HomeMy WebLinkAbout1939-03-22MINUTES
City Hall, Huntington Beach, Calif.
Wednesday, March 22d, 1939
Pursuant to adjournment of March 20th, 1939, the City Council met
and was called to order at 10:00 A.M. by Mayor McCallen.
Councilmen present: Morehouse, Chamness, Henrickson, McCallen.
Councilmen absent: Talbert.
Fire Insurance- The Clerk read a letter from C. H. King to the effect that he had
new bldgs.
issued fire insurance coverage for buildings being constructed on the
beach front and the fire.hall and that commissions are to be divided
equally between himself, J. K. McDonald and Huston, Suter and Huston.
The letter was ordered filed.
Horseshoe The City Clerk and City Attorney were directed to prepare a resolu-
Club house
tion covering operation of horseshoe club house similar to the one in
E c�
effect covering operation of the Lake Park Club building.
Agreements The City Clerk was directed to write a letter to the City Attorney
& Contracts
asking that all agreements and contracts made in his office be made in
sufficient copies to furnish each of the councilmen a copy at least 48
hours before same is to be presented to the Council at a regular or ad-
journed meeting.
Advertising On motion by Chamness seconded by Henrickson, the Clerk was directed
to write the Huntington Beach News, the Town Crier and the Tattler and
advise them that on and after April 8th authority for all advertising
copy will be submitted in writing with the approval of the City Council.
Dances o The matter of advertising for dances April 2d to the 8th was referred
to Councilman Chamness with power to act.
Reso. #833 The Clerk read Resolution No. 833, rejecting bids and declaring and
determining that in its opinion the materials may be furnished and pur-
chased at a lower price in the open market for the construction of the
new fire hall and, on motion by Chamness seconded by Henrickson, Reso-
lution No. 833 was passed and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Morehouse, Chamness, 1enrickson, McCallen.
NOES: Councilmen: None.
ABSENT: Councilmen: Talbert.
Resod #834 The Clerk read Resolution No. 834 of the City Council accepting deed
to certain property and authorizing the recording of said deed, same being
a deed from the County of Orange covering tax delinquent lots and, on
motion by Morehouse seconded by Chamness, Resolution No. 834 was passed
and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Morehouse, Chamness, Henrickson, McCallen.
NOES: Councilmen: None.
ABSENT: Councilmen: Talbert.
Demand On motion by dhamness seconded by Henrickson, demand in favor of
J. C. Lamb, Tax Collector, was approved and ordered paid.
Rent -.:on -beach
Page 2 - Minutes March 22, 1939•
Councilman Chamness recommended that the rental rate for Cliff a
King for concession in beach pavilion be reduced; that it was
his opinion that $350.00 per year was about all a tenant could
pay and, on motion by Henrickson seconded by Chamness, the
Council voted to reduce the rent to $350.00 per year beginning �
with the date of the agreement.
P. L. Wood - On motion by Henrickson seconded by Morehouse, the Clerk was
directed to write P. L. Wood and inform him that the City Council
has agreed to enter into a 32 year contract at the expiration of
the present contract with Mr. Wood.
Plans & Specifi- On motion b Henrickson seconded b Chamness
cations - Y Y plans and
D.K. Clapp
specifications submitted by D..K. Clapp for the construction of a
building on the beach front were approved and accepted. Same
having been approved by,the CityEngineer.
Electricity on Councilman Chamness stated that there was entirely too much {
electricity being used by concessioners on the municipal pier. !
The City Engineer was directed to get estimated cost of purchasing
and installing sub -meters for pier concessions.
Ball park
City Engineer Overmyer informed the Council that it would cost
approximately $300.00 to repair fence and grand stand of the city i
ball park.. That inasmuch as the park will be used by any and all
organizations requesting.same when available, the Mayor recommended
that the City do the repair work. On motion by Henrickson seconded
by Morehouse, the City Engineer was authorized to make such necessary j
repairs as required, total cost riot to exceed $300.00, purpose of
same being for general city recreational activities.
On motion by Henrickson seconded by Chamness, Council adjourned.
City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk a
of the' City Council.
City Clerk