HomeMy WebLinkAbout1942-05-251od MINUTES Council Chamber, City Hall, Huntington Beach, California Monday, May 18, 1942. Pursuant to adjournment of May llth, the Clerk appeared at the Council Chamber at 7:30 P.M. There being no quorum • present, the Clerk adjourned the meeting until 7:30 P. M. Monday, May 25, 1942. adl'4 ity C e k and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council. t Mayor ler MINUTES Council Chamber, City Hall, Huntington Beach, California ; Monday, May 25, 1942. Pursuant to adjournment of May l9th, the City Council met and was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor Talbert. Councilmen present: Henrickson, Grable, Hawes, Morehouse, Talbert. Councilmen absent: None. Mr. Wood The Clerk read a letter from P.-L. Wood asking for a new new lease lease on the pier concession for a period of.three years and that the lease be -made to begin as of January 1, 1942 and to terminate Decem- ber 31, 1944, and on motion by Henrickson seconded by Hawes, the City Attorney was authorized to prepare the lease.. Memorial Hall. On motion by Grable seconded by Hawes, the request of Mrs. Edna D. Condon for cancellation of changes for use -of Memorial Hall, evening of May 29th, to stage a benefit show for the Mothers of the Armed Forces of America was approved. Application The application of Mrs. Florence Robinson, 221 Hartford Street, for position as clerk at the trailer park was read and ordered filed. Orange Co. The Clerk read a letter from Secretary Ray H. Overacker,of r League of Cities the Orange County League of Cities informing the Council that the meeting of the Orange'County League of Cities is to be held at 6:45 P.M. on Thursday.. May 29th at the Elks' Club, 205* E.Chapman, Orange. Page 2 - Minutes May 25, 1942 1 t0•e1 41. The letter stated that the meeting will be of special interest to fire chiefs and requestd&'that the Huntington Beech Fire Chief be present. Councilmen Morehouse and Henrickson, Fire Chief Sargent and Attorney Overacker stated that they would attend the meeting. Southwest On motion by Henrickson seconded by Morehouse, the application Exp.Co. Well #52 of Southwest Exploration Company to drill well known as State No. 52 was approved. Weeds The Clerk informed the Council that he had filed Affidavit of Posting Notices to Destroy Weeds., by the Superintendent of Streets. Ins.- The Clerk presented a comprehensive municipal liability policy Liability of the Pacific Indemnity Company, furnished by Huston, Suter & Huston for.the period June 7,•'1942 to June 7, 1944; the total premium of $2,186.26 payable in three annual installments and, on motion by Grable seconded by Hawes, the policy was accepted and premium ordered paid. Eleet.bill - The Clerk informed the Council that electric bills amounting to _ U.S.Army $329.44 had been presented to the Claims Department of the.United States Army, Headquarters Southern California Sector, Pasadena, California, and • that same had been denied with the request that various items of informa- tion be furnished which the Clerk said was almost impossible to secure and, on motion by Henrickson seconded by Hawes, the City Clerk was directed to request the Southern California Edison Company to discontinue charges against the City for 4lectricity used by the Army only. Purchase of On motion by Henrickson seconded by Grable, the Mayor was authoriz- bldg. ed to appoint a committee to investigate and report on the matter of pur- chasing a building owned by the Standard Oil -Company and known as Recreation Building. If purchased building is to be moved to city property for future use. ` Lease of 44 On motion by Henrickson seconded by Hawes, the contract for agri- acres o agri. cultural lease of approximately 44 acres owned by the City was referred } back to the City Attorney with the request that same be amended to carry a non -transfer clause and a forfeiture clause. 1 Demands On motion by Henrickson seconded by Grable, demands approved by the Finance Committee were ordered paid. Ord.#455 The Clerk presented and read, for the first time, Ordinance No. 455, let.reading Civilian Defense Council ordinance. ,v Ord. #456 e 1st reading The Clerk presented and read, for the first time, Ordinance No. 456, an ordinance regulating the Civilian Defense Corps. . Ord. #457 - The Clerk presented and read, for the first time,Ordinance No. 457, lst reading prohibiting open fires at night within the city limits of Huntington Beach. Ord. #458 - The Clerk presented and read, for the first time, Ordinance No. 459, 1st reading prohibiting the sale and discharge of fireworks within the city limits. Sgt.Roark The Clerk read a letter from Sgt. John W. Roark, Air Force Band, Hammer Field, Fresno, California, asking that the City donate to the Army band certain music arrangements belonging to the City in connection with its - 1-b 0 Page 3 - Minutes May 25, 1942 Pav-A-Lon ballroom. The matter was referred to the Beach and Pier Committee and manager Mitchell for report at next meeting of the City Council, Sewage Disposal Councilman Morehouse suggested that some two or three hundred plant Acreage to be leveled Civilian Defense - Mr. Overmyer appointed Executive officer C. of C. Memorial Day Denio et al yards of soil be dumped in the vicinity of the sewage disposal plant and used to fill in so as ,to come up to the work done by the County and, on motion by Henrickson seconded by Grable, the City Engineer was directed to provide the necessary fill=in work and -to arrange to have the work. done .so as to be paid for after July 1, 1942. Mayor Talbert informed the Council that the acreage being purchased from the Mills Land and Water Company needed to have some preliminary leveling and cleaning of debris and weeds and that it was his opinion that the work could be done at a cost of $6.00 per acre and, on motion by Morehouse seconded by Grable, the -street department was directed to proceed with the work under the super- vision and direction of the city engineer and City Council. Mayor Talbert recommended that Engineer Overmyer be appoint- ed executive officer of the Civilian Defense Council, salary to remain at $50.00 per month. Following motion by Grable seconded by Hawes: "That the office of coordinator be declared vacant". Motion put and carried unanimously. On motion by Grable seconded by Hawes, City Engineer Harry A. Overmyer was appointed executive officer of the Civilian Defense Council at a salary of $50.00 per month to serve during the will and pleasure of the City Council. Chamber of Commerce secretary Gallienne addressed the Council and asked that the sum of $25.00 be allocated to cover part of the expense of furnishing a public address system to be used on the beach Memorial Day and, on motion by Morehouse seconded by Grable, the Council appro- priated the sum of not to exceed $25.00 for the above purpose. Mayor Talbert informed the Council that he and the City Attorney and special attorneys were investigating the matter of settlement of the case Denio et al with the. City of Huntington Beach but that they had nothing to report at this time. On motion by Henrickson seconded by Grable, the Council adjourned. T. City lerk City le�r_k an ex-officio Cle rk of the City Council. . � �a A Mayor l 1 1 7 "i l