HomeMy WebLinkAbout1939-08-30MINUTES Council Chamber, City Hall, Huntington Beach, Calif. August 30, 1939 The regular meeting of the Huntington Beach Planning Commission was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by the secretary. Members present; Koppl, Wilson, DeBritton, Elliott, Overacker,Furr. Members absent; McDonald, Overmyer, Terry. On motion by Wilson seconded by DebRitton, Overa.cker was appointed chairman pro-tem for the evening. Minutes There being no additions or corrections, the minutes were approved as read. Hartford St. The secretary read a letter from the City Clerk stating rena.m- that the City Council had passed a motion recommending the ing renaming of Hartford Street and Hill Street and that the name be Palm Avenue and, on motion by DeBritton seconded by Wilson, the chair was authorized to appoint a committee of two to make a study of the proposal. Zoning Elliott made a report of the committee's investigation of the proposed zoning of the district southerly from Frankfort and in this connection Secretary Gallienne of the Chamber of Commerce reported that he had sent out 170 letters asking for an expression of the property owners and that to date he had received only about twenty replies among which there were no'protests against the zoning. The zoning action was deferred by the commission until a later date. Frankfort St. The secretary read a number of letters -relative to the renaming renaming of Frankfort Street and Frankfort Street extension, some of which favored the name of Fifth Street, some Braodway, some McCallen Way while others favored retaining the present_ name. No action was taken by the commission. The Chair asked those in'the audience for an expression of their opinion as to the naming of Frankfort- Street and Frankfort Street extension. Opinion was divided. Some recommending Fifth Street from Ocean Avenue to Highway 39, some Broadway, some McCallen Way while others objected to any change in the present name. No action was taken by the commission, it being the opinion of the commission that action should be deferred until after the major plan is completed. T.Zr.Parks Mr. G. It. Parks, planning engineer and secretary of the Anaheim Planning Commission, was introduced by Mr. Overacker. Mr. Parks submitted a number of maps that he had prepared for the City of Anaheim and discussed at length the proper methods used'in`organizing and carrying on the work of a planning com- mission. Mr. Parks offered to assist the Huntington Beach Planning Commissionin preparing maps, making recommendations and meeting with the planning commission either monthly or semi- monthly for a total sum of $300.00 for six months or at a rate of $50.00 per month and, on motion by Wilson seconded by Koppl, the commission voted unanimously to recommend to the City Council that Pair. Parks be employed for a period of not less than six months nor more than eight months at a salary of $50.00 per mohth to assist the planning commission. The secretary was directed to write a letter to the City Council notifying them of the recommendation of the dommission. On motion by Koppl seconded by DeBritton, the commission adjourned until 7:30 P.M. Wednesday, September 6th, 1939. Secretary of the Planning Commission NOR FA�ii �:.�• • MINUTES Council Chamber, City Ball, Huntington Beach, Calif. September 27, 1939 The regular meeting of the Huntington Beach Planning Commission was called to order at 7:30 P M. by the secretary. Members present: DeBritton, Elliott, Furr. Members absent: Wilson, Koppl, Terry, McDonald, Overaeker, Overmyer. There being no quorum present, the secretary adjourned the meeting. ecretary o the Planning -Commission f� resident of the lanning CommIssion 1 • • C