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Minutes -
Council Chamber, City Hall,
Huntington Beach, Calif.
Monday, February 3, 1941.
The regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at
7:30 P.M. by Mayor McCallen.
Councilmen present: Chamness, Grable, Talbert, Morehouse, McCallen.
Councilmen absent: 'None.
On motion by Morehouse seconded by Grable, minutes for the month
of January were approved as read.
The Clerk read monthly reports of the City Treasurer, City Clerk,
City Collector, City Judge, City Engineer and Chief of Police and, on
motion by Grable seconded by Talbert, same were accepted and ordered
Public highway The Clerk read a letter from the California State Chamber of
for National Commerce together with a resolution petitioning the government for its
assistance in constructing public highway improvements made necessary
on account of national defense. The letter and resolution were referred
to the Streets and Parks committee and City Engineer to investigate and
report back to the City Council.
H B Garden On motion by Grable seconded by Chamness,.the Council allocated the
sum of $20.00 cash to be paid to the Huntington Beach Garden Club to-
gether with free use of Memorial Hall April 23, 24, 25 and 26, 1941.
Surety Oil Co.= The Clerk read a letter from the Surety Oil Company of Long Beach
makes offer on
part of Blk offering the sum of $100.00 for a portion of Block 2503, East Side Villa
2503 ESV
tract. The Clerk was directed to write the Surety Oil Company and inform
them that the City will advertise the property for sale to the highest
bidder providing they put up a deposit of $10.00, same to be refunded
in the event the Surety Oil Company is not the successful bidder or to
be applied on the purchase price in the event they are successful.
Peace Officers'? A letter from the Peace Officers' Association of California
relative to salaries paid the patrolmen in the State was read and
ordered filed.
Application On motion by Chamness seconded by Morehouse, the application of
Mrs. Helen Moe to operate cafe at 439 Main Street was approved.
Southwest Exp. On motion by Grable seconded by Talbert, the application of South -
Co. - State
• well 036 west Exploration Company to drill State Well No. 36 was approved.
Claim o The Clerk read claim of Denio, Hart, Taubman and Simpson, attorneys,
Denio etal
which was ordered filed.
Minutes Feb.3, 1941 '
Meeting with The Clerk informed the Council that maps and copies of
Commission proposed zoning ordinance were ready to deliver tomembers of
the City Council as soon as a meeting can be arranged between
the City Council and the Planning Commission. It was agreed
that the City Council will meet with the Planning Commission
at 9:00 P.M. Monday, February 17th.
Bids o The Clerk presented and read informal bids for furnishing
lamp globes
the City with electric lamp globes for the ensuing year, as
follows: `
R.E.McIntosh 24% discount on standard package lots
and 19% discount on broken quantities.
Helm Electric Company 24% discount on standard package
lots and 19% on broken quantities.
On motion by Chamness seconded by Grable, the bid of R. E. Mc-
Intosh was accepted and all other bids rejected.
Bids on The Clerk presented and read bids for furnishing the City
contract with gasoline for the year beginning March 20th, 1941 and ending
March 19, 1942. Bids were as follows:
The Texas Company .0997 per gallon on Texaco Fire Chief gasoline. .
Union Oil Company of California .0973 per gallon on Union "76"
Shell Oil Company .0873 per gallon on Superskell gasoline.
Signal Oil Company .0973 per gallon on Signal gasoline.
Sunset Oil Company .0997 per gallon on Sunset De Luxe gasoline.
Standard Oil Company .0973 per gallon on Standard gasoline.
On motion by Talbert seconded by'Grable, the folloking bids were
accepted and all other bids rejected.
Shell Oil Company for the period March 20, 1941 to June 19, 1941.
Union Oil Company June 20, 1941 to September 19, 1941,
Signal Oil Company September 20, 1941 to December 19, 19410
Standard Oil Company December 20, 1941 to March 19, 1942, at
their bid price of .0873 per gallon delivered f.o.b. Huntington
Application e
Mr. Westmoreland
The application of D. H Westmoreland to.rent a concession on t'.-
the first floor of the beach pavilion was read and after some die-
cussion Mr. Westmoreland was informed that the City could not
lease any portion of the building for a concession while the
present lease is in effect. ;
Bus stops
Mayor McCallen stated that he had consulted with officials
of the Santa Fe bus line and the Greyhound bus line and they #ad
agreed not to discharge passengers on the southerly side of Ocean
Avenue but that they would make arrangements to use either 6th
Street or some service station grounds for loading and unload-
ing passengers. .
Minutes Feb.3, 1941
Dump ground
City Attorney Overacker informed the Council that contract
for lease of ground to dump trash would be ready at next.meeting
of the Council.
17th Street
Mayor McCallen informed the Council that he had contacted Mr.
Lawshe of'the Huntington Beach Company and that the company is not
agreeable for the City to use 17th Street park or any part of it
on which to construct oil refineries but that they were agreeable
to trade a number of lots in the vicinity of 20th and Palm for
lots now.occupied by the Richfield plant at.12th and Palm. The
Mayor stated that he would continue negotiation and report later
to the City. Council.
On motion by Chamness seconded by Talbert, demands approved
by the Finance Committee were ordered paid.,
On motion by Cha.mness seconded by Talbert, Council adjourned
until 7:30 P.M. Monday, February 17, 1941.
City Cl6rk
City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk
of the City Council.