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Council Chamber, City Hall,
Huntington Beach, Calif.
Monday, September 23, 1940
Pursuant to adjournment of September 3rd, the City Council met and
was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor McCallen.
Councilmen present: Chamness, Talbert, Morehouse, McCallen.
Councilmen absent: Grable.
3rd St. The Clerk presented and read decision No. 33512 before the Railroad
Commission of the State of California granting permission to construct the
Third Street crossing. After some discussion the Clerk was directed to'file
the order, until March 1941.
Subway Councilman Talbert stated that he believed that it would be a good
plan to consider building a subway under Ocean Avenue at the intersection of
Main Street. Councilman Chamness agreed that it would be a good idea but
thought it a good plan to secure 'stop -and go signal on ,Ocean 'Avenue at Main
Street and, on motion by Morehouse seconded by Talbert, the City Engineer was
authorized to secure prices for the installation of stop and go signal and
submit to the City Council.
Crossing The Clerk read a letter from the Southern Pacific Railway Company rela-
at Baltimore
tive to crossing at Baltimore Street. The letter suggested that the applica-
tion be filed with the Pacific Electric and Railroad Commission. The matter
was left in the hands of the City Attorney.
State The Clerk read a letter addressed to Mayor McCallen and signed by Governor
Council of
Defense Olson relative to California State Council of Defense.' Inquiry was made con-
cerning action, if any, taken or to be taken in the City of Huntington Beach.
The Clerk was directed to.reply and mail the Governor's office a copy of the
City's Major Disaster Emergency ordinance.
State Park The Clerk read a letter from the Division of darks, State of California,
relative to establishing a state park in Orange County near Huntington Beach.
The letter was ordered filed.
proclamation The Clerk read a letter from the Southern ;California Horticultural Insti-
tute suggesting that the Mayor make a proclamation for October to be the month
to start a more beautiful Southern California by planting flowers, trees and
shrubs and by the home owners rejuvenating their lawns. The Mayor stated that
he would make such a proclamation.
-Jetties The Clerk read a letter from the War Department relative to proposed
at Seal Beach
Jetties to be constructed in the vicinity of Seal Beach, same was ordered filed.
Ord.#440 - The Clerk gave Ordinance No. 440, setting the fee for connecting with
Sewer -Joliet sewer extension, its second and final reading and, on motion by Chamness
seconded by Morehouse, Ordinance No. 440 was passed and adopted by the following
AYES: Councilmen: Chamness, Talbert, Morehouse, McCallen.
NOES: Councilmen: None.
ABSENT: Councilmen: Grable.
478 Page 2, Minutes Sept. 23, 1940
Neon sign On motion by Chamness seconded by Talbert, the application
of the Model Garage to erect Neon sign at 120 Ocean Avenue was
Neon sign On motion by dhamness seconded by Talbert, the application. of E.
R.Ellis to erect Neon sign at 438 Main Street was approved.
Councilman The Mayor appointed Councilman Talbert on the Finance Committee
Talbert -
Finance Com, in the absence of Councilman Grable.
Miss Whitfield The Mayor informed the Council that Mrs. Ed Elliott had resigned
on Library Board •
from the Library Board and that he had appointed Miss Sara Whitfield
as a member of the Board :for the period covering the unexpired term
of Mrs. Ed Elliott, s me being from September 23, 1940 to July 1,
1942, and on motion by Talbert seconded by Morehouse, the appointment
was approved by the City Council.
17th Street Mayor McCallen stated that he had had a talk with Mr. Lawshe, •
manager of the Huntington Beach Company, relative to deeding a
portion of 17th Street park to the Richfield Oil Company for the
purpose of removing their plant now located at 12.th and Palm. Mr.
Lawshe as$ed that a letter be sent him outlining the plan of; transfer,
same to be submitted to their Board of Directors and, on motion by
Morehouse seconded by Chamness, the City Attorney was authorized to
.write such a letter to the Huntington Beach Company.
Pressure tests Fire Chief $argent stated that the pressure tests had not been
made by the Southern California. Water Company but that same would be
made in the near future.
Conscription of The Mayor suggested that any employee conscripted for the Army
employees •
should be given permission to return to his job when released by the
Army and, on motion by Chamness seconded by Talbert, tir City Council
went on record favoring the above named plan provided such employee
make application for reinstatement within sixlt9 days from the date of
his discharge.
Demands On motion by Chamness seconded by Talbert, demands approved by the
Finance Committee were ordered paid.
St. signs Councilman Morehouse stated that plans for erecting street signs,
along Ocean Avenue
and elsewhere had not yet been
Street roller
The matter of
purchasing a street roller was
deferred until a
later date and the
City Engineer was directed to secure
informal bids.
Aircraft Co.
The matter of
leasing a portion of the sewage
disposal plant
grounds to the American Aircraft Company to be used
for the manufacture
of air planes and"parts was discussed.. Whereupon;
the following motion
Page 3, Minutes.Sept.23, 194o
was made by Councilman Chamness; "That the lease of Ray Yakura, dated
November 28, 1939, be cancelled and that notice be served in accordance
with the above named lease." Motion seconded by Councilman Talbert,
put and carried unanimously.
'Vacation On motion by Chamness seconded by Morehouse, P.L. Huddle was granted
a two weeks vacation.
Vacation On motion by Chamness seconded by Morehouse, Fire Chief Sargent was
granted vacation beginning September 25th for a period of two weeks.
On motion by Chamness seconded by Morehouse, the Council adjourned
until 5;00 o'clock P.M. Tuesday, "September 24, 1940.
Cit er
City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk
of the City Council.