HomeMy WebLinkAbout1940-09-03474 MINUTES • Council Chamber, City Hall, Huntington Beach, California Tuesday, September 3, 1940 The regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor McCallen. w Councilmen present: Chamness, Grable, Talbert, Morehouse, McCallen. Councilmen absent: None. Minutes On motion by Morehouse seconded by Grable, minutes for the month of August were approved as read. Monthly On motion by-Chamness seconded by Talbert, monthly reports of the • Reports City Treasurer, City Clerk, City Collector, City Judge, Chief of Police and City Engineer were approved and ordered filed. • Notice of The -Clerk read Affidavits of Posting Notices of Public Work by Public Works posting Street Superintendent Harry A. Overmyer covering posting of Blocks- 411, 412, 511 and 512, same was accepted and ordered filed. Applications-. On motion by Morehouse seconded by Talbert, the application of Wm. approved e Burton T. Burton to operate restaurant located at 112 - 18th Street was approved. Nutter. On motion by Talbert seconded by Chamness, the application of Mrs. M.Ti. Clark Gilbert H. Nutter to operate restaurant at 104 Main Street was approved. On motion by Chamness seconded by Morehouse, the application of Mrs. M. H. Clark to operate hotel at 116 Main Street was approved, Helm - Neon sign On motion by Chamness seconded by Morehouse, the -application of Frank Helm to erect electric sign at 209 Main Street was approved. State League of Mun. The -matter of attending the State League of Municipalities meeting to be held in San Diego, September 16th to 20th inclusive, was discussed and, on motion by Talbert seconded by Chamness, City Attorney Ray.H. Overacker was authorized to represent the City of Huntington Beach and � to be allowed the sum of $45.00 to defray expense of attending the convention, Calif.Sewage Workers Assn Notice of meetingof the California Sewage Workers Association at g • San Diego, September 15th to 17th, was read and ordered filed. Surety Bond On motion by Talbert seconded by Grable, the surety bond of the Two Mack Electric Company was accepted and ordered filed. Claim m Denio et al The Clerk read a verified claim -filed -by Denio, Hart, Taubman and Simpson in the amount of $1,265.87, same was ordered filed by the Mayor. Jetties - The Clerk read a letter from Morrough P. O'Brien, consulting engi- Seal Beach neer of Berkeley, California, relative to the building of jetties in the City of S*:al Beach. The letter referred to Engineer Patterson of New- . port Beach who is familiar with Orange County beach study. It also • suggested that information be mailed to Major Lieber directly. The letter was ordered filed and City Engineer Overmyer directed to get in touch with City Engineer Patterson of Newport Beach. The purpose of the • Page 2, Minutes SePt.3, 1940 475 r' L 1 above named communication is for recording the City of Huntington Beach's objections to the building of the above named jetties. Amend- The Clerk read a letter from City Attorney Overacker calling attention ment to Const. to a constitutional amendment being submitted to voters at the November election whereby the State Lands Commission with the consent of the State Parks Commission shall have power to execute leases, easements or contracts for the extraction and removal of such deposits of oil and gas from such lands or portions thereof in accordance with law. Attorney Overa.cker in- formed the Council that if this measure passes it will probably give the State Lands Commission the authority to convert State Parks into oil fields. The letter was ordered filed. Reso.#872 The Clerk read Resolution No. 872, fixing the tax rate for the City of tax rate Huntington Beach for the fiscal year 1940-1941 and, on motion by Chamness seconded by Grable, Resolution No. 872 was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen:* Chamness, Grable, Talbert, Morehouse, McCallen. NOES: Councilmen: None. ABSENT: Councilmen: None. Ord.#440 The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 440, setting the fee for connecting with first reading Joliet sewer extension, its first reading at this time. Accident On motion by Talbert seconded by Grable, the Clerk was directed to regulation forms notify all department heads to make immediate reports on regulation forms for reports of all accidents occurring in their departments, also to notify the Police Department by telephone in the event an investigation of the accident seems to require immediate attention. So.Calif. H. V. Anderson, manager of the Southern California Water Company, Water Co. addressed the Council relative to the new fire hydrant contract. After some discussion, on motion by Talbert seconded by Grable, the fire chief and city engineer in company with representatives of the Southern California Water Company were directed to make pressure tests in various parts of the City and report their findings to the City Council for the purpose of arriving • at some satisfactory rate agreement. Demands On motion by Talbert seconded by Chamness, demands approved by the Finance Committee were ordered paid. State ark Mayor McCa.11en reported that Chamber of Commerce secretary Ga.11ienne had met recently with Mr. Dockweiler relative to the creation of a state park in the vicinity of Huntington Beach. The matter will be continued by holding conferences with the State and County officials. LIr. Grant On motion by Chamness seconded by Morehouse, the City Clerk was directed to send flowers and letter to Chief of Police Grant at the Good Samaritan hospital., Los Angeles. Letter of On motion by Chamness seconded by Morehouse, the City Clerk was directed thanks to Vol lireto write the Volunteer Fire Department and thank them for assisting the Police Dept. Department during the holidays September 1st and 2nd. 76 Page 3, Minut.es S'6-r.. 3, 1940 Drum & Bugle On motion by Morehouse seconded by Chamness, the City Clerk was Corps directed to write a letter to.the Huntington Beach Drum and Bugle Corps thanking them for furnishing music at the dedication of the municipal pier. Moving picture Councilman Grable called attention to the fact that the City projector needed needed a moving picture projector to be used in connection with Life Guard Higgins lectures in various cities of California and, on motion by Chamness seconded by Grable, the City Engineer was directed to secure prices of the necessary equipment and submit to the City Council. Denio.et al.. City Attorney Overacker reported that the attorney for Denio, Hart, .asks continuance of trial Taubman and Simpson had asked for a•continuance of their trial to October 2d. The continuance was tentatively agreed upon. Street marking 0ounc-1.1man ljorehous:e- :st-a:t.ed .that.,,st eet ;ma ing.-signs: were .badl:y -. & signs n-ee,ded, ,.,als.o ,signs:.:direct= ng '�tYie.epublic to the office of the Chamber of Commerce. The street committee and city engineer were authorized to secure prices and submit to the City Council. On motion by Chamness seconded by Morehouse. the Council adjourned until Monday, September 23, 19400 ity &C16rka, '�o c -o er of the City Council. u 1 0. • • 1 4 •