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Council Chamber, City Hall,
Huntington Beach, California
4:00 P.M. March 16, 1942
Pursuant to adjournment of 4:00 P.M. Thursday, March 12, 1942, the
City Clerk appeared at the Council Chamber at. 4:00 o'clock P.M. March
16; 1942. There being no 4uorum, the Clerk adjourned the meeting until
7:30 P.M..Monday, March 239 1942.
City Clerk and ex-officio lerk
of the City Couhcil
City CleYk
Council Chamber, City Hall,
Huntington Beach, California
7:30 P.M.Monday,-.March 23, 1942
Pursuant to adjournment of 4:00 P.M. Monday, March 16, 1942, the
City Council met and was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor McCallen.
Councilmen present: Henrickson, Talbert, Morehouse, McCallen.
Councilmen absent: Grable.
The Mayor appointed Councilman Henrickson on the Finance Committee
i.B.Garden Club On motion by Talbert seconded by Morehouse, the application of the
Huntington Beach Garden Club for use of the Memorial Hall April 23, 24,
25, 26 and 27 was approved and the Clerk directed to notify the secre-
tary of the Garden Club,
Drange Co. The Clerk read a letter from the.Orange County Defense Council relative
Defense Council
to obliterating names of cities and directional arrows. The letter was
referred to the Defense Council and ordered filed.
Letter A letter from the' War Department relative to any objections based
iNar Dept.
on navigation interest on account of the construction of landing floats
in Newport Harbor was read and ordered filed.
6ervice Stktion - On motion by Morehouse seconded by Henrickson, the application of
Leonard H.Houle to operate service station at 102.Ocean Avenue was
Page 2.- Minutes Mar. 23, 1942
Christian A letter from the Christian Church choir was read and, on motion by
Talbert seconded by Morehouse, the choir was given permission to use Memo-
rial Hall to stage an Easter pageant for the general public on the evening
of April 5,- 1942, free of charge.
r Agreement - The Clerk read an agreement between the City and Dwight K.'Clapp covering
Clapp rental of beach front space to be used in the business of selling cold drinks,
hamburgers, confections and renting of umbrellas for a period of three years
and, on motion by Henrickson seconded by Talbert, the Mayor and City Clerk
were authorized to execute same. In this connection the Clerk was directed
;w. to inform Mr. Clapp that he will have to pay all utilities except water.
• Coordinator The Clerk presented and read recommendation of Coordinator Leland S.
recom;_,enda-Chamness to the effect that the Civilian Defense Corps has been organized to
the extent that a full time organization is not required. The letter also
• contained the statement that if the'Council should desire the services of Mr.
• Chamness as coordinator after April 1st that he would.give it his best
attention without salary. Whereupon, the following motion was made by
Councilman Henrickson: "That the City Council accept the recommendation of
Coordinator Chamness and that he be continued as coordinator subject to the
�- will and pleasure of the City Council, but without salary, beginning April
1, 1942." Motion put and carried by the following vote:
AYES: . Councilmen: Henrickson, Talbert, Morehouse, McCallen..
NOES: Councilmen: Norte.
ABSENT: Councilmen: Grable.
Demands On motion by Talbert seconded by Henrickson, demands approved by the
Finance Committee were ordered paid.
Ord.#453 The City Attorney presented and read for the first time Ordinance No..
453; an ordinance regulating traffic in certain districts to be restricted'
within the city during an emergency. The Ordinance was referred back to
the City Attorney and the Coordinator for further study and to be re -submitted
to the City Council for a first reading after same has been prepared to the
satisfaction of the City Attorney and the Coordinator.
.� Transportation Secretary of the Chamber of Commerce Gallienne addressed the Council
relative to the need of better transportation facilities to and from Hunt-
ington Beach and especially bus lines. Mr. Gallienne stated that the number
of busses traveling through Huntington Beach was probably sufficient but that
the stops made after leaving Huntington Beach was very unsatisfactory. The
Mayor appointed all members of the Council as a committee.to meet with Justus
F. Craemer in Santa Ana March 31st at the Y.W.C.A. building, Fifth and Iain
Lights on The matter of allowing lights to burn on the outside of the Pav-A-Lon
was referred to Councilman Talbert, chairman of the Beach and Pier Committee,
to use his best judgment in regulating same.
Orange Co. City Attorney Overacker called attention to meeting of the Orange County
League of Cities to be held'Thursday evening, March 26th, 6:45 P.M. at Daniger's
Page 3 - Minutes Mar. 23, 1942
cafe, Santa Ana. He was informed that approximately six people
would attend from Hunpington Beach.
On motion by Councilman Henrickson seconded by Councilman Talbert, -
the following salary adjustments were ordered made effective.April
1, 1942:
Helen N.Newland,Chief Deputy City Clerk and Deputy Collector,advanced to Classifica-
tion licit - $170.00 per mo.
Myrtle E.Herlinger,Deputy Clerk & stenographer,advanced to Classification "C"$140.00 per mo.
Helen Axton,Deputy Clerk -bookkeeper, advanced to Classification licit $140.00 per mo.
gorge M.Mitchell,manager pavilion, advanced to -Classification licit $$175.00 per mo.
0. A. Mosier, Police Clerk, advanced to Classification "Eli, $160.00 per mo.
L. E. Hill, Fireman -engineer, advanced to Classification "Eli, $175,00 per mo.
Cecil Dowty,Fireman-engineer,,.advaneed to Classification "Eli, $175.00 per mo.
Wm.E.Rardin, Fireman -engineer, advanced to Classification "Eli, $175.00 per mo.
Leo W. Farwell, Fireman -engineer, advanced to Classification "Eli, $$175.00 per mo.
Frank F. Groover, Fireman -mechanic, advanced to Classification "Eli, $175.00 per mo.
M.'C. Larson, janitor, advanced to Classification "D",• $160.00 per mo. -
P. L. Huddle, Street foreman, advanced to Classification "•D", $210.00 per mo.
E. R. Hensley, Sweeper operator, advanced to Classification licit, $$160.00 per mo.
J. C. Clark, Sewage plant operator, advanced to Classification 11011, $175.00 -per mo.
Delbert Higgins, Chief lifeguard, advanced to Classification,"D", $175,00 per.mo.
A.H.Campbell, laborer, advanced to Classification "Eli, $155,00 per mo.'
..C.H.Ellis, laborer, advanced to Classification "Eli; $155.00 per mo.
.E. E. Murphy, laborer, advanced to Classification "Eli, $155.00 per mo.
.A.E.Rafferty, electrician, advanced to Classification "D", $185.00 per mo.
.R.R.St.• Clair, sign painter, advanced to Classification "Eli, $180.00.per mo.
.Matt Grate, laborer, advanced to Classification "C", $$135.00 per mo.-
.Joe Hughes, laborer, advanced to Classification "Eli, $$155.00 per mo.
Chas. R. Nutt,Jr.., laborer, advanced to Classification "Eli, $155.00 per mo.
.L. Paxson, laborer, advanced to Classification "Eli, $155.00 per mo.
.Paul Wiman, laborer, advarrced'•to Classification "Ell, $155.00 per mo.
C. H. Killian, trailer park caretaker, advanced to Classification "C", $155.00 per mo.
.C.J.Webeter, truck driver, advanced to Classification "Eli, $160.00 per mo..
T. C. Vincent, utility man, advanced to Classification "D", $175.00 per-mo.
.Hugh Wells, utility man, advanced to Classification licit, $$160.00 per m6.
-Art Umphenour, chief auto mechanic, advanced to Classification licit, $175:00 per mo.
Jack Ducommon, janitor, advanced to Classification "D", $140.00 per mo:
.F.W.Mauldin, gardener, advanced to Classification "D", $150.00 per mo..
Joe Palladino, gardener, advanced to Classification "D", $150.00 per mo.,
Grover Barrows, janitor, advanced to Classification "D", $$140.00 per mo.
Myrtle Yost, janitress, advanced to Classification "C" , `„4.85.00 per mo., .
Maxine Hosmer, civilian defense clerk, advanced to Classification "A", $0.50 per hour.
Everett Diekoff, part time laborer, advanced to Classification "C", $0.69 per hour.
Ed Manning, part time laborer, advanced to Classification "Bit, $0.625 per hour.
Page 4 - Minutes Mar. 23, 1942
City Judge advanced to $150.00 per month beginning immediately
after the canvass of votes following the general municipal election
on April 14th, 1942.
Chief of Police advanced to $240.00 per month beginning immediately
after the canvass of votes following the general municipal election on
April 14, 1942.
Motion put and carried unanimously.
• On motion by Talbert seconded by Henrickson, the Council adjourned
until 4:00 o'clock P.M. Tuesday, March 24, 1942.
City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of
the City Council.
ATTEC, Mayor
ty Clerk.
Council Chamber, City Hall,
Huntington Beach, California
4:00 P.M.Tuesday, March 24, 1942
Pursuant to adjournment of Monday, March 23, 1942, the Clerk
appeared at the Co.4ncil Chamber at 4:00 o'clock P.M. Tuesday, March
24, 1942.- There being no quorum present, the Clerk adjourned the
city Cler an ex-officio Gale— r�-
of the City. Council.
City le k