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Council Chamber, City Hall,
Huntington Beach,Calif.
Monday, October 7, 1940.
The regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at
7:30 P.M. by Mayor McCallen.
Councilmen present: Grable, Talbert, Morehouse, McCallen.
Councilmen absent: Chamness.
Minutes On motion by Talbert seconded by Grable, minutes for the month of
September were approved as read.
Tax deeded. Mr. G. M. Hamilton addressed the Council relative to the purchase of
tax deeded lots 3, 4 and south J of 5, Block 1105, Vista Del Mar tract.
He was informed that the City was in position to sell its interest only
at this time and could not immediately clear title and, on motion by
Talbert seconded by Grable, the City Attorney was authorized to adver-
tise for sale, the above named lots; bids to be opened at 8:00 P.M..
October 21st, the sale to be made in two parcels namely: Lot 3 in
Block 1105, Vista Del Mar and Lots 4 and south i of 5 in Block 1105,
Vista Del Mar, title to be in accordance with the city°s interest in
the property at that time.
Street Councilman Morehouse stated that the City was badly in need of a
street roller. The matter was referred to the City Engineer and the Coun-
cil as a whole to examine the various makes of rollers and to report back
at next meeting of the Council.
Sewage Dis- The Clerk read an unsigned statement from Ray Yakura covering ex-
posal plant
tract penses incurred in farming the City°s 44 acre sewage disposal plant tract.
Statement as follows:
Air Compressor - $337.00
Water well - 275.00
Tractor work a 00.00
Total - $1 112.00 `
The matter was held over pending further investigation by the City Council.
Moving The Clerk read a letter from Gordon Ethington quoting prices for
project- moving picture projector, also a letter from Delbert' Higgins, chief life
• or
guard, recommending the $299.00 projector for the city's use and, on motion
by Grable seconded by Talbert, the Council appropriated the sum of $298.00�
for the projector, $27.00 for the microphone, less 10% discount and autho-
rized the purchase of same.
Neon sign On nDtion by Morehouse seconded by Talbert, the application of A.H.
a Mayer to erect Neon sign at 215 Main Street was approved.
Audit The Clerk read a letter from Diehl and Edwards, certified public
accountants, proposing to make the regular annual audit of the City's
books for the sum of $15.00 per day and a guarantee that the total charge
482 Page
2, Minutes Oct. 7, 1940
will not exceed $300.00 and, on motion by Morehouse. seconded by
Grable, the Clerk was directed to notify Diehl and Edwards that
their offer was accepted.
La habra fiesta m The Clerk read a letter from the La Habra Fiesta and Horse
Show October 19th and 20th inviting the City Council to ride in
the parade. The Clerk was directed to write La Habra to the
effect that all city councilmen will be on hand at 2:00 P.M.,
October 19th and will furnish their own car, decorated.
Monthly The Clerk read monthly reports of the City Treasurer, City
Clerk, City Collector, City Judge, Superintendent of Streets and
Chief of Police and, on motion by Grable seconded by Talbert, same
were approved as read.
The 'Clerk informed the Council that it was the desire of the
members of the Planning Commission to meet with the City Council
in the near future, October 21st was set as a tentative date.
W.P.A. -
Engineer Overmyer informed the City Council that the 13th Street
13th St. ,storm
Storm Drain project would be completed on or about November 1st and
that the W.P.A. would probably have a small amount of money left over
from the project. Mr. Overmyer recommended that the City build approx-
imately 301 feet of sewer line along Alabama Avenue in the vicinity of
the city yard, also that improvements be made in storm drains at 5th
and 6th Streets and Ocean Avenue and that funds for the City for
doing the above. named work be taken from the City° s J cent gas tax
and, on motion by•Morehouse seconded by Talbert, the City Engineer was
authorized to prepare and submit the necessary application for funds
from the 4 cent gas tax. On motion by Talbert seconded by Grable, the
City Engineer was authorized to proceed with the extension of the Ala-
bama Avenue sewer using W.P.A. labor and at a cost not to exceed $150.00,
to the City.
Demands On -motion by Talbert seconded by Grable, demands approved by the
Finance Committee were ordered paid.
Remove On motion by Morehouse seconded by Talbert, the application of the
Associated Oil Company to remove Pine trees from the parking in front of
219 Springfield was approved.
Permit On motion by Morehouse seconded by Grable, the Texaco Oil Company
was granted a permit to widen the entrance to its service station at
6th and Ocean.
Life Guards - The Clerk read a letter addressed to the City Council and
letter of
thanks. signed by members of the Life guard Department thanking the Council
for -furnishing jobs during the summer. The letter was accepted and
ordered filed.
Page 3, Minutes Oct. 7, 1940
On motion by Talbert seconded by Morehouse, the Council ad-
journed until 7:30 P.M. Monday, October 21st, 1940.
-` Ci y C erk
City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk
of the City Council.