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Council Chamber, City Hall,
Huntington Beach, California
7:30 P.M. Monday, March 9, 1942.
- Pursuant to adjournment of Tuesday, March 3, 1942, the City Council
met and was called to order by Mayor,McCallen.
Councilmen present Henrickson, Talbert, Morehouse, McCallen.
Councilmen absent: Grable.
The Mayor appointed Councilman Henrickson on the Finance Committee.
56dthier`n On motion by Henrickson seconded by Talbert, the Southern California
if or
E.dis'on`.. ,_Edison Company was granted permission to install a temporary conduit line
rC°y approximately 250 feet long along the concrete coping at the foot of the'
~^ guard rail on the west side of the pier, it being understood that the
installation will be temporary only,
~�. Public Beach The Clerk read a letter,from the Public Beach Coordinator of South -
recommends ern California recommending the following.wages to be paid life guards:
wages for
life Captain of Life Guards: $225.00 $240.00 $250.00
guards Lieutenants: 180.00 190,00 200.00
Yearly life guards: 150.00 155.00 160.00 $165000 170,'00
and 170.00
Seasonal life guards: 140.o0 145.00 150.00
r The above to be con, a 40 hour week and a monthly pay basis with yearly
advance, to each successive grade of years .service. The letter was re-
ferred to the Beach and Pier Committee for its study.
Compensation The Mayor read a letter from Milton R. Foster, secretary of Local 687,
Ins. for
musicians A.F.of M., Santa Ana, to the effect that if the City requires contracting
musicians to pay�'the State Compensation Insurance that all bands will
immediately be prevented from performing for the City of Huntington Beach.
A general discussion followed in which it was agreed among members of the
Council that either the band management should carry the compensation Ins-
urance or report to the City the number of players and have a deduction
made covering the amount of insurance to be paid by'the City. It being
further understood that no deduction will be made where it would cause
the musicians to work for less than the union scale,
- On motion
by Talbert seconded by Henrickson, the Mayor and City Clerk
music for
Mch 7th &
were authorized to sign the contract for services to be.furnished March 7th,
1942 and March
14th, 1942, for agreed price of $275.00 per night.
On motion
by Morehouse seconded by Talbert, it was ordered that no
further contracts be executed for musicians unless they either carry com-
pensation insurance or allow the City to deduct the necessary amount for
each performance.
Mr. Burley-
On motion
by Morehouse seconded by Talbert, the City Clerk was directed
camp -
Lot 22,
to contact Mr.
Charles Burleycamp and.endeavor to negotiate a deal whereby
Blk. 711
Mr. Burleyeamp
would buy Lot 22, Block 711, Wesley Park tract, instead of
selling to the
City Improvement Bond No. 23 of the 1911 Act on the above
named lot.
1 3 6 Page 2 - Minutes Mar.9,1942
State Guard The Mayor submitted a map which had previously been pre- T
to patrol
oil field pared by Commander Hopkins of the State Guard outlining certain d
districts in Huntington Beach to be patrolled and posted with
.signs for closing in the event of an emergency and, on motion
by Renrickson seconded by.Morehouse, the City Attorney was
authorized to prepare an emergency ordinance as per map sub-
mitted and.submit same to the City Council at its next meeting.
Certain Districts On motion by Talbert seconded by Morehouse, the City Engineer
to be posted
and Coordinator were authorized to have prepared the proper signs
and have same posted at points to be designated in the above
named ordinance.
Board of
On motion by Henrickson seconded by Talbert, the City Clerk
was directed to write a letter to the Board of Supervisors re-
questing that they cooperate with Commander Hopkins in estab-
lishing a district outside and immediately adjoining the City
of Huntington Beach for the protection of the water reservoir
and source of supply of all industries.
Application from
The Clerk ,presented .application from the War Department for
War .Dept.
permission to use the life guard station. This request was re-
ferred to the Beach and Pier Committee for its consideration. ,
Lake Park
The Clerk presented an application from the War Department
Club ho-use
for permission to use the Lake Park Club house and, on motion
by Henrickson seconded by Talbert, the Mayor and Clerk were
authorized to execute this agreement with the provisioncthat
the Army pay all utility bills.
Petition -
The Clerk informed the Council that he had received a
Dance Hall
petition signed by approximately 247 citizens of Huntington Beach
in which the City Council was requested to close all dance halls
between the hours of 12:00 midnight and 8:00 .o!clock A.M. the following
morning or to submit the proper ordinance to the voters. No action
was taken by the City Council.
Salary Ord.#452
The Clerk read salary Ordinance No. 45.2. This being the second
and final reading, on motion by Morehouse seconded by Talbert, Ord-
inance No. 452 was passed and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Henrickson, Talbert, Morehouse, McCallen.
NOES: Councilmen: None.
ABSENT: Councilmen: Grable.
On motion by Talbert seconded by Morehouse, the Mayor and Clerk
Bruce Bros.
were authorized to execute an agreement with Bruce Bros. for a three
year lease on the present dump ground.
Reso.#897 -
The Clerk read Charter amendment resolution No. 897 and after
Charter Amendment
some discussion it was agreed that the following title be added to
Section 11, Article 7, "Qualification of Appointive Officers and Whose
Appointed to Fill Vacancies in Elective Offices". On motion by
seconded by Talbert, Resolution No. 897 was passed.and
13 7'
Page 3 - Minutes Mar.991942
adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Councilmen: Henrickson, Talbert, Morehouse, McCallen.
NOES: Councilmen; None.
ABSENT: Councilmen: Grable.
Demands On motion by Talbert seconded by Henrickson, demands approved by
the Finance Committee were ordered paid.
Parking Councilman Henrickson called attention to the necessity for pro -
for bicycles
viding parking for bicycles and the matter was referred to the Police
and Fire Committee and Chief of Police for their.report.
Lights at The matter of Bellowing Pav-A-Lon lights to burn during nights
when no dances are held was referred to the Beach and Pier Committee
with power to act.
The Mayor and City Councilmen agreed to meet at 10:00 A.M.Wednesday
March 11, 1 942.
On motion by Henrickson seconded by Morehouse, the Council adjourned
until 4:00 P.M. Tuesday, March 10, 1942.
City Cl-e-fkl,
City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk
of the City Council.
Council Chamber, City Hall,
Huntington Beach, California
4:00 P. M. Tuesday, March 10, 1942.
Pursuant to adjournment of March 9, 1942, the Clerk appeared at the
Council Chamber at 4:00 P.M. Tuesday, March 10, 1942. There being no
quorum, the Clerk adjourned the meeting until 10:00 A.M. Wednesday, March
11, 1942.
City Clerk and ex-officio ler of the
Ci y Clerk