HomeMy WebLinkAbout1942-05-04P-s 153 1 R MINUTES Council Chamber, City Hall, Huntington Beach, California Monday, May 4, 1942. The regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 7:30 P. M. by Mayor Talbert. Councilmen present: Henrickson, Grable, Hawes, Morehouse, Talbert. Councilmen absent: None. Minutes On motion by Morehouse seconded by Grable, minutes for the month of April as read by the City Clerk were approved. At this time, Mayor Talbert asked if anyone in the.audience wished to address the Council. Mrs,, Higgins Mrs. Minnie Higgins spoke of persons standing in front of the post office and on other corners in the City on Saturdays selling pamphlets or circulars. These people are members of Jehovah's Witnesses and refuse to salute the flag. The Council expressed no objections to the Women's Relief Corps holding patriotic meetings with colors displayed on these • corners on Saturdays. Monthly The Clerk read monthly reports of the City Treasurer and City Clerk, reports the City Collector, the City Judge, the City Engineer and Building Inspector and the Chief of Police and, on motion by Grable seconded by Henrickson, reports were received and ordered filed. Bond - S.E. On motion by Henrickson seconded by Morehouse, the bond of S.E.Talbert Tal'�jert as house mover in the amount of $2000.00 was.accepted. Application On motion by Morehouse seconded by Hawes, application of the Southwest Box -vest Exp.Co. State Well :$xploration Company, accompanied by blue print and agreement and approved 51 by the City Engineer, to drill well known as State No. 51 was granted. Report of The report of Diehl and Edwarda, certified public accountants, as to auditors audit of city books as read by the Clerk was ordered placed on file. Fire on The Clerk read a letter from E. J. Dawley, Major General, U.S.A., beaches Commanding, with reference to open fires at night on beaches. Another letter from Frank L. Bowman, Deputy County Counsel of Orange County with reference to an.ordinance to control beach fires was read. On motion by Henrickson seconded by Hawes, the City Attorney was instructed to amend existing ordinance to comply with the suggestions of the County Counsel. Auto Club The Clerk read a letter -from the Automobile Club of Southern Calif - of So. Calif . ornia regarding the necessary use of new.materials for traffic signs. The letter -was referred to the City Engineer, Ord.454 At this time, Ordinance No. 454, an ordinance amending the license passed & adopted ordinance No. 327, had its second reading and, on motion by Henrickson seconded by Grable, Ordinance No. 454 was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen: Henrickson, Grable, Hawes, Morehouse, Talbert. NOES: Councilmen: None. ABSENT: Councilmen: None. 154 Page 2 - Minutes May 4, 1942 Fasolution #900 The Clerk read Resolution No, 900, A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY weed nuisance COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH, CALIFORNIA, DECLARING A NUISANCE TO EXIST AND PROVIDING FOR THE ABATEMENT THEREOF and, on motion by Henrickson seconded by Hawes, Resolution No. 900 was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen: Henrickson, Grable, Hawes, Morehouse, Talbert. �* NOES: Councilmen: None. ABSENT: Councilmen: None. Demands On motion by Grable seconded by Henrickson, bills approved by the Finance Committee were ordered paid. Refund on The City Clerk called the attention of the Council to a refund of helmets $210.64 which amounted to 50¢ plus sales tax on each helmet for the •J Defense Corps. • Oil lease Mayor Talbert presented to the Council a proposed oil lease on the Sewage plant - acreage sewage plant acreage as submitted by Frankley-Harriman, Inc. Mr. Morton D':Fvelyn,'representative of the company, being present was introduced to the Council and discussed the matter with them. The matter was referred to the City Attorney to report back at the next meeting of the City Council wM a lease arrangement properly protecting the City. Posting signs The Mayor called a meeting of the Police and Fire Committee, the in oil field Police Chief, the Fire Chief and the City Attorney and the City Engineer Orda.453 . and himself to meet with Joe Elliott and H. L. Hopkins of the State Guard. The meeting to be held Friday morning, May _Oth at 9:00 A.M. is for the. purpose of discussing the posting of signs and the enforcing of Ord- . inance No. 453. The .City Clerk was instructed. -to notify Mr. Elliott , and Mr. Hopkins of the meeting. Defense rental At the request of Mayor Talbert, the Clerk read portion of Title areas 32 --National Defense, dealing with Defense rental areas. No action taken. Agreements - The Clerk called attention to the agreements of Cliff L. King, Dwight not completed • K. Clapp, dharles B. Tipton and Glenn R. Carr which have not been signed by lessees. The Clerk was instructed to contact the parties and see that the agreements were completed. Hr. Greer At this time, Mayor Talbert asked if there was anyone in the audience �. Tire rationing board who would like to address the Council. Mr. Al Greer, member of the tire rationing board, spoke of lack of material to work with -and saying that they had no filing cabinet and no way to lock up records which must be kept for a period of two years. On motion by kenrickson seconded by J Grable, the Finance Committee was instructed to find a filing cabinet suitable for the purpose and with power to purchase. Fireworks The Chief of Police called the attention of the Council to necessary amendment to the fireworks ordinance as no fireworks can be sold or used. a Page 3 - Minutes May 4, 1942 On motion by Morehouse seconded by Henrickson, the Council adjourned until 7:30 P.M. Monday, May 11, 19420' My Glerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council. 'BY: Deputy 0 ATTEST • Mayor City Clerk BY: 0