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.10 1i " BO Enamel - Acme Eggshell. . . . . . . . 2.65 7 " Wall primer & sealer -Acme . . . . . . . . . . . 1.70 4 " Linseed Oil . . . . . . . . . 85 1° " 10 " Pure turpentine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .60 3 " Red Lead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.55 L. E. Worthy - Paint Seal Rite Pigment Primer,5 gal. lots . . . . . . . . . . 2.31 " u u it1 11 It. . . . . . . 2. 2 Surfacer . . . 5 " u . . . . . . . . . . 1.95 It 11 1 11 11 2.06 Super Service House paint Exterior .. . . . . . . . . . 2.75 " 11 American Home " " It . . . . . . . . . . 2.31 Kayanize Interior enamel . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.78 11 " It 1t It ( red label) .. . . . . . . 3.63 ►1 11 " Egye Shell (red label) . . . . . . . . . . 3 63 i° t1 11 1 to Semi Gloss . . . 2,78 n to Pure turpentine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .74 " 11 Boiled Linseed Oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .90 It 11 Sales tax to be added to all material. L. E. Worthy: Plumbing Fittings itemized, not totaled. Fixtures for fire hall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $133.84 State sales tax to be added. J Page 4 - Minutes March 20, 1939. Bids - con't' d Ed Manning: Rough material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $189. &8 Finished material. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 0. 64 al Tot . . . . . . . . . . 3 0-.5-27- State sales tax included. Howard Supply Company: Unit #2 r- Rough hardware, concrete materials - no totals given. Unit #4 Miscellaneous pipe - no totals given. Bids tbe analyzed d The Mayor referred all bids to the City Engineer and Fire Committee for analysis and report back at the meeting Wednesday morning, March 22d, 1939• Applications Shirley - The application of Shirley Kay Morse for position as registrar or Morris office assistant at the municipal tent city for the coming.season was ordered filed. Bertha. The application of Bertha Mossinger for the position of cashier, etc., Mos singer at the municipal trailer camp for the summer months was ordered filed. Bid on The Clerk presented and read letter from Geo. E. Kesterson which lots was a bid for the purchase of Lots 17 and 19, Block 613, Huntington Beach, in the amount of $100.00, title to be cleared by.the purchaser. Mayor McCallen informed Mr. Kesterson that the City was in no position to act in the matter and his bid was ordered filed. State Park The Clerk presented and read letter from J. H. Covington, executive secretary of the State Park Commission, in appreciation of the City Council's willingness to cooperate with the State and County in furnishing such protection as may be deemed necessary for the proposed State Park. The communication was ordered filed. Ins. on new bldgsa In the matter of fire insurance on fire station and camp ground build- ings now under construction, Mr. C. H. King was instructed to insure it in binder until the buildings are constructed and the rate of insurance is set. After the rate is set Mr. King should insure the buildings under a, three way split with Huston, Suter & Huston, J. K. McDonald and C. H. King. Mr. King was asked to write a letter giving the outline of the proposed insur- ance on the fire hall and camp buildings. This was on motion by Henrickson seconded by Chamness. Motion carried. Fishing Councilman Chamness called the attention of the Council to the fact barge that the fishing barge concession was open and stated that he had contacted Captain Olson, the owner of two barges. A communication from Captain Olson, read by the Clerk, was referred to the beach and pier committee with instructions that they go into the matter with the City Attorney and draw up a contract equitable to both parties. Richfield Mr. Wendle, representative of the Richfield Oil Corporation, reported Abs. plant that he was still seeking a location for equipment of the Richfield absorp- tion plant. Demands On motion,by Henrickson seconded by Chamness, bills as approved by the Finance committee, were ordered paid. Oil for sts. Councilman Morehouse called attention to the fact that the budget allot - depleted ment for the purchase of oil to be used on streets had been depleted. This matter was to be taken up at the meeting Wednesday morning, March 22d. Agreement m At this time the Clerk read the proposed agreement betweetn:..the'City df D.K.Clapp Huntington Beach and Dwight K. Clapp for concession building on the beach. The Mayor and City Clerk were authorized to sign the agreement provided that Mr. Clapp submit plans and specifications of the building and a map giving the - location of the building, -which plans and specifications and location must meet the approval of the City Council and the city engineer. This on motion by Chamness seconded by Henrickson. ` Contracts, In the matter of contracts, etc., Mayor McCallen suggested that the City etc. Clerk send copies to each councilman so that they could receive them prior to the meeting at which they are to be presented. Page 5 - Minutes March 20, 1939• 318 Playground Councilman Henrickson informed the Council that the School Board would present a plan for playgrounds at the grammar school and hiring a supervisor during the summer months. Meeting place The matter of location for meeting place of Girl Scouts and Boy for Scouts Scouts was again discussed. Mayor McCallen offered to outfit the old I' J fire hall for the Boy Scouts. Councilman Henrickson was asked to contact the Girl Scouts as to whether they would be willing to use the fire hall as a meeting place and Mayor McCallen said he would contact the Boy Scouts on the matter. Planning Mayor McCallen asked that each councilman designate six names Commission as timber for the planning commission at the meeting Wednesday morning. Frankfort St. Mr. Overmyer informed the Council that plans and specifications cut-off for the Frankfort Street cut-off would be presented April 3, 1939. Ta.x Ord. City Attorney Overacker advised that the new tax ordinance would be ready by the meeting March 22d. On motion by Chamness seconded by Henrickson, the Council ad- journed until 10:00 A.M., Wednesday morning, March 22, 1939• 6 City Clerk and ex -off icio Clerk 40f City Council BY 4;;C ]Deputy &�a_yo ! nT;: City Clerk 11 4