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Monthly reports -
Council Chamber, City Hall,
Huntington Beach, Calif.
Monday, July 1, 1940
The regular meeting of the City Council was called to order
at 7:30 P. M. by Mayor McCallen.
Councilmen present: Grable, Morehouse, McCallen.
Councilman Chamness arrived at 7050 P:M-
Councilman Talbert arrived at 8:05 P.M.
Councilmen absent: None
On motion by Morehouse seconded by Grable, minutes for the
month of June were.approved as read.
The Clerk read monthly reports of the City Treasurer, City Clerk,
City Collector, City Judge, Chief of Police and City Engineer and, on
motion by Morehouse seconded by Grable, same were approved and ordered
f iled.
Councilman Chamness
arrives Councilman Chamness arrived at this time, 7:50 P.M.
Crowing Mr. V. E. Brewster addressed the Council relative to the nuisance
of crowing roosters in the vicinity of his residence on the east side.
The matter was referred to the Chief of Police to confer with Mr. Brews-
ter and call upon those owning the roosters.
Application On motion by Chamness seconded by Morehouse, the application of
Theodore Robins,; to cut sidewalk and curb on 5th Street was granted.
Councilman Talbert arrives At this time, 8:05 P.M., Councilman Talbert arrived.
License On motion by Grable. seconded by Chamness, the license application
application approved e.:of Mr.Jaek'.Long toooperate beauty parlor at 310 Walnut Avenue was
do On..,motion by Chamness seconded by Grable, the license appli-
cation of E. R. Ellis to operate lunch room at 428 Main Street was
Extension of time
on work on pier The Clerk read a letter from Elliott -Stroud -Seabrook asking the
City Council for an extension of 25 working days in which to complete
their contract on the municipal pier and, on motion by Chamness se-
conded by Grable, the request was granted without penalty.
Surety bond. On motion by Chamness seconded by Talbert, the surety bond of
Vernon Cornell Mize to engage in the plumbing contracting business
was accepted and ordered filed.
Fire Insurance On motion by Talbert seconded by Grable, the City Clerk was autho-
rized and directed to proceed to have all existing fire insurance cancelled
and to re -insure at a $1.20 rate using a standard blanket form policy
approved by the Board of Fire Underwriters and the City Attorney.
Demands On motion by Talbert seconded by Chamness, demands approved by the
Finance Committee were ordered paid.
Page 2, Minutes July_1, 1940
Southwest Ex. On motion by Morehouse seconded by Chamness, the application of
Southwest Exploration Company to drill well known as State No. 30 was
approved and permit granted.
Application o On motion by Chamness seconded by Grable, the application of Fred
card game e
denied W. Mack to operate card game at 304 Walnut Avenue was denied and the Clerk
directed to so notify Mr. Mack.
Following motion by Morehouse: "That the City Council go on record
as not being in favor of allowing additional card rooms in the City of
Huntington Beach.". Motion seconded by Chamness, put and carried unanimously.
Baltimore & The City Attorney was authorized to continue his investigation cover®
3ra St.
ing ownership of property between Baltimore and 3rd Streets.
City tax deed Mr. Morehouse stated that he had contacted Mr. Nunn now occupying a
• property .
house located on a city tax deed lot and that Mr. Nunnlagreed to pay a
small rental and would call at the office of the City Clerk to make
12th St. & Councilman Talbert and City Attorney Overacker stated that plans were
Magnolia. Ave.
progressing in the matter of opening 12th Street and Magnolia Avenue through
the Methodist camp grounds.
Contract o Councilman Talbert stated that K.V.O.E. radio station offered to devote
KVOE radio
station thirty minutes per day, four days per week, to advertising Huntington Beach for
the sum of $30.00 per week and that the manager of the Esquires had agreed to
pay one-half of the charge and, on motion by Talbert seconded by Chamness, the
Mayor and City Clerk were authorized to execute contract for a period of one
month and to continue on a month to month basis subject to the will and pleas-
ure of the City Council.
Life guards Councilman Cham ness,submitted a -list of -life guards which had been re-
commended by the chief life guard to be put on a monthly basis as follows:
Donald Winters, Lieutenant life guard, Class "A", $135.00 per month,
Robert Hilton, life guard, Class "B", $125.00 per month,
Gale L. Bergey, life guard, Class "B", $125.00 per month,
Gordon Stine, life guard, Class "B", $125.00 per month,
SArthur Bermudez, life guard, Class "A", $115.00 per month and, on
motion by Chamness seconded by Grable, the above named were placed on month-
ly payroll as of July 1, 1940 and to continue at the will and pleasure of the
City Council.
Trailer park On motion by Chamness seconded by Talbert, the following named were
placed on monthly payroll at the municipal trailer park beginning July 1, 1940:
• Marjorie Preston, clerk, Class "B", $85.00 per month,
Earl Conrad, assistant caretaker, Class "B", $110.00 per month,
E. J. Daet Weiler, assistant caretaker, Class "B", $110.00 per month,
Garvin Morse, assistant caretaker, Class "B", $110.00 per month.
Same to continue subject to the will and pleasure of the City Council.
Barge o 'Councilman Chamness stated that he had been unable to contact Captain
Capt. Olson
Olaf C. Olson, former barge operator, but that it was his opinion that Captain
Olson did not intend to<operate a barge in accordance with his contract with
460 Page 3, Minutes July 1, 1940
the City during the coming season and that inasmuch as Captain Olson
owes the City for six weeks commission, Councilman Chamness recommend-
ed that
the contract be declared void. Following motion
by Councilman
"That the City Council declare the contract between the
City of
Huntington Beach and Captain Olaf C. Olson dated
April 29th,
1939 be
cancelled and rendered null and void as of July
1, 1940;
that the
Beach and Pier Committee be authorized to start
with some other party willing to operate a barge and report to the City
Council at an early date." Motion seconded by Councilman Chamness,
put and carried unanimously.
Memorial Hall - On motion by Talbert seconded by Chamness, the $5.00 fee'for the •
fees waived
July loth -use of Memorial Hall July loth by the Orange County Peace Officers' •
Association was waived.
Extra policemen On motion by Chamness seconded by Talbert, Chief of Police Grant
July 4th
was authorized to employ not to exceed ten extra policemen July 4th.
Sidewalks Chief of Police Grant stated that there were a number of drive-
ways crossing city sidewalks which were originally used for that purpose. '
He mention particularly one in frcmt of Cecylle Oliver's cafe,.one in
front of Dr. Hogan's office and one on 5th Street leading to the bowling
alley. Chief Grant recommended that these driveways be replaced with
standard sidewalks. The matter was referred to the Streets and Parks
Committee to investigate and report at next meeting.
Nat'l Disaster On motion by Talbert seconded by Chamness, the City Attorney was
Relief Ord.
authorized to prepare a National Disaster Relief ordinance and submit
to the Council at next meeting.
Landing field
Councilman Talbert made a report on progress of securing land to
be used as an aviation training school and landing field. The Mayor
increased the committee handling the above matter to include the City
Council as a whole and, on motion by Talbert seconded by Chamness, the '
City Attorney was authorized to prepare an option covering 49 acres
owned by the Mills Land and Water Company and 60 acres on the Newland
and Borehard tract for a period of four months or more at a cost of
$100.00 each for the option and submit same to the City Council at
its next meeting.
On motion by Chamness seconded by Morehouse, the Council ad- '
journed until 7:30 P.M. Monday, July 1940.
City ler and eX -o fieio Crer�`-
of the City Council.